Today's mood

I feel a bit better after a good friend of mine asked, more or less, what depression is like compared to those The Mission lyrics.. I said that they are pretty much like that. There are only nights, no matter how much the sun is shining, in my head there are only nights and black as Dracula abyss days, but then there are days that are somewhat better though they are few and far between. I’m glad he asked, someone finally asked and there’s some sort of relief when I can explain how real depression is like.
Sorry I’m rambling.

Today’s another good day to feel grateful for taking one more breath and feeling the wind in the face :)
Take care of yourselves!
I desire no future that will break the ties of the past.
George Eliot (1819-1880)

prefer shorter quotes
as meaningful

leave the statues alone world
Lets talk for a moment on how doctors offices who made the decision to be open on the weekend have a weekend rate.

A weekend rate that is (much) higher than the normal weekday rate.

Hotels are the only other ones I can think of that do this.
And even that I find preposterous.
How can you go...oh well its the weekend we have to charge more.

For what reason?
Do you have an event? Is it the busy season?
You are in a small city..what busy season?

Can you imagine if your local restaurant did that?
Sorry sir but we are now doing weekend rates. Your plate of pasta that was $15 is now $27.

You would leave and never go back.
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pissed off with us/sub-humanity

who never felt
a pride for life/living
as a burgeoning teen , m/f

what has happened now
have we taken that part of life from them
i say we, we Adults caused what is happening now
the next generations suffer because of us

not the religious aspect,either

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