I just looked him up on instagram. It's funny because the last time I looked him up he was DJing (post-retirement) and now he's a ""self-help"" coach. He should've stuck to porn. He actually looks unwell now lmao.
I've enjoyed Tommy Defendi's dildo immensely! They still sell it at the forttroff website I believe.

As to the "I was forced to do it" bullshit, I dont believe a word of it, no one can "force" you to do anything you dont wanna do, In reality it's all about him not wanting to "deal" with the aftermath of a mess it would leave behind if he was "threatened" with "do this or im gonna publish these pictures of you."

Its much easier to continue doing what you "like" doing and then abolish it years later saying you were forced to do it. It's such bullshit and I hate people who do it. And I am so saddened to read that thats what Tommy has done.

But... He is a stud (were), with a huge cock and I still enjoy his porn scenes.
I've enjoyed Tommy Defendi's dildo immensely! They still sell it at the forttroff website I believe.

As to the "I was forced to do it" bullshit, I dont believe a word of it, no one can "force" you to do anything you dont wanna do, In reality it's all about him not wanting to "deal" with the aftermath of a mess it would leave behind if he was "threatened" with "do this or im gonna publish these pictures of you."

Its much easier to continue doing what you "like" doing and then abolish it years later saying you were forced to do it. It's such bullshit and I hate people who do it. And I am so saddened to read that thats what Tommy has done.

But... He is a stud (were), with a huge cock and I still enjoy his porn scenes.
Same with Rocco Reed and others.
No one forced any of these guys to suck dick/get fucked etc.
They CHOOSE to do it and now want to come up with various excuses now that it's becoming an issue for them now.
It sounds like his time in porn/escorting was very traumatic for him, particularly in the case of his addiction, so I can't imagine he'd look back on it completely fondly.

But as far as the comment about being forced to do anything, he does not literally mean he had a gun to his head (or did he? who knows). Addiction is a very complex topic, and depending on the substance, addiction can compel people to do things they otherwise would not do. Ultimately, he had the agency to choose to stop, and with that, everything he associated with his addiction, including porn and escorting.

It kind of bums me out because I too used to find him so hot/handsome (he still is, tbh), but it's hard to watch his scenes knowing what a personal hell he was in.

And no one forced them to escort either

Same with Rocco Reed and others.
No one forced any of these guys to suck dick/get fucked etc.
They CHOOSE to do it and now want to come up with various excuses now that it's becoming an issue for them now.
It sounds like his time in porn/escorting was very traumatic for him, particularly in the case of his addiction, so I can't imagine he'd look back on it completely fondly.

But as far as the comment about being forced to do anything, he does not literally mean he had a gun to his head (or did he? who knows). Addiction is a very complex topic, and depending on the substance, addiction can compel people to do things they otherwise would not do. Ultimately, he had the agency to choose to stop, and with that, everything he associated with his addiction, including porn and escorting.

It kind of bums me out because I too used to find him so hot/handsome (he still is, tbh), but it's hard to watch his scenes knowing what a personal hell he was in.
Fair points, if applicable.
Tommy Defendi mostly missed my radar in his heyday as I was strictly into uncut guys at that time & while I couldn't deny the unique beauty of his puppydog eyes, his dick always looked too soft & floppy for me. That said, I don't understand the criticism he receives in this thread. Has he condemned homosexuality or claimed he's been "cured" by Jesus or some similar horseshit? He's simply a bisexual man(whether he acknowledges it now or not) who made his money in his prime, young, horny & impulsive. & now those days are behind him & he's settled into a comfortable heternormative life. Good for him. So he condemns the porn industry? It's a seedy & corrupt industry so why not? I'm glad to see when these guys are alive & mostly well because the alternative is truly tragic to hear about.
Tommy Defendi mostly missed my radar in his heyday as I was strictly into uncut guys at that time & while I couldn't deny the unique beauty of his puppydog eyes, his dick always looked too soft & floppy for me. That said, I don't understand the criticism he receives in this thread. Has he condemned homosexuality or claimed he's been "cured" by Jesus or some similar horseshit? He's simply a bisexual man(whether he acknowledges it now or not) who made his money in his prime, young, horny & impulsive. & now those days are behind him & he's settled into a comfortable heternormative life. Good for him. So he condemns the porn industry? It's a seedy & corrupt industry so why not? I'm glad to see when these guys are alive & mostly well because the alternative is truly tragic to hear about.
You probably don't follow him on insta do you...he has said many stupid things. The most irritating for me was that he was FORCED to do gay sex. He never wanted to..it was more like a rape for him.
Tommy Defendi mostly missed my radar in his heyday as I was strictly into uncut guys at that time & while I couldn't deny the unique beauty of his puppydog eyes, his dick always looked too soft & floppy for me. That said, I don't understand the criticism he receives in this thread. Has he condemned homosexuality or claimed he's been "cured" by Jesus or some similar horseshit? He's simply a bisexual man(whether he acknowledges it now or not) who made his money in his prime, young, horny & impulsive. & now those days are behind him & he's settled into a comfortable heternormative life. Good for him. So he condemns the porn industry? It's a seedy & corrupt industry so why not? I'm glad to see when these guys are alive & mostly well because the alternative is truly tragic to hear about.
He's condemned having to do gay scenes. Which, lol.