Josh turns from whoever he was talking to and sees me, and he freezes.
“Sir?” A voice outside says. I recognize that voice. It’s Sgt Robbins. Before I can say anything, Josh holds up his index finger at me. It’s obvious he doesn’t want me to say anything. I obey that silent command. Crap. I can’t blame him. What can I say?
“It’s alright, Sgt,” Josh says, still holding that finger up. “Captain Clinton is in the room. I didn’t expect to see him.”
“He is?” Says Robbins. In a louder voice he says, “Captain Clinton, do you still have the keys to the map room? We had to use the spare that was locked in the Major’s safe.”
Josh then points at me with his index finger, to give me the go ahead. “Yes, Robbins. I still have them,” I say, still frozen with my jacket half on. Amazed at how normal my voice sounds. “I just lost track of time. I’ll return them when I am done here.”
“Yes, Sir,” Robbins says, and we hear him walk away. Josh shuts and locks the door. The turns and looks at me.
I still haven’t moved. I have no idea what he’s going to say. Hell, I have no idea what I am going to say.
“I’ve got to say, Jim,” he says, “this is an…interesting sight.”
“It’s not what it looks like,” I say, as I unfreeze and complete putting on the jacket.
“Oh really,” Josh says dryly, with a smirk. “It smells like sex in here. Even the air freshener didn’t cover that up. You are half naked. And very out of uniform. This should make for an interesting story.”
“Shit,” I say, deflating a little. I’m fucking caught. I can’t think of a story. Except the truth. “My wife sent me a text earlier in the day. It’s a game we played, when we met in college. We would have a code system for someone that made us horny. She’s been sending me text messages all day along with a picture.”
Josh sees my phone on the desk, I left that here, too. FUCK. Where has my head been the past 45 minutes?? He walks over, picks it up and looks at it. The phone stops sleeping and my wife’s sopping, wet pussy picture is still there.
“Wow,” he says. “If I was interested in pussy, that would make me want to drop my drawers and polish one off, too.”
It takes me a second. I’m still so fucking flustered!
“Wait,” I say. “What?”
“I’m gay, Jim,” Josh says, handing my phone back to me. “Got to say, I did enjoy the view coming in the door. Your wife is very lucky.”
“Thanks, Josh,” I say taking the phone back from him. “I think I’m the lucky one. You’re, uh, you’re not going to tell anyone, are you?”
“No, I’ll keep your secret, Jim,” he says, I breath a little easier. “If…”
All I hear is the “if.” That’s what Matt told me last night. Shit, was it only last night? I ended up gagging on his cock that night and then swallowing two more loads today! And all his fucking leakage. And he’s not even gay.
Now, I’m caught by a fellow Army officer who IS gay. Am I going to be his cocksucker, too? That’s all I need, competing owners that don’t know about each other.
Fuck, I just admitted that Matt owns me.
“Jim,” Josh says, shaking my shoulder, “did you hear what I said? Are you okay?”
“Um, no,” I admitted, sheepishly. “I got lost in thought for a moment.”
“Yeah, that was obvious,” he says with a smile. “I said I would keep this to myself, if you owe me one for the future.”
“Owe you one what?” I ask a little fearfully.
“That you be my bitch for a day,” He says with a big grin. I blanch hard. “Jesus, Jim,” he says, “I was kidding. I don’t go after married or partnered men. As you know, information is power, in our line of work. Now, I have some power over you. But you have some over me. Just not as much as I do. I don't tell people I'm gay. I'm not in the closet or anything. I just wanted to, let's say, trade information so you have an almost equal share. Just understand that you owe me.”
Crap, Josh is an amazing man. I just never knew he was gay. But I don’t like him having power over me. I hate that feeling. And that’s how I am feeling around Matt. No wonder he radiates power, when we are together.
“I’m sorry,” I say quickly. “I’m just in a daze from what happened is all. All I was going to was masturbate once. And I did. Then I had another, more powerful cum almost right after without touching myself. Then, on the way to the head, I felt another one come on, as my cock was reacting to my trousers and as soon as I entered the head, it happened. I was so lost in the pleasure, I collapsed at the door. I don’t know what’s happening to me, Josh," I finish, a tad desperate, it seems.
“Wait. You go commando. Jesus, don’t do that. I learned that in boot camp. There’s chaffing and all those hard ons.” He says with a laugh. “You also had a hand free cum? Twice?? Fuck. Now, I am jealous.” He laughs again and I can see the humor in his eyes. It calms me down. A lot.
“Yeah, that is why I am so dazed. It was like a wave a pleasure that just spread out from my cock, down to my feet, up to my head, then went back and erupted out of my cock. I’ve never felt anything like it,” I say sitting down in the chair.
“Three times??” he says with disbelief. “Two hand free orgasms? Figures. It would be a straight man that happens too.”
“What do you mean orgasm? I’m not a woman,” I say.
“Men have orgasm’s, too, Jim.” He says, sitting with his butt on the edge of the desk, hands behind him to support him. “Granted, we mainly concentrate on the feeling of our cocks. And the vast majority of guys are happy with that. Then, mostly with gay men or open-minded men, we can have hand free cums. That’s when our prostate is stimulated by either a finger or a cock running up and down it. That can be more powerful. The best, and most rare, is the male orgasm. That’s what you had. It’s both mental and physical. When both of those align, it can knock a man off his feet. He shoots a huge load. And, like you’ve found out, it mentally overwhelms the pleasure center.”
I’m sitting in the chair looking at him. I feel like I am back in high school at sex ed. Me, the student in the first row. Him, the teacher instructing the class. I’m also staring at his crotch at this level. Again, like last night with Matt.
“Hey, mister,” he says, snapping his fingers, “eyes up here.” He laughs.
“I’m sorry,” I chuckle back. “It was right there, and I was thinking.”
Like I am going to tell you that last night, almost the exact situation and me getting throat raped by an 18 year old man with an 8 x 8 cock and glad that you’re not doing the same to me. Instead I say, “They were huge loads. But there was no cum. It was all liquid. It wasn’t piss, I know that,” I said.
“More likely it was seminal fluid. Since you’re not wearing it, I presume you cleaned it up with your shirt,” he asks.
“No, I shot all over myself,” I said with a grin. “Most of it landed on my shirt.”
“Most of it…you didn’t use a sock?” He asked my incredulously.
“Why would I use a sock? At home I shoot on myself when I jack off,” I ask.
“This is why a straight man should never jack off without his gay wing man,” he sighs. “You’re not at home, Jim. You’re at work. If you jacked off into your sock, you wouldn’t be missing your shirt. The sock would have caught it all.”
“It was a big load and I didn’t plan on load two and three, Josh,” I said. “Is that what you do?”
He lifted up his left leg and pulled up his trouser leg. There was bare leg at his boot. “When did you do that?” I asked him.
“The last time I went to the head. I was so horny. I quickly whacked one out.”
“Where’s the sock?” I asked.
“In my trouser leg. Look, Jim,” he said, “I only came back for my lucky water bottle. My Sgt is waiting in the Hum Vee. He’s probably wondering where the fuck I am. I need to take off soon.”
“You came back for your “lucky” water bottle?” I asked. “What makes it so lucky?”
“Well, now I have you owing me a favor, for starters,” he said. “It’s lucky for you, too, Jim.”
“How so?” I ask.
“What if it was Major Rababbi that opened that door?” He said. Crap, that would have been just as bad if someone caught me walking around in that cum stained shirt. “Also, you’re missing your t-shirt. How will you explain that, when you drop off the key to the Officer In Charge?”