Uncut With Foreskin Always Retracted...

Not circumcised, but with foreskin always retracted (and glans uncovered) ?

  • No, because this habit is not common and does not improve the health of your penis

    Votes: 227 42.4%
  • Yes, it's better for various reasons

    Votes: 147 27.4%
  • I'm circumcised, but I think it's a positive habit...

    Votes: 56 10.4%
  • I'm circumcised, but I think it's a useless habit...

    Votes: 46 8.6%
  • I don't know, I never thought about it...

    Votes: 60 11.2%

  • Total voters
I'm intact and my foreskin naturally covers the head of my penis. Sometimes it might get pulled back accidentally, but that's uncomfortable and it usually either corrects itself of if I have the opportunity I will correct it myself.

There have been times when I've kept the foreskin retracted but I only intended to do it for a short period of time, 20-60 minutes, but usually closer to 20 minutes. It actually takes some effort to keep it back if I don't use something to keep it held back. I did this when I was younger and thought it would reduce sensitivity and maybe help me last longer during sex. It didn't work and wasn't worth the effort and I found that the ability to last longer came along with having more sex and just getting older.
Yes retracted cock dosn't last long in sex
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I do sometimes, mostly when I'm horny. There's something I find erotic about having the head exposed like that. The skin never wants to stay that way though so it means a lot of regular adjusting, so eventually I get fed up of it and stop. The longest I've made it is about a month I think.

I know some uncut guys who have such short foreskins that they never cover the head at all, even when they're soft. I find the idea of that really sexy so I'm a bit jealous of them.

Apparently in Japanese culture they're taught from a young age to pull it back and leave it that way, so they can train the skin to stay in that position long term.
Yes retracted cock dosn't last long in sex

I was specifically referring to when I am flaccid. When I'm hard and having sex or masturbating the foreskin moves back and forth with the motion like its supposed to, I don't really think there is anyway to change that, and I wouldn't even want to if I could.
If the foreskin is always open, the glans is brighter, because a creatine layer forms, which also provides for a further desensitization, which may also mean a stimulus and loss of feeling. Therefore, I keep my foreskin closed and open it only for masturbation, urinating and washing. I would never let myself be circumcised because one can masturbate with pre-excellence.:)

I've kept mine retracted since my teens, settles happily being head, and stays there unless I move it
Think it's so used to it after nearly 40 yrs just stays back
Have one mate who realised we both do it
I've kept mine retracted since my teens, settles happily being head, and stays there unless I move it
Think it's so used to it after nearly 40 yrs just stays back
Have one mate who realised we both do it
Happy to chat if you message me
I'm not circumcised, but I prefer to leave and keep my foreskin (almost) always retracted with glans uncovered. Does anyone do the same ?
I've attempted to maintain foreskin retraction utilizing many methods over the years, because I'm attracted to swollen, plump knobs (glans penis):blush:.
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I've attempted to maintain foreskin retraction utilizing many methods over the years, because I'm attracted to swollen, plump knobs (glans penis):blush:.
Keep on pulled back. It will settle down after some days. I also practiced like that. First you retracted and keep as it is even after cum.
I tried for years with no success. Only if I was wearing tight underwear would it keep retracted or a cock ring with the excess skin pulled back would it stay back. I managed for about 3 months and gave up. My knob dried nicely, I could go commando in jeans. But yeah too much work keeping it back for me.
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I tried for years with no success. Only if I was wearing tight underwear would it keep retracted or a cock ring with the excess skin pulled back would it stay back. I managed for about 3 months and gave up. My knob dried nicely, I could go commando in jeans. But yeah too much work keeping it back for me.
… … very similar experience for me, though I keep attempting new "tricks":innocent:. Over the years, I've accumulated many glans rings … View media item 1030283View media item 1030289
AND, have realized some success in maintaining foreskin retraction ...
View media item 1030281View media item 1030285View media item 1030285
BUT, ultimately my long foreskin will roll back over the rings, and cover my knob …
View media item 1050620View media item 1050620View media item 1048615View media item 1048615View media item 1048616View media item 1048616
I used to do this all the time as I felt it was more hygenic. But because I had a short frenulum it kept springing back. Now circumcised so not an issue any more.
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