The Boyfriend Netflix reality series

I know, right? I felt like that about shun finding Dai's nudes lol.
What a perfectly timed otherwise extremely unlikely happening lol
I mean how could they know Shun would have that bizarre reaction though?
My feeling is the love quad-angle between Kazuto-Ryota-Usak-Alan for me is kinda obviously scripted for me.
How possible that all 3 guys confessed their feeling in almost the same day while the next day they have dating mission!

I like the show but I think the editing is bad. It's like they lost many things between the cuts. Time passes so fast while we didn't see much the member's interactions.
It definitely felt like the producers told Kazuto to stay outside and egged on Usak to go confess his feelings for him, and then the same with Ryota early the next day.
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Anyone else following this reality show on Netflix?

Shamelessly taken from this reddit thread:
View attachment 137406971

Top-Left: Alan (29), IT company employee from Brazil Instagram | X (Twitter)

Top-Center: Dai (22), university student Instagram | X (Twitter)

Top-Right: Gensei (34), hair and makeup artist from Taiwan Instagram

Middle-Left: Ikuo (22), food service industry worker Instagram

Middle-Center: Kazuto (27), Japanese cuisine chef Instagram | X (Twitter)

Middle-Right: Ryota (28), model and barista Instagram

Bottom-Left: Shun (23), artist Instagram | X (Twitter)

Bottom-Center: Taeheon (34), designer from Korea Instagram | X (Twitter)

Bottom-Right: Usak (36), go-go dancer Instagram | X (Twitter)
I think its hot if they have a straight guy in the game. Hehehe
I was also very disappointed, since Kazuto is by far my favorite and I hate Alan my least favorite.

I mean, Alan surely can be hot, but I feel like he got every single stereotype Japanese people have of foreigners and made a personality out of it. Every single time he says "O mai ga-" in Japanese something inside of me screams, lol.
Also the whole "I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to read it because of my Japanese" when reading the tablet... Bitch, you've said yourself that you spent your whole life in Japan and has never been to Brazil (nor Italy), just stop.

As for the others:

I do think Shun makes for some funny moments in the reality show, but god I would never date him. Second most unbearable after Alan.

Kazuto is perfect in everything he does (including the porn past hahah). I don't think there is a winner in this reality show, but Kazuto for the win anyway, lol.
Taeheon also seems to have a very nice vibe, I hope we get to see more of his interactions in the remaining episodes.

Usak is not my type but his development was definitely interesting. I wish he didn't rush out of the program so we could see more of him. :confused:

Dai is ok, I guess? Although I don't understand how someone 23 yo can look that old. I wish he let the thing with Shun go and focus on something else, but I have the feeling that we are gonna get this story until the end of the season. D=

Gensei and Ryota... Nice mob, I guess?
Kazuto's PORN past?? Hello? How and when did I miss that????
Kazuto's PORN past?? Hello? How and when did I miss that????
It's in this very thread, please. And in the Japanese porn thread too.

I mean, it's from literally 10 years ago when he was 18, so it's a very twink (and for some reason without eyebrows) version of him, but the more you look at him the more obvious it is him.
(other than stuff like comparing moles, voice and etc too, of course)