There are devices that use that principle for adults. It is actually not barbaric but rather much mroe evolved. Generally, it crushes the 2 layers of skin together. Each layer detects non-viable tissue ahead (due to lack of blood circulation) and builds scar tissue to isolate itself from the dead skin. Each layer,s scar tissue ends up touching the other layer's scar tissue hence, the 2 layers are bonded. When you remove de device after about a week, the crused skin is totally dead and is like a scab, and it falls off in a day or day during shower and you have a fully closed acsr. No blood, no infection.
Note: when on adult, how long you wear the device mattrers a lot. not enough and the scar hasn't had time to become solid enough, and when you wear it too long, the device can start to cut the skin from the scar, defeating the work that the scar had done and leaving you with 2 skin edges not bonded together.
Some of the modern adult devices: Prepex, Tara Klamp,, Shang Ring, Sunathrone etc.
The newest circ device is an automatic stapler. Insert metal bell over glans, tie foreskin ocer it. Screw in the "stapler" gun. It pushes a circular knife against the metal bell to cut the skin and then pushes staples across the skin (with the share of bell causing stples to close tight. You unscrew the gun, you have the severed foreskin on the top fo bell, you remove bell and you have a circumcised penis with small staples all round instead of stitches. Staples falls off within about 2 weeks. (there are many videos of "circumcision stapler" on youtibe. pretty neat invention.