What A Mess: Blackmail

“She…she’s still thinking about it!” Matt says, incredulously. “How? Why?”

I sit there on my knees. IMMENSLY proud of myself. With one sentence, I’ve not only seen Matt go from being in control; I’VE taken some control back, too! That self-assured cocky bastard, is now looking like a dumbstruck 18 year old.

<dick throb>

FUCK! I’m starting to get hard. I CAN’T get hard in front of him.

That’s what he wants!

Shit, power gets me hard and I just took some back!

I have to focus. Focus on him raping my mouth.

I like the taste of his cum.

FUCK – focus on something else!

Focus on me gagging on his cock, like that first night.

Remember myself coughing and having crap run out of my nose.

Focus on that thousand mile stare as he is pacing in front of me.

Never show any of my thoughts on my face.

I feel my cock stop growing and go back to being limp.

Thank God!

“How could you not get her to agree?” he asks, stopping in front of my, hands on his hips. His cock has shrunk back under his shorts. It’s still an obscene bulge but no longer remotely hard.

“Sir, you said that the three way would happen tomorrow. I’ve still got one more day,” I say, and that’s the truth. He never said I HAD to have an answer today.

He stands there, looking down at me. Eyes looking at me. Hard. I can’t break that contact! I can tell he is replaying our conversations.

“You’re right, boy,” he says. I’m back to boy, now. I’ve got to figure out why he keeps changing from boy to Jim. That’s one key to this puzzle I aim to solve. “I just figured you were competent enough to accomplish the mission, quickly. Especially given the way she was staring at my bulge yesterday and how you licked your lips when you looked at it.”

Fuck, that’s twice, now, he said I did that. But I don’t remember doing that! Am I doing things unconsciously, like when I licked my cum off my fingers in the head? CRAP! I have to get a better reign on myself before I fuck up in front of my colleagues.

And I AM competent! Shit, this just fell into place! I just can’t set an example of success, so quickly, every time he gives me an order. And he DIDN’T tell me she had to answer today.

And he agreed with that.

He spreads his legs a little farther apart, drawing my attention back to his shorts. His cock is growing again. Fast! It’s already poking out the bottom of his shorts.

I’m getting that queasy feeling again.

“Since you didn’t accomplish the mission, today, as was implied,” he said, “I’m going to have to give you some added incentive to accomplish it tomorrow.” There was nothing implied!

Fuck, I know this trick. Give someone a goal to complete and berate them for not getting it done quickly. I’ve used it on subordinates, I am NOT submissive to him, to get them to do things quicker in the future.

How the hell does he know that trick? How the hell does he know all that he’s doing to me?

“First, relax your hands from behind your back. That position is when you’re a good boy,” again, there’s that boy, I let my hands hang down beside me. “Now, when I am disappointed by you or I think you’re not making a good enough effort, this is the position, you are to be in. Take your right palm and put it on your left shoulder and put your left palm and put it on your right shoulder.”

I do as he instructs. I don’t like this new position. I’ve seen it before on people who are either venerating someone or insecure or scared or vulnerable. Crap. Those are feelings he’s been having me feel since Tuesday! I sure as hell am NOT venerating him!

And this is going to reinforce that.

That feeling in my gut intensifies a little.

I see his cock flex, lifting up his shorts. I stare at it.

Fuck, it’s wide. He’s going to want me to blow that.

I’m nervous. Remembering that first night and my gagging. Hell, I HAD to remember his gagging me, so I didn’t get hard, just a few moments ago!

“Time for some more training, boy,” he says, with his legs apart, hard cock sticking out of his shorts. Interesting, I don’t see any leakage. Just his hard cock. Can he control that, too? Shit, if he can… “Take my shorts off.”

I start to reach out with my hands. “Stop,” he orders, I stop. “Did I say use your hands?” he asks looking down at me.

“No, Sir,” I say. “How else will I lower them?”

He gives a disgusted sneer and says, “You’re smart, boy, think of something. And put your hands back where they belong.”

I put my hands back on the shoulders. Fucking Army training. “Good boy, you remember that position,” he says rubbing my head. Crap. Positive fucking reinforcement.

I look at his cock.

I look at his shorts.

Fuck, I think, sighing. I lean forward to his left side and grab the bottom of his shorts in my teeth and slowly start to lower them down. “Good boy,” he croons as he pats my head. Fuck. The shorts slip out of my teeth. I regrab them. Or try to. This is hard! And awkward.

