The Boyfriend Netflix reality series

Spoiler episode 6
Anyone else found it weird how Usak was like
I wanted to grow and be able to tell other ppl about my emotions. I was able to do that, thanks bye, I basically achieved what I set out to do. It seemed like he didn't even care about Kazuto, but the idea of being able to tell him his emotions. He didn't even let him reply (or the production cut the scene like that.)

Felt very rushed and one-sided to me.
Based on your post history in this thread, you have a bizarre hate boner for Usak, so naturally anything he does you frame negatively. :joy:
Kazuto's twitter is not available anymore :((
I'm not surprised tbh. Some demented creature must have bombarded him with posts about his "supposed" porn career. He might even deactivate his insta just cuz some can't keep it in their pants.
This ship is sinking like the Titanic
- this is so damn funny haha; and even more so cause the titanic did float a little after it broke but then sank altogether. They too seem to have made the air a little bit lighter around one anothet but I don't feel like a relationship's gonna come out of it.
Based on your post history in this thread, you have a bizarre hate boner for Usak, so naturally anything he does you frame negatively. :joy:
Sheesh, calm down, sis. His behavior just seemed very confusing to me. He himself said that he doesn't feel like he belongs in the house, and I just had the impression that his whole "crush" on Kazuto was merely for selfish reasons, to prove to himself that he can voice his emotions. How he wrapped all of it up in one single monologue just didn't feel genuine to me, is all.
And if having an opinion is having a hate boner, so be it. You're obviously so thirsty, you do the thinking through your boner.
  • Haha
Reactions: bigboaster
Sheesh, calm down, sis. His behavior just seemed very confusing to me. He himself said that he doesn't feel like he belongs in the house, and I just had the impression that his whole "crush" on Kazuto was merely for selfish reasons, to prove to himself that he can voice his emotions. How he wrapped all of it up in one single monologue just didn't feel genuine to me, is all.
And if having an opinion is having a hate boner, so be it. You're obviously so thirsty, you do the thinking through your boner.
Nah. You just a hater. Good day.
Spoiler episode 6
Anyone else found it weird how Usak was like
I wanted to grow and be able to tell other ppl about my emotions. I was able to do that, thanks bye, I basically achieved what I set out to do. It seemed like he didn't even care about Kazuto, but the idea of being able to tell him his emotions. He didn't even let him reply (or the production cut the scene like that.)

Felt very rushed and one-sided to me.
Felt more like the kind of self-protective wall people who have hard time sharing their emotions tend to build up. Kazuto has been nice to everyone but didn't express any particular enthusiasm or reciprocity when Usak told him how he felt, so I can see how Usak just decided that nothing would come out of that and that he would just use it as an opportunity for his own vulnerability/emotional growth rather than try to seek out a relationship and get hurt by being further rejected.
Kazuto's giving so much boyfriend aura here (no pun intended):


Tomorrow just can't come sooner :weary_face:, I need to cleanse my brain after watching the unecessary drama happening in "His Man Season 3". At least the drama in "The Boyfriend" is still tolerable & watchable so far.
The whole thing was kinda confusing to me

First he acted like it was his decision because he achieved what he wanted but then he told the others he had to leave because of work (work trip I think?) and that it was planned this way from the beginning. So which is it? And why didn'the tell anyone before if it was actually planned from the beginnin?
it was shot in the fall or early spring, he had to go to either taiwan or bkk for go go dancing
I don’t even particularly like Dai but he deserves better than Shun lol hopefully Shun grows up a bit in these final few episodes bc I’ve been very turned off by his immaturity and indecisiveness so far