Things to ponder about

It's easy to look in a rearview mirror and see that releasing carp wasn't a good idea.
Now what?

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We have our issues here in the USA
so I am reluctant to criticize other areas.
Nevertheless, it is good for thought.
We have our issues here in the USA
so I am reluctant to criticize other areas.
Nevertheless, it is good for thought.
love hm/andb not at all offended by this
thanks for posting/wuld lkely not have seen hi opinion

willv say,am very dissapointed that many in the wold ptofess ngoingmlove for hm/but aying very little sinve her passuing

shades of covid

biggrst ww happenstance/now almost like word otdered to forgwt it ever happened ffs
Starlings were only mentioned once in all of Shakespeare's play. Because of some romantic notion to release all birds mentioned by William, a population of plague proportion continues troubling the land.
If that wasn't enough, he released the house sparrow too. These are the two most insidious invasive birds in North America.

Starlings were only mentioned once in all of Shakespeare's play. Because of some romantic notion to release all birds mentioned by William, a population of plague proportion continues troubling the land.
If that wasn't enough, he released the house sparrow too. These are the two most insidious invasive birds in North America.

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