And humiliating.

Captain Cocksucker has displeased his owner. And is now paying the price.

All because I didn’t tell him that Char already agreed.


Whatever power I took back, he just took away.

I grab onto his shorts with my teeth and pull down again. It comes down a little and then slips out of my teeth. Fuck.

I sit back a little and look. His shorts are now lopsided. His left side is lower than his right. But the right side has his cock sticking out of it. I lean over to the right side. His hard cock is angled 45 degrees down and out. I place my head just to the left side of his cock and grab the shorts with my teeth. Before I can start to lower them, he grabs my head and holds it in place.

“Smell me,” he says, pulling me into his crotch. I breath in deeply. I’m on the outside of his crotch. It has a musty smell. I feel his cock flex against my left cheek. He lets go and I start pull down on his shorts. They move down a little, exposing his pubic hair. I move to the other side of his cock, grab the shorts and feel his cock on my right cheek. I pull down and they slip out of my teeth again.

I love it. I not sure i like the dominant part but i love the thought from Jim. So realistic from an army guy.
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I don’t know how long I sit there with the running all over me.

The taste of bile and piss is all over my mouth. I open up my mouth and let the falling water try to fill it.

But, being so far away, and on the shower floor, it doesn’t fill up fast. I close my mouth and swash what little water there is, around.

It still tastes like piss and bile.

I spit it out and, using the wall for support, stand up. Now, I am closer to the shower massage. I open my mouth and it fills faster with water.

It suddenly changes from the shower massage into his big, fat dick. Instead of water, it’s his piss coming out and filling my mouth.

I dry heave, again, and it changes back into the shower massage.

What the fuck???

Closing my eyes, taking a deep breath, a deep, calming breath, I open my mouth again, and can taste the water filling my mouth as I keep it open.

I close my mouth and swish the water around and spit it out.

The flavor of bile and piss is still there but not as strong.

I drank his piss.


He didn’t force it into me.

He told me what he was going to do, and I agreed to it!

I WILLINGLY drank his piss.

All because I lied.

I see him standing above me, I still feel his foot on my face. “Listen carefully, Jim, my cock is for MY pleasure. It’s NOT to absolve you from your guilt. Is. That. Under. Stood!”

Fuck, I’ll NEVER do that again.

Shit. Look at me. Shaking in my shower. Like I’ve done to others for work. To get their obedience and to get the information I needed to save innocent lives.


How does he do that?

He broke me down.

He was kind to me, when I was at my lowest. At least I didn’t cry.

He made me realize what I did was wrong.

He built me back up.

He shaped me into what he wants.

His piss drinker.

I drank HIS piss.

I knew lying was wrong, did it anyways, and he forgave me.

When I was allowed to go back to parade rest, I almost cried with relief.


He told me I was still going to be punished and I agreed to it.

Because he was right, and I was wrong.

I drank his PISS!

Shaking my head, I turn off the shower, grab a towel and start to dry myself off.

I towel off my head and face, over the shoulders, down my chest.

My cock is hanging low.

He said I had a big cock. Yeah, I do. I think he said it a bit enviously. I don’t know why, when he has that monster thick one hanging between his legs.

But mine IS bigger!

He even said mine was big! Is he jealous of mine? Another wash of relief hits me as I wrap the towel around my waist. I walk over to the sink and turn on the water.

I pick up my toothbrush and open the toothpaste and start to squeeze it out.

It looks like solidified urine.

I look at it in shock. I close my eyes and shake my head. I reopen my eyes.

It’s toothpaste. Fuck, what is wrong with me???

Gingerly, I bring it up to my nose. I smell it.


I breath out, not realizing that I was holding my breath.

Oh, God. He’s in my head!

He’s been there since Tuesday.

I’ve gone from a straight, heterosexual male to Captain Cocksucker to Private Piss Drinker.

I like his cum.


I drank his piss…

Never lie to him.

End of story.

I spend the next few minutes shaving.

Looking in the mirror, I see where he slapped me with his right hand. It’s red but not bruised. The slap really wasn’t that hard, but I was off balance trying to get to his cock. Fuck, I was literally bitched slapped by an 18 year old man.

Fuck, there’s a lot of things that 18 year old man has done to me that I’d beat the crap out of anyone else for!

