Uncut With Foreskin Always Retracted...

Not circumcised, but with foreskin always retracted (and glans uncovered) ?

  • No, because this habit is not common and does not improve the health of your penis

    Votes: 227 42.4%
  • Yes, it's better for various reasons

    Votes: 147 27.4%
  • I'm circumcised, but I think it's a positive habit...

    Votes: 56 10.4%
  • I'm circumcised, but I think it's a useless habit...

    Votes: 46 8.6%
  • I don't know, I never thought about it...

    Votes: 60 11.2%

  • Total voters
Thanks. For as long as I remember my skin tends to always stay pulled back so matter how much I try and cover up. When I do cover up the head, I can fully cover it and have some spare lol so just one of those things I guess?

I became (partly) uncovered around 15, I only knew one guy who was uncovered before I knew him when we were around 10. Were you uncovered that young?
View attachment 4000241 View attachment 4000261 I keep my foreskin always retracted since I’m 24yrs old. I’ve tried it before that age but it would be quite uncomfortable and I would give up. There was a weekend where I decided to be consistent maintaining it back all time and after the first day it became comfortable. Since then I keep it retracted all times.
The reason I wanted to do that is because my father does the same and I wanted to have the same. My foreskin covers the glands completely and it remains retracted all time because my gland are quite thick even soft.
I really like to keep it retracted and I like the view of the head exposed!

Great looking retraction
I started keeping mine retracted as a kid and it just stayed that way permanently. I actually preferred it and never went back.
Me too . . . . my head only first saw the light of day when I was in the middle of high school.
I am uncut with a full length foreskin that covers my glans completely in childhood whenever used to see males with bare penis head , i used to think that why its so different from mine as i had no knowledge about circumcision until i saw my exposed glans first time at the age of 12 then i actually understood that after retracting the foreskin there is no difference,before that day i never knew that skin can be pulled back rather my foreskin used to be opened with a very little visibility of my pee hole only, even that day it happened by accident when after peeing, in a hurry i pulled back my penis with little hard stretch to place it inside my trouser and suddenly it felt that my foreskin got slipped back half of the glans then out of curiosity i pulled back more and it got fully retracted and never faced problem to pulling back foreskin. I saw my pink bare glans first time and understood why circumcised penises look different and later some of my Muslim friends told me about it in detail. I was very glad to see the manly look of my penis but that time keeping it always bare was not possible because touching the glans even with my own hand used to gave me high sensation. Pulling back my foreskin has always been easy but over sensitiveness of glans ended up when i started masturbating at 14 by stroking the bare glans however keeping the glans bare was not comfortable so i always used to leave my foreskin in its natural state.

I started leaving my glans exposed after i had couple of intercourse drives with my girl friend. she often used to retract my foreskin during fore play and she gave me blow job on my bare glans it was highly pleasurable and helped my glans to get familiar with external friction. Gradually i got comfortable and due to frequent sex drive my foreskin got extremely stretched back now i can keep my glans both the way comfortably either bare or covered with my foreskin.

Even i have some tips about how to keep your glans always exposed and it works.

Keeping the glans always exposed is not a bad practice as far as it is comfortable and it is good on the sex life also.

For past 5 years on and off i too keep my foreskin retracted with bare glans depending upon my mood without any discomfort and my glans has expanded also. Initially My lady used to gently suck and rub my bare glans a lot and that exercise played key role to make me comfortable to keep the glans exposed all the time. since my glans got permanently exposed we both enjoy the sex drive with added pleasure

Certainly it is not the worrying factor at all if your organ is functioning normal because Later or Sooner having permanent exposed glans is natural in most of the uncut men without any surgery or discomfort.
It can also be achieved by putting few simple efforts with patience and i have seen it works.

1)Glans of Most uncut men remain uncovered when they remove the penis after having intercourse with their partner, so even after finishing your sex (which we mostly do in the night) if you can keep your glans remain exposed at least till the time you are on bed it will be the best practice to start keeping your penis head comfortably exposed always as because this way without any extra effort your glans gets used to of external frictions gradually and your bare glans becomes familiar with the direct exposure of cloths without much discomfort. Also masturbating with bare glans by stretching the foreskin maximum backward behind the corona and keep rubbing your glans gently with other hand, this practice gradually makes your foreskin stable to stay behind the glans and your glans gets familiar to the external friction.

2) Another best practice is, always penetrate penis into your partner with exposed glans, means first retract your foreskin back towards the shaft of penis as much as possible and then insert the penis with bare glans because maximum stretch back of foreskin increases the elasticity of skin for keeping the glans bare and by inserting bare glans in the vagina makes the glans familiar with the frictions and due to high friction gradually glans looses its over sensitivity which delays the ejaculation and improve your sex duration. Getting your bare glans gently sucked and rubbed by your partner is also very helpful exercise to keep it exposed all the time.

A Normal uncut men who has intercourse almost everyday and practice the above tips, can easily be comfortable of keeping bare glans in a month or two. Permanently exposed glans with retracted foreskin expands in size which surely makes the oral sex and intercourse highly pleasurable for both the partners.
View attachment 4000241 View attachment 4000261 I keep my foreskin always retracted since I’m 24yrs old. I’ve tried it before that age but it would be quite uncomfortable and I would give up. There was a weekend where I decided to be consistent maintaining it back all time and after the first day it became comfortable. Since then I keep it retracted all times.
The reason I wanted to do that is because my father does the same and I wanted to have the same. My foreskin covers the glands completely and it remains retracted all time because my gland are quite thick even soft.
I really like to keep it retracted and I like the view of the head exposed!
Looks perfect to me!
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Reactions: Sherwood D. Likelym
Uncut, yet I've never been 'hooded' in any way...just foreskin, that is around my head . Major-grower, the skin is around my dick/soft, and my dick/shaft/head (7x 6 ALL) then very retracted. Nature. I don't do much to adjust, just try to keep the head a-bit-not-too-much-stimulated....:D
Uncut, yet I've never been 'hooded' in any way...just foreskin, that is around my head . Major-grower, the skin is around my dick/soft, and my dick/shaft/head (7x 6 ALL) then very retracted. Nature. I don't do much to adjust, just try to keep the head a-bit-not-too-much-stimulated....:D

Well let's see it!