Should I Have My Frenulum Removed?



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Here are 4 pictures of my frenulum.
I am uncut - but like to roll back most of the time (I’ve even considered circumcision)
What do you think about how this looks right now?
It is kind of tight - and the sensitivity it has is not one that helps me sexually.
I have read about frenulectomy and frenuloplasty.
I’m intrigued and keen!
Can anyone offer any thoughts, advice, experiences, suggestions?
Thanks for the feedback!
But it is not sensitive in a good way.
It feels short and tight with no elasticity.
I feel I’d have more freedom of movement without it.
Maybe I should just get fully circumcised?
Good to know.
Anyone know anything about surgical options for frenulectomy- and have any experiences or pros/cons to share?
I had a tight frenulum as well, albeit a bit tighter than yours and I agree that the sensation wasn’t the best. It was very sensitive, but in a very sharp stinging kind of way which was more painful than pleasurable during sex. I too liked to fully retract most of the time and have my glans bare, so I can see where you are coming from.

I ended up having my frenululm fully removed as part of a complete circumcision. There were other factors at play that made me go for the most radical solution, but the tight frenulum was a major one. Everything feels really nice now and the area where the frenulum used to be is a major orgasm triggerer for me now in a way my frenulum never was. My understanding is that it is the frenular area itself that is highly innervated and removing the frenulum helps take away that painful stinging sensation and exposes those nerve endings underneath the frenulum.

If you are unhappy with it as it is at the moment, I would consider a frenulectomy and I am very sceptical you would lose anything from a pleasure perspective. Plenty of guys on here have had theirs removed and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. As to whether you would like a full circumcision instead, that’s a separate matter and it is a more personal choice. I won’t go into that, since it would be off topic, but I’ll just mention that if circumcision is also on the table and you are also having a frenulectomy, best to have them both at once to minimise the discomfort of having your penis sutured up and out of service for a few weeks. I’d be very keen to avoid having to go through two separate procedures.
Good to know.
Anyone know anything about surgical options for frenulectomy- and have any experiences or pros/cons to share?

I chose to get circumcised 5 years ago. The frenulum was left, but I had it completely removed about a year ago. My frenulum never had any interesting sensation at all, but it now feels much more sensitive there, which is great. Having said that, people vary and you'd want to be careful about doing something permanent that you later regret. If it's only your frenulum that bothers you, I wouldn't have thought you should get circumcised. Once it's gone it's gone!
I had a tight frenulum as well, albeit a bit tighter than yours and I agree that the sensation wasn’t the best. It was very sensitive, but in a very sharp stinging kind of way which was more painful than pleasurable during sex. I too liked to fully retract most of the time and have my glans bare, so I can see where you are coming from.

I ended up having my frenululm fully removed as part of a complete circumcision. There were other factors at play that made me go for the most radical solution, but the tight frenulum was a major one. Everything feels really nice now and the area where the frenulum used to be is a major orgasm triggerer for me now in a way my frenulum never was. My understanding is that it is the frenular area itself that is highly innervated and removing the frenulum helps take away that painful stinging sensation and exposes those nerve endings underneath the frenulum.

If you are unhappy with it as it is at the moment, I would consider a frenulectomy and I am very sceptical you would lose anything from a pleasure perspective. Plenty of guys on here have had theirs removed and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. As to whether you would like a full circumcision instead, that’s a separate matter and it is a more personal choice. I won’t go into that, since it would be off topic, but I’ll just mention that if circumcision is also on the table and you are also having a frenulectomy, best to have them both at once to minimise the discomfort of having your penis sutured up and out of service for a few weeks. I’d be very keen to avoid having to go through two separate procedures.
Incredibly helpful - and detailed - thank you so.
I will definitely, at the very least, look at getting the frenulum removed. Based on all you say here - I am extremely tempted to get a full circumcision too.
Thank you!
I chose to get circumcised 5 years ago. The frenulum was left, but I had it completely removed about a year ago. My frenulum never had any interesting sensation at all, but it now feels much more sensitive there, which is great. Having said that, people vary and you'd want to be careful about doing something permanent that you later regret. If it's only your frenulum that bothers you, I wouldn't have thought you should get circumcised. Once it's gone it's gone!
Great advice - thank you.
How old were you when cut - and how much did you describe to the doc how you wanted to look?
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Your experience is the same as mine. "Sensitive but not in a good way" perfectly sums up how I felt about my frenulum. It always seems so overrated on forums like this. "Don't remove your frenulum! It's the most sensitive part!!" Well yeah, my eyeball is sensitive but I don't want anyone touching it. I generally didn't associate my fren with pleasant sensations. I 100% agree with the guys here who say they only ever felt a stinging sensation from their frenulum and that they were more able to enjoy the sensations of the frenular delta once the frenulum was removed. This was my experience too.

First I had it lengthened by performing a frenular tie on myself (a bit scary but not as hard as it sounds). Next step was to have it removed (just some remnants) when I got circed. 3rd stage was to have the entire frenular area removed when I got an ultra low circ revision. My penis is much less sensitive without inner skin. Occasionally I miss it but mostly I'm happier without it (I can delay ejaculation and easily last for ages if I want). I'm ambivalent about the inner skin. There are pros and cons. But I have never seen any advantage in the frenulum. I would always advise guys that they're better off without it.

If you are keeping your foreskin retracted then I would say tying or removing your frenulum is a no brainer. It feels no different except that it removes any pain or hypersensitivity and it allows the skin to stay rolled back away from the glans more easily. Go for it.

Long term though I would also recommend circumcision. I was uncut and permanently retracted for about 11 years before i took the plunge and got cut. Ultimately I just wanted to be cut all along. Being retracted gives you most of the benefits of circumcision but it doesn't look anywhere near as good. Also I like the tightness of my shaft skin now. And I like the reduction in sensation from having my inner skin completely removed (but I'm weird). So at the least I would recommend you try a frenular tie, but ultimately my recommendation would be to get cut with a frenulum removal. Honestly, speaking from my own experience, the only downside to circumcision is the money it costs to get it done.
Incredibly helpful - love this - thank you.
Do you have any pictures at all?
I’d love to see how it all looks now.
How old when you were cut - and how did you request ‘ultra low’ and removal of inner skin? I am very interested in that - sounds amazing and might be exactly what I want.