As I splash water on my face to clean off the lather, I smell his piss!

I look at my cupped hands and it’s full of his piss!




As if those are magic words, there is water in my hands again.

Why can’t it smell like his cum?

I freeze.


I want his cum.

Shit, anyone would want cum over piss!

Fuck, I’m a mess.

I head into the bedroom and grab a t-shirt and pull it over. I then grab a pair of underwear from the drawer.

The black pair.


I refold them and place them at the bottom of the pile and I grab a white pair. I put them on and arrange myself in them. They feel good. I grab some socks from next to the underwear and close the drawer.

I look at the closed drawer.

Sighing, I reopen it.

I take the black pair and put them back on top, then close the door.


I put on my uniform, then head to the kitchen. I quickly make a bagel and cream cheese.

It’s flavorless. Do I faintly taste his piss?


Why can’t it be his cum.


Why can’t it be a bagel with cream cheese??

I eat it and it sits in my stomach like a rock.

I drink water and it’s flavorless, too.

I go to the garage and get in my car.

I drive out and hang a right.

The speed limit is 30 miles per hour, but I am just letting the car coast down the road.

Matt’s home is coming up.

What if he’s by the side of the road again?

Will I stop? Will he want me to?

I already know I will.

I feel some type of emotion in my chest.

I can’t identify it.

His house is coming up.

I’m coasting and going slower from my initial turn.

25 miles per hour.

I don’t see him.

20. I am approaching the driveway.

I still don’t see him.

Where is he?

15. I am past the driveway.

I recognize the feeling in my chest.


It’s replaced by another one as I continue to coast by.

He’s not there.


I coast past his house and then push down on the gas pedal.

I know I will be seeing him either tonight or tomorrow.

The disappointment disappears and I am feeling better.

I’m listening to the radio. It’s basically background noise as I work. After morning formation, the Major asked into his office. Once there, with the door closed, he tasked me to give him a sitrep on what’s going down in Venezuela.

With all the political unrest that has been going on, since the election, Venezuela, is a hot spot that’s in our own backyard. It’s something that’s been bandied about the office, but more along the line of, what if.

Now, it’s gone from what if, to what’s going on now. It doesn’t mean we’re going to go down there. But, the Major has always been proactive in world events. He has contingency plans for all the known hot spots, in case we get activated to mobilize.

Now, our own backyard is being looked at.

To be honest, I’m glad for the distraction.

I’m still a mess from this morning.

Not as bad, thankfully, I chuckle to myself.

It also hasn’t helped with Char sending me updated level game messages. She’s been holding at level 4 for the past 3 hours. I smile to myself. She’s getting herself all wet thinking about tomorrow.

Luckily, when I am at work, I am very focused. Except for yesterday. Fuck, was it really yesterday? Everything hit me out of the blue. Even my own body acted on its own. Fuck, two orgasm’s, as Josh talked about.

<Dick throb>

Don’t you fucking dare!

Fuck, I need to get back to work.

“And in national news, the pharmaceutical company, Granger, has issued another recall,” I turn off the radio, stand up and stretch. I’ve been at this for 4 hours, non-stop. Between reading up on the different news outlets, listening to whatever I can find from people posting on Youtube and making some calls back to DC, it’s been a busy day so far.

“Clinton,” Major Rababbi says, as enters my office, “how’s the research going?”

“Slow, sir,” I say, as I motion for him to sit down. “There’s a lot out there. It would help me to narrow my search down if you can provide me more specifics on what you’re looking for.”

“There are no specifics, at the moment,” he says. “What I would like you to concentrate on, however, is the Venezuela/Guyana border.” I raise my eyebrows at that. “Concentrate on approaches that don’t take main roads or anything well travelled. Plan for the usual five to eight man squad.”

“Yes, sir,” I say. Guyana? Well, it is one of the countries surrounding Venezuela. I doubt the Venezuelan government will just let us fly in. “Is there a time limit on this, sir?”

“I’ll need it in three weeks,” he says as he stands up. I stand up, too.

“It’ll be done, sir,” I say. He then turns and leaves my office.

Guyana? Venezuela. Something’s happening. I’ve seen him do this before. But this is different from the normal planning session’s we’ve had in the past. First off, those others weren’t closed doored. This one was. Even though he never said it outright, because the door was closed, he is expecting one hundred percent secrecy on this.

