Today's mood

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Reactions: BillM and rbkwp

ta nill
3metre springboard/;psg mooed haha

naaah to aged joe for instantaneous mood ha
butt usa mmmm
end of olympics today mood/sigh

tassie v8's sprint starts next friday,yay

such is life
ned jelly
aussie bushranger on his hanging

damn uk ur fr lha
Wonderful morning! I committed mass murder - against hundreds of mosquitoes(maybe thousands) breeding in a neighbor's bucket that they left upright behind their shed while away for a couple of weeks. The rain filled it with water and I kept wondering where all the miserable little blood suckers feeding on me were coming from.
Wonderful morning! I committed mass murder - against hundreds of mosquitoes(maybe thousands) breeding in a neighbor's bucket that they left upright behind their shed while away for a couple of weeks. The rain filled it with water and I kept wondering where all the miserable little blood suckers feeding on me were coming from.

ha r

enc9ourage you to do simiar to
we know who haha

be minimasl loss/we may exist/survive,in a loving peace huh