Frenular tie result:
I performed that myself. It just needed a darning needle and some stretchy nylon jewellery thread. Took 11 days to cut through and then it was pretty much good as new.
Before and after circumcision. Low and tight.
The underside of my low and tight.
I wanted high and tight for my first circ. The doc gave me a pretty loose cut and i had this swelling on the inner skin that never went away. I used a penis pump for a while before i was circumcised and I think it stretched my skin out of shape permanently, circumferentially, so my shaft skin is now a bit loose girth wise even though it's tight length wise. I think that's what caused the swelling in my inner skin to never go away (even a year after the operation).
I went back for a 2nd circ, being conservative, thinking that just removing a little skin and a little inner skin would give me the tightness I wanted and sort out the swelling. It didn't. I still wasn't all that tight and the remaining inner skin (now about 15mm) was still swollen. I eventually went back for a 3rd operation to have all the inner skin removed. I wanted it tighter than this but I had a vein near the scar which the surgeon didn't want to touch so I'm now pretty tight but not ultra tight. I have about 5mm of inner skin left on average and it means I feel a lot less. By the time I went for my 3rd circ I wanted to be as tight as possible and as low as possible, the idea of a low and tight really appealed to me in a way that it hadn't done at the time of the initial circ. I wanted the scar to be right against the glans and he left me with 5mm. Maybe I could have spoken up when he was drawing the lines on my dick before the operation, gotten him to trim off a few more mm.
I've seen guys with lower cuts and guys with tighter cuts but I'm not certain if I've seen a guy who is both lower and tighter than me, so I'm definitely in the uppermost percentiles of extreme circumcisions. I guess I get a little circumcision envy when I see a guy who is lower or tighter than me. Optimally I would like that 5mm removed too and also an additional 2cm of skin removed but at my 3rd op the doctor (same doctor each time) specifically said to me, half jokingly, "I don't think you could get any more removed". So I might struggle to find a surgeon who could give me the next level of circ that I'm after, although I'm confident that it is doable. I guess with guys like me it becomes like how some people are with piercings and tatoos, always hungry for the next level up. Always wanting more. It looks fine and works great. I don't feel like I've butchered myself or anything.
It sounds like you're definitely hankering for a full on circumcision. I was too, for the 11 years that I was skinned back, but I was too anxious and too poor to get it. I would definitely recommend you go for it. I would also recommend an ultra low and tight like me. You'll probably last longer (an additional 10 minutes seems to be a common result). It's the most attractive style (IMO). The outer skin doesn't wrinkle up like the inner skin does so you get a tighter smoother result. The healing goes a lot better because you don't have problems with the inner skin swelling up (because there isn't any inner skin). Also as someone else said, if you're going to pay for a frenectomy and you think you probably want a circ too then there isn't much reason not to get a full on circ. Just like you found with the frenulum, i found the sensitivity of my inner skin to be a bit annoying rather than entirely pleasurable so I decided I would like the feeling of my dick without my inner skin, and I was right, I do. A simple test is to stroke your inner skin and outer skin. Which feels better to you? Would you prefer a dick covered in inner skin or outer skin? If you prefer the inner skin then you want the highest cut you can get. If you're like me and find the inner skin kind of annoying then you want the scar to be right in the groove below the glans. I don't think there's any advantage to a moderate circumcision. Just decide which type of skin you prefer and go for the max.