I feel my stomach rumbling. I haven’t eaten since the bagel, this morning. It sat in my stomach like a rock. I don’t know when it stopped sitting there, but it’s gone now. The only thing I’ve been doing is drinking coffee.

And according to my bladder, I’ve drank too much.

As I leave the office, I notice there are a lot of younger men, not in the Army, around. I guess with school out, the kids are here visiting their parents. I head down the hallway to the head. I always get a chuckle when I hear that.

The closer I get to the head, the more my bladder is urging me to hurry the fuck up! I get to the head and open the door. There’s already someone using the urinal. The head is one of the older ones. One urinal and two toilets. One of the toilets is an accessible one for someone in a wheelchair. That’s the closest one.

I can’t wait, as my bladder is about to explode. So, I go to the far toilet, shut and lock the door. I quickly undo my belt and drop my trousers.

I go ahead and sit down. Might as well think about what’s going on. I spread my ass cheeks and sit on the toilet. I have to place my legs a little wider than I do at home as the water level in the toilets, on base, are higher than the ones at home.

I learned very quickly, that I had to hold my cock up, a little, so the head doesn’t rest in the water. I shiver at the thought of when that happened the first few times. Suck a gross feeling!

I drank his piss.


Jesus. This is what happens when I stop thinking about work!


I hear the guy at the urinal finish up. He flushes and then leaves. Fucker didn’t even wash his hands! Nasty.

I drank his piss.





What does mine taste like?

Jesus, really Jim?

It tastes like fucking piss! That’s what it fucking tastes like!

But I like his cum.

This is piss! Not his cum!

You puked his piss up after he left because it was gross!

I’m looking at my cock, in my hand, like a lazy snake pointing down.

Suddenly, my bladder unleashes. I feel my cock swell, just a little.

Like his did in my mouth.


It blasts into the water. So hard, I feel water backsplash onto my ass cheeks and balls.

Gross. That always happens when I don’t control the speed of my piss. I get the flow back under control and then it finally stops.

I squeeze a few more drops out of it.

Shake it.

Even after shaking it, there’s still that one drop that never seems to fall.

I reach for some toilet paper.

What does it taste like?

Really? Fucking really??

I’m not going to taste my own piss!

You drank his. This is only one drop.

I grab some toilet paper and rip it off the spool. I wipe it off and drop it into the bowl.

I’m not drinking my own piss!

With that statement, I feel so much better.

I’m breathing a bit easier now.

Fuck, legs are cramping up. From all the kneeling, and walking on my knees, to being led by him about my home, by my own dick, and all the sitting I’ve been doing today, I wonder why they haven’t cramped up before.

I stretch them out. Basically, I have them straight in front of me. The bottom of my jungle boots, are flat against the door. That feels good. I wiggle around, trying to stretch the cramp out.

Then the door to the head opens. I freeze. Training taking over. Even though I am not behind enemy lines, it’s good to keep practicing skills to make sure I am unobserved. I reach forward and make sure my trousers are not showing if they look under the stalls.

“Quick,” a male voice says, “lock the door.” I know I heard that voice before, but I can’t place it. It’s young though.

I hear the deadbolt turn and lock.

“Done,” says another voice, equally young. “Make it quick. People will be wanting to use the bathroom. It’s almost lunch time.” So, at least one isn’t in the military.

“Naw, this will be quick,” says voice number 1. “I did a quick look under the stalls, no feet. We’re free to talk.” I’m still trying to place their voices. I recognize the cadence of number 1 but I can’t place him.

“What’s this about?” says voice number 2, a bit guarded, it sounds like.

“You’re going to love this,” says voice 1. “I’ve rented a cabin on the beach for next weekend. I’m going to invite 3 or 4 friends. And Matt Braveman.” Matt? Crap. When I heard his name, I dropped my cock. It’s now head first in the toilet water. But that’s not important. How does he know Matt? Obviously, he knows Matt. But the way he said his name, makes me think he isn’t a friend. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what? We’re the only ones’ in here. Why would you do that?” Says voice 2. “He’s never going to accept. He doesn’t even like you all that much, Frances.” Frances Sinclair! Baseball player. Right fielder. Graduated the same time that Matt did. I don’t know much about him beyond that.

“My name is Frank,” he says a bit hot. “Yeah, the freak will accept this one,” he says smugly. Freak? I don’t like the way this is going. I need to concentrate on voice 2.

