Shawn mendes

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Regardless, take pretty boy with an ok voice? (never heard it but they say so)
He got Grammy or was nominated tells you how bad music standards have become

First you call his music for 9/10 year olds, then you say you never heard any of it and then you talk about how low the standarts are for music today, wich you claim you never heard any. Applaus, you played yourself. People like you are the reason why normal people cant take anything serious on the internet.
First you call his music for 9/10 year olds, then you say you never heard any of it and then you talk about how low the standarts are for music today, wich you claim you never heard any. Applaus, you played yourself. People like you are the reason why normal people cant take anything serious on the internet.
I stand strong, i do not know his music, am here for his face, ass and the gossip on here. The age statement and grammy Award reference come from previous comments on here i read. I could look them up to quote them but you not worth that effort. If you actually been following this thread then you would know which comments am talking about. If you have not then you will try to sound smart with your comment like you just tried to.

Lastly, the music standard reference is a general one which not only been said on here but something i think in general when it comes to music all these artist are putting out as of recently. Bad music is now rewarded and that is no secret.
So not sure how i played myself with my own words. I dont know the guys music and gain nothing from lying about it to people on the internet.

I am very normal Mr unlike you who gets butt hurt about a comment that has nothing to do with you.I will not insult you back. You not worth it, now go paint a picture
im pretty sure shawn has a 6 -7 inch penis and probably uncut
He has a tiny penis, that's why he is a bottom. Lmao
Getting so sick of internet trolls like you.
Have no one ever told you, words can hurt too? You're literally body shaming him based on an assumption you have and use that to feed your fantasies. And that 'LOL' in the end to add how much you enjoy talking shit about someone is almost psychotic.

I am fully aware this forum is different and crosses lines of what's socially acceptable but the way people talk about others like Shawn is just way too much. It's simply hating and bullying and that's so unacceptable no matter what environment. Why does everybody think it's okay?

Probably getting a sh*tload of hate for this too but someone had to say it. Can't we just go back to being nice and positive about him? It's perfectly fine to not like him or to think he's ugly or small or whatever but just stay out of this topic then. Plenty of other dudes to admire. Can't all like the same. :)
Getting so sick of internet trolls like you.
Have no one ever told you, words can hurt too? You're literally body shaming him based on an assumption you have and use that to feed your fantasies. And that 'LOL' in the end to add how much you enjoy talking shit about someone is almost psychotic.

I am fully aware this forum is different and crosses lines of what's socially acceptable but the way people talk about others like Shawn is just way too much. It's simply hating and bullying and that's so unacceptable no matter what environment. Why does everybody think it's okay?

Probably getting a sh*tload of hate for this too but someone had to say it. Can't we just go back to being nice and positive about him? It's perfectly fine to not like him or to think he's ugly or small or whatever but just stay out of this topic then. Plenty of other dudes to admire. Can't all like the same. :)

Completely agree, this has to be one of the most vile threads going on here. Im surprised it's been allowed to get to this state. Needs resetting and for the people with nothing positive to say to stay away. I have no idea what it is about this particular celebrity that seems to fill so many with such hatred and bitterness, but it's awful. There seems to be so much anger and negativity. What does any of it achieve?
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