Shawn mendes

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Right? i fear listening to it will make my penis shrink and balls disappear. Next, I will be waking up at night with panic attacks (dont @me for this) I have the right to be dramatic too Shawn.

I listened to "Lost in Japan" and bled from my ears. Sure Shawn bled from his vagina when he wrote it. But shame, sure he had a lot of anxiety when he wrote it while his grey sugar daddy was fucking his straight hole!
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I guess I just don't really get why'd you'd spend time on a thread of someone you don't even like purely to trash them? There's a reason you don't see me in any Lee Ryan or Nash Grier threads.

Anyway, here's Shawn juggling and looking adorable:
I guess I just don't really get why'd you'd spend time on a thread of someone you don't even like purely to trash them? There's a reason you don't see me in any Lee Ryan or Nash Grier threads.

Anyway, here's Shawn juggling and looking adorable:
Yeah man, I also don't het that either(probably don't have anything better to do? Idk). But what I really don't get is why anyone would dislike him. He seems like the sweetest guy ever! How can anyone not feel like eating him?!
I mean, people are free to like or dislike who they want. I can't say I don't understand why some people were rubbed the wrong way by his Rolling Stone interview, but I think it's clear he meant no harm with his comments. But if someone's not going to like them from that, that's fine, but it just seems odd and a waste of time to then spam a thread dedicated to calling him all sorts of names and making sly comments.
Yeah its different when you are a fan of someone and they let you down... Thats most of where my beef with him comes from like spending money on his vinyls and etc... and then to read that interview its like bruh! i'm done staning

True. I've been there and back with enough celebrities over the years myself to get that.....but if I've decided that I now 'hate' a celebrity, that's it. I don't waste my energy on them at all. What's the point?

If someone hates Shawn now and thinks he's a homophobe or whatever then fine, that's their opinion....but why then waste your time engaging in anything to do with him if that's the case?
Yeah its different when you are a fan of someone and they let you down... Thats most of where my beef with him comes from like spending money on his vinyls and etc... and then to read that interview its like bruh! i'm done staning

You can like someone's music/movies without becoming a fan. I'm not a fan of anyone yet I like a number of tv shows and songs to death. That way you don't have to deal with people's shit opinions.
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I'm not a fan of his music and I was particularly annoyed by his rolling stone interview. Hate is a strong word but I don't particularly like him.

Doesn't mean I don't want to fuck his brains out. Hence why I'm still watching this thread and 'engaging in things to do with him'
I mean, people are free to like or dislike who they want. I can't say I don't understand why some people were rubbed the wrong way by his Rolling Stone interview, but I think it's clear he meant no harm with his comments. But if someone's not going to like them from that, that's fine, but it just seems odd and a waste of time to then spam a thread dedicated to calling him all sorts of names and making sly comments.
I agree. The gay rumors bother Shawn, but he knows they shouldn't, and he's struggling with that atm. Hopefully he can overcome those fears of being seen as gay.

I think most people can relate to the experience of knowing something shouldn't bother you but not being able to help feeling bothered by it.

This article is an interesting read: Shawn Mendes on Struggling With Internalized Homophobia
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