“What makes you so sure he’ll accept?” Says voice 2. “And don’t call him a freak. He’s a good guy.”

“He is a freak. Have you seen him in the showers? Fucker has a dick bigger than a horse!” Frances says with venom. “He doesn’t deserve it.”

“It’s not like he went out and bought it, Frank,” says voice 2. “He’s just lucky to have it, is all. You still haven’t said why he will accept.”

“Because I hired this high class hooker, Jasmine Dubois, to come out to the beach house,” he says smugly. Fuck, my legs are still cramping. Ignore it! Control your breathing, Jim.

“You paid for a hooker, so he can get laid?” Says voice 2. It bothers me that I can’t place it. “How did you get the money to pay for a high class hooker?”

“I’m using some of the money Grandpa gave me for college,” he gloats. “She’s expensive but this is going to be well worth it!”

“How will it be worth it?” Voice 2 says. Baritone. “Why spend your money to help get him laid?”

“That’s just it,” Frances says, laughing. “He won’t get laid.”

“I’m confused,” says voice 2.

“She’s going to get him all hot and bothered and as soon as she see’s him hard, I told her to tell him that he’s too big for her and she’ll fuck the rest of us, all weekend while he sits in a corner and pouts. Maybe cries,” he finishes, laughing even harder.

“Dude, that’s just mean,” says voice 2. “Count me out. And count out the rest of the team, too. You may not like Matt, but the rest of us do.” Team. He’s on the baseball team.

“If you tell anyone,” Frances says, menacingly. “I’ll tell your dad that you’re doing drugs.”

“You do that,” says voice 2, “And I’ll tell both your father and grandfather how you’re spending your college money. There are somethings more important, Frances. At least it’s just me doing it. No one else gets hurt. What you’re doing is plain wrong. And mean.” Respect for voice 2.

There’s a knock on the door. “Hey, is anyone in there?”

I hear the deadlock move and the door open.

“Sorry,” says Frances, “I don’t know how that happened.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” says voice 2.

There’s a pregnant pause, the new voice says, “Well, things happen. If you’ll excuse me, I need to piss.”

“We’re just leaving, sir,” says voice 2. I hear them walk out. I then hear the new guy walk to the urinal. I slowly lower my feet. Damn, that cramp hurts. I reach down, fish my cock out of the water. I grab some toilet paper and clean it off.

I hear the other person flush the urinal and then go wash his hands. Then he leaves.

I stand up. Clean myself off from the water droplets from the beginning.

I pull my trousers up and refasten my belt.

I go and wash my hands.


I can’t let that happen to Matt.

Regardless of what he’s been doing to me, I still like him. He grew up around me.

I need to protect him from this.

A vague outline of an idea is running through my mind.

I need Char’s help.
I’m listening to the radio. It’s basically background noise as I work. After morning formation, the Major asked into his office. Once there, with the door closed, he tasked me to give him a sitrep on what’s going down in Venezuela.

With all the political unrest that has been going on, since the election, Venezuela, is a hot spot that’s in our own backyard. It’s something that’s been bandied about the office, but more along the line of, what if.

Now, it’s gone from what if, to what’s going on now. It doesn’t mean we’re going to go down there. But, the Major has always been proactive in world events. He has contingency plans for all the known hot spots, in case we get activated to mobilize.

Now, our own backyard is being looked at.

To be honest, I’m glad for the distraction.

I’m still a mess from this morning.

Not as bad, thankfully, I chuckle to myself.

It also hasn’t helped with Char sending me updated level game messages. She’s been holding at level 4 for the past 3 hours. I smile to myself. She’s getting herself all wet thinking about tomorrow.

Luckily, when I am at work, I am very focused. Except for yesterday. Fuck, was it really yesterday? Everything hit me out of the blue. Even my own body acted on its own. Fuck, two orgasm’s, as Josh talked about.

<Dick throb>

Don’t you fucking dare!

Fuck, I need to get back to work.

“And in national news, the pharmaceutical company, Granger, has issued another recall,” I turn off the radio, stand up and stretch. I’ve been at this for 4 hours, non-stop. Between reading up on the different news outlets, listening to whatever I can find from people posting on Youtube and making some calls back to DC, it’s been a busy day so far.

“Clinton,” Major Rababbi says, as enters my office, “how’s the research going?”

