Today's mood

So much happening right now. Not really a mood but things that I'm reflecting over today.
Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof, Germany’s leading department store chain announced that 62 of its 172 stores are going to be closed. Thousands will lose their jobs!
There's a corona outbreak at a major slaughterhouse in North-Rhine Westphalia that was discovered on Wednesday. At this point, more than 1,000 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded. Many of the workers seem to be migrants from countries like Romania and Bulgaria that often live in crowded accommodations. This has the potential to lead to a regional lockdown.
So much happening right now. Not really a mood but things that I'm reflecting over today.
Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof, Germany’s leading department store chain announced that 62 of its 172 stores are going to be closed. Thousands will lose their jobs!
There's a corona outbreak at a major slaughterhouse in North-Rhine Westphalia that was discovered on Wednesday. At this point, more than 1,000 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded. Many of the workers seem to be migrants from countries like Romania and Bulgaria that often live in crowded accommodations. This has the potential to lead to a regional lockdown.

understand your concerns Nex
all to easy to blame CV ,some devils

indeed likely to develop into a mood
tell me
is there talk of the Govt giving money ie stimulus package,to keep business afloat,more so for payment to there employees
over this period
the company take advantage of this
then,at there convenience
decide to close many loss making stores,usually rural town ones
that were/had been losing anyway

happened here
no doubt devious corps/companys employ people for such dirty low down tricks
call it bullshit 'restructuring'
they knew all along,there f'n fault in the first place for wealth/greed

New So much happening right now.
Lately I have been sentimental, appreciative for all the days my body has given me and extra appreciative for all the people I am surrounded by, over the internet or not.

Don’t forget, you’re all special :heart:
Lately I have been sentimental, appreciative for all the days my body has given me and extra appreciative for all the people I am surrounded by, over the internet or not.

Don’t forget, you’re all special :heart:
Thank you. You are special, too! :)

:emoji_cucumber: :emoji_eggplant: :emoji_hotdog:
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understand your concerns Nex
all to easy to blame CV ,some devils

indeed likely to develop into a mood
tell me
is there talk of the Govt giving money ie stimulus package,to keep business afloat,more so for payment to there employees
over this period
the company take advantage of this
then,at there convenience
decide to close many loss making stores,usually rural town ones
that were/had been losing anyway

happened here
no doubt devious corps/companys employ people for such dirty low down tricks
call it bullshit 'restructuring'
they knew all along,there f'n fault in the first place for wealth/greed

New So much happening right now.
Yes, the government is spending a lot of money to support companies in these times. Employees are able to get 60% or more of their salary for those times they're not working due to business being bad now. Nonetheless a lot of companies take advantage of this situation to save on salaries etc.
I've been dealing with what appears to be a case of diverticulitis since Saturday...maybe earlier.

Folks this stuff does NOT feel good.

Please eat a food with fiber....pleaasseeee.
You don't want this.
I hope you are better by now! Never had but i know it is bad...
Summer begin, sunny days, time to be naked as much as possible, in and outdoors, even if only in the balcony or in the backyard, all seems better and easy to achieve. No hurry, less worries, quiet day. I wish the same to everyone!
I hope you are better by now! Never had but i know it is bad...
Thanks for your kind words.

Most of the pain has gone away but now I am tormented by pain in the area where your leg and groin connect...that large tendon in that area. That mother fucker hurts....and hurts bad. Groin pain...or just tendon pain all over. Idk. It hurts like a mother though.
Thanks for your kind words.

Most of the pain has gone away but now I am tormented by pain in the area where your leg and groin connect...that large tendon in that area. That mother fucker hurts....and hurts bad. Groin pain...or just tendon pain all over. Idk. It hurts like a mother though.
No idea what may have caused this? :worried:
Yes, the government is spending a lot of money to support companies in these times. Employees are able to get 60% or more of their salary for those times they're not working due to business being bad now. Nonetheless a lot of companies take advantage of this situation to save on salaries etc.

thanks Nex
yes,i am feeling now these Authorative c...ts WW
ie govts
want all us common workers to get back to work/pay taxes,so they can mispend it
and/or set about with more wars to kill more people
a shame we need govts

despondent shitty mood
thanks Nex
yes,i am feeling now these Authorative c...ts WW
ie govts
want all us common workers to get back to work/pay taxes,so they can mispend it
and/or set about with more wars to kill more people
a shame we need govts

despondent shitty mood
This reminds me of the financial crisis more than 10 years ago. Governments everywhere bailed out banks with money they got from us the taxpayers. Every time money is transferred from the common people to those at the top.