"vintage or when men had pubes"

JACK RENIO also was in a Bruce of LA short film called "The Swimmer" that was released in 1969. It involved JACK swimming Nude and Natural in Bruce's Pool. It was b&w like the other film of Jack by Bruce so they may have both been from the same session.
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RAY on the LEFT washes the back of a Nude EARL LAWRENCE with Soap in the AMG Shower for Bob Mizer in 1964. RAY'S Wash cloth did not cover up his Balls completely in this Photo which Mizer missed.! Special thanks to Brian E. for these photos.!
Lawrence, Earl [curly chest hair] (R) & other-001.jpg
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BOB STORR on the LEFT with DON FULLER at The Texas Border Sign Sculpture on the Texas/ New Mexico Border near El Paso in 1958. STORR and FULLER made a short film for Dick Fontaine of RA Enterprises called "Notorious Models" in 1958.
AMG Bob Storr Don Fuller 001.jpg


LARRY AHRENDT on the LEFT and BUDDY LOVE in the AMG Shower for Bob Mizer in 1965 after making the 1965 AMG b&w short film "Paper Dolls". Note the small "LA" Tattoo on the upper Arm of LARRY AHRENDT are his Initials.
LarryDave AhrendtBuddyLove.jpg