“Slow, sir,” I say, as I motion for him to sit down. “There’s a lot out there. It would help me to narrow my search down if you can provide me more specifics on what you’re looking for.”

“There are no specifics, at the moment,” he says. “What I would like you to concentrate on, however, is the Venezuela/Guyana border.” I raise my eyebrows at that. “Concentrate on approaches that don’t take main roads or anything well travelled. Plan for the usual five to eight man squad.”

“Yes, sir,” I say. Guyana? Well, it is one of the countries surrounding Venezuela. I doubt the Venezuelan government will just let us fly in. “Is there a time limit on this, sir?”

“I’ll need it in three weeks,” he says as he stands up. I stand up, too.

“It’ll be done, sir,” I say. He then turns and leaves my office.

Guyana? Venezuela. Something’s happening. I’ve seen him do this before. But this is different from the normal planning session’s we’ve had in the past. First off, those others weren’t closed doored. This one was. Even though he never said it outright, because the door was closed, he is expecting one hundred percent secrecy on this.

I feel my stomach rumbling. I haven’t eaten since the bagel, this morning. It sat in my stomach like a rock. I don’t know when it stopped sitting there, but it’s gone now. The only thing I’ve been doing is drinking coffee.

And according to my bladder, I’ve drank too much.

As I leave the office, I notice there are a lot of younger men, not in the Army, around. I guess with school out, the kids are here visiting their parents. I head down the hallway to the head. I always get a chuckle when I hear that.

The closer I get to the head, the more my bladder is urging me to hurry the fuck up! I get to the head and open the door. There’s already someone using the urinal. The head is one of the older ones. One urinal and two toilets. One of the toilets is an accessible one for someone in a wheelchair. That’s the closest one.

I can’t wait, as my bladder is about to explode. So, I go to the far toilet, shut and lock the door. I quickly undo my belt and drop my trousers.

I go ahead and sit down. Might as well think about what’s going on. I spread my ass cheeks and sit on the toilet. I have to place my legs a little wider than I do at home as the water level in the toilets, on base, are higher than the ones at home.

I learned very quickly, that I had to hold my cock up, a little, so the head doesn’t rest in the water. I shiver at the thought of when that happened the first few times. Suck a gross feeling!

I drank his piss.


Jesus. This is what happens when I stop thinking about work!


I hear the guy at the urinal finish up. He flushes and then leaves. Fucker didn’t even wash his hands! Nasty.

I drank his piss.





What does mine taste like?

Jesus, really Jim?

It tastes like fucking piss! That’s what it fucking tastes like!

But I like his cum.

This is piss! Not his cum!

You puked his piss up after he left because it was gross!

I’m looking at my cock, in my hand, like a lazy snake pointing down.

Suddenly, my bladder unleashes. I feel my cock swell, just a little.

Like his did in my mouth.


It blasts into the water. So hard, I feel water backsplash onto my ass cheeks and balls.

Gross. That always happens when I don’t control the speed of my piss. I get the flow back under control and then it finally stops.

I squeeze a few more drops out of it.

Shake it.

Even after shaking it, there’s still that one drop that never seems to fall.

I reach for some toilet paper.

What does it taste like?

Really? Fucking really??

I’m not going to taste my own piss!

You drank his. This is only one drop.
I like it man. Using current events is great. And taking s piss being so detailed. Like I said before. You don’t miss a thing. This story is awesome!

I grab some toilet paper and rip it off the spool. I wipe it off and drop it into the bowl.

I’m not drinking my own piss!

With that statement, I feel so much better.

I’m breathing a bit easier now.

Fuck, legs are cramping up. From all the kneeling, and walking on my knees, to being led by him about my home, by my own dick, and all the sitting I’ve been doing today, I wonder why they haven’t cramped up before.

I stretch them out. Basically, I have them straight in front of me. The bottom of my jungle boots, are flat against the door. That feels good. I wiggle around, trying to stretch the cramp out.

Then the door to the head opens. I freeze. Training taking over. Even though I am not behind enemy lines, it’s good to keep practicing skills to make sure I am unobserved. I reach forward and make sure my trousers are not showing if they look under the stalls.

“Quick,” a male voice says, “lock the door.” I know I heard that voice before, but I can’t place it. It’s young though.

I hear the deadbolt turn and lock.

