Timothée chalamet

The Oscars are given by dirty old men to dirty old men for being dirty old men. Adrien Brody already won the Oscar, what's the need to nominate him again? So that young guys like Timothee should lose? And Brody performance not necessarily has to be the best performance, it just the voters favourite. The more voters have favorite the more that person wins. Maybe they will give it to timothee when he play dirty old man in 60s
Adrien Brody already won the Oscar, what's the need to nominate him again? So that young guys like Timothee should lose?
Timothee is very talented. He's had many great performances. But a frankly paint by numbers biopic is not the movie he deserved an Oscar for. He's got many more great performances to give. It's not that serious.
I’m saying this as kindly as possible, but it’s very funny to see people who have never really watched the Oscars before and/or don’t understand how they work as an institution chime in all distraught because their favorite twink lost
If you think this is bad don't look in on the Wicked fandom.
I’m saying this as kindly as possible, but it’s very funny to see people who have never really watched the Oscars before and/or don’t understand how they work as an institution chime in all distraught because their favorite twink lost
i've been watching the oscars faithfully every year since i was a little boy and this was the 1st time in a long time that i've felt passionately about someone winning for best actor. . . and i feel deeply disappointed tonight .
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I’m saying this as kindly as possible, but it’s very funny to see people who have never really watched the Oscars before and/or don’t understand how they work as an institution chime in all distraught because their favorite twink lost

Adrien Brody was the fav, but Timmy won the SAG award and was 2nd in ths odds so it's not crazy to think he had a chance
It is widely agreed that Brody gave the best performance of the year. He won everything except SAG which is now a populist award with over 150,000 now able to vote. it's no longer the 'actors' branch when it was amalgamated with AFTRA.
No amount of revision and delusion will somehow say twinkie looking Tim-O-Tee was robbed.
The youngest male winner I think was Timothy Hutton at age 20 in Ordinary People as Supporting actor, but his was deserved. He was truly the lead of the film
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Timothy Hutton impressed me for his acting as Conrad Jarret in ordinary people. A shame that his career didn't take off after that. I still think dat Timmy's performance in Call me by your name was his best up to date.
Timothy Hutton was still good all the way to his wonderful performance in Mike Flanagan's The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix. Unfortunately he then got stung by some terrible behavior he apparently committed years ago, he'd still be working today.

Anyway: Timmy will rebound very soon, I am sure. I wonder if Luca will ever do the CMBYN sequel with just him. I think they are doing Dune 3 too soon tbf.
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