“Done,” says another voice, equally young. “Make it quick. People will be wanting to use the bathroom. It’s almost lunch time.” So, at least one isn’t in the military.

“Naw, this will be quick,” says voice number 1. “I did a quick look under the stalls, no feet. We’re free to talk.” I’m still trying to place their voices. I recognize the cadence of number 1 but I can’t place him.

“What’s this about?” says voice number 2, a bit guarded, it sounds like.

“You’re going to love this,” says voice 1. “I’ve rented a cabin on the beach for next weekend. I’m going to invite 3 or 4 friends. And Matt Braveman.” Matt? Crap. When I heard his name, I dropped my cock. It’s now head first in the toilet water. But that’s not important. How does he know Matt? Obviously, he knows Matt. But the way he said his name, makes me think he isn’t a friend. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what? We’re the only ones’ in here. Why would you do that?” Says voice 2. “He’s never going to accept. He doesn’t even like you all that much, Frances.” Frances Sinclair! Baseball player. Right fielder. Graduated the same time that Matt did. I don’t know much about him beyond that.

“My name is Frank,” he says a bit hot. “Yeah, the freak will accept this one,” he says smugly. Freak? I don’t like the way this is going. I need to concentrate on voice 2.

“What makes you so sure he’ll accept?” Says voice 2. “And don’t call him a freak. He’s a good guy.”

“He is a freak. Have you seen him in the showers? Fucker has a dick bigger than a horse!” Frances says with venom. “He doesn’t deserve it.”

“It’s not like he went out and bought it, Frank,” says voice 2. “He’s just lucky to have it, is all. You still haven’t said why he will accept.”

“Because I hired this high class hooker, Jasmine Dubois, to come out to the beach house,” he says smugly. Fuck, my legs are still cramping. Ignore it! Control your breathing, Jim.

“You paid for a hooker, so he can get laid?” Says voice 2. It bothers me that I can’t place it. “How did you get the money to pay for a high class hooker?”

“I’m using some of the money Grandpa gave me for college,” he gloats. “She’s expensive but this is going to be well worth it!”

“How will it be worth it?” Voice 2 says. Baritone. “Why spend your money to help get him laid?”

“That’s just it,” Frances says, laughing. “He won’t get laid.”

“I’m confused,” says voice 2.

“She’s going to get him all hot and bothered and as soon as she see’s him hard, I told her to tell him that he’s too big for her and she’ll fuck the rest of us, all weekend while he sits in a corner and pouts. Maybe cries,” he finishes, laughing even harder.

“Dude, that’s just mean,” says voice 2. “Count me out. And count out the rest of the team, too. You may not like Matt, but the rest of us do.” Team. He’s on the baseball team.

“If you tell anyone,” Frances says, menacingly. “I’ll tell your dad that you’re doing drugs.”

“You do that,” says voice 2, “And I’ll tell both your father and grandfather how you’re spending your college money. There are somethings more important, Frances. At least it’s just me doing it. No one else gets hurt. What you’re doing is plain wrong. And mean.” Respect for voice 2.

There’s a knock on the door. “Hey, is anyone in there?”

I hear the deadlock move and the door open.

“Sorry,” says Frances, “I don’t know how that happened.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” says voice 2.

There’s a pregnant pause, the new voice says, “Well, things happen. If you’ll excuse me, I need to piss.”

“We’re just leaving, sir,” says voice 2. I hear them walk out. I then hear the new guy walk to the urinal. I slowly lower my feet. Damn, that cramp hurts. I reach down, fish my cock out of the water. I grab some toilet paper and clean it off.

I hear the other person flush the urinal and then go wash his hands. Then he leaves.

I stand up. Clean myself off from the water droplets from the beginning.

I pull my trousers up and refasten my belt.

I go and wash my hands.


I can’t let that happen to Matt.

Regardless of what he’s been doing to me, I still like him. He grew up around me.

I need to protect him from this.

A vague outline of an idea is running through my mind.

I need Char’s help.
Can’t believe he’s going to help Matt. Maybe by doing that Matt will owe him. And Jim can turn this around.

I grab some toilet paper and rip it off the spool. I wipe it off and drop it into the bowl.

I’m not drinking my own piss!

With that statement, I feel so much better.

I’m breathing a bit easier now.

Fuck, legs are cramping up. From all the kneeling, and walking on my knees, to being led by him about my home, by my own dick, and all the sitting I’ve been doing today, I wonder why they haven’t cramped up before.

I stretch them out. Basically, I have them straight in front of me. The bottom of my jungle boots, are flat against the door. That feels good. I wiggle around, trying to stretch the cramp out.

Then the door to the head opens. I freeze. Training taking over. Even though I am not behind enemy lines, it’s good to keep practicing skills to make sure I am unobserved. I reach forward and make sure my trousers are not showing if they look under the stalls.

“Quick,” a male voice says, “lock the door.” I know I heard that voice before, but I can’t place it. It’s young though.

I hear the deadbolt turn and lock.

“Done,” says another voice, equally young. “Make it quick. People will be wanting to use the bathroom. It’s almost lunch time.” So, at least one isn’t in the military.

“Naw, this will be quick,” says voice number 1. “I did a quick look under the stalls, no feet. We’re free to talk.” I’m still trying to place their voices. I recognize the cadence of number 1 but I can’t place him.

“What’s this about?” says voice number 2, a bit guarded, it sounds like.

“You’re going to love this,” says voice 1. “I’ve rented a cabin on the beach for next weekend. I’m going to invite 3 or 4 friends. And Matt Braveman.” Matt? Crap. When I heard his name, I dropped my cock. It’s now head first in the toilet water. But that’s not important. How does he know Matt? Obviously, he knows Matt. But the way he said his name, makes me think he isn’t a friend. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what? We’re the only ones’ in here. Why would you do that?” Says voice 2. “He’s never going to accept. He doesn’t even like you all that much, Frances.” Frances Sinclair! Baseball player. Right fielder. Graduated the same time that Matt did. I don’t know much about him beyond that.

“My name is Frank,” he says a bit hot. “Yeah, the freak will accept this one,” he says smugly. Freak? I don’t like the way this is going. I need to concentrate on voice 2.

“What makes you so sure he’ll accept?” Says voice 2. “And don’t call him a freak. He’s a good guy.”

“He is a freak. Have you seen him in the showers? Fucker has a dick bigger than a horse!” Frances says with venom. “He doesn’t deserve it.”

“It’s not like he went out and bought it, Frank,” says voice 2. “He’s just lucky to have it, is all. You still haven’t said why he will accept.”

“Because I hired this high class hooker, Jasmine Dubois, to come out to the beach house,” he says smugly. Fuck, my legs are still cramping. Ignore it! Control your breathing, Jim.

“You paid for a hooker, so he can get laid?” Says voice 2. It bothers me that I can’t place it. “How did you get the money to pay for a high class hooker?”

“I’m using some of the money Grandpa gave me for college,” he gloats. “She’s expensive but this is going to be well worth it!”

“How will it be worth it?” Voice 2 says. Baritone. “Why spend your money to help get him laid?”

“That’s just it,” Frances says, laughing. “He won’t get laid.”

“I’m confused,” says voice 2.

“She’s going to get him all hot and bothered and as soon as she see’s him hard, I told her to tell him that he’s too big for her and she’ll fuck the rest of us, all weekend while he sits in a corner and pouts. Maybe cries,” he finishes, laughing even harder.

“Dude, that’s just mean,” says voice 2. “Count me out. And count out the rest of the team, too. You may not like Matt, but the rest of us do.” Team. He’s on the baseball team.

“If you tell anyone,” Frances says, menacingly. “I’ll tell your dad that you’re doing drugs.”

“You do that,” says voice 2, “And I’ll tell both your father and grandfather how you’re spending your college money. There are somethings more important, Frances. At least it’s just me doing it. No one else gets hurt. What you’re doing is plain wrong. And mean.” Respect for voice 2.

There’s a knock on the door. “Hey, is anyone in there?”

I hear the deadlock move and the door open.

“Sorry,” says Frances, “I don’t know how that happened.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” says voice 2.

There’s a pregnant pause, the new voice says, “Well, things happen. If you’ll excuse me, I need to piss.”

“We’re just leaving, sir,” says voice 2. I hear them walk out. I then hear the new guy walk to the urinal. I slowly lower my feet. Damn, that cramp hurts. I reach down, fish my cock out of the water. I grab some toilet paper and clean it off.

I hear the other person flush the urinal and then go wash his hands. Then he leaves.

I stand up. Clean myself off from the water droplets from the beginning.

I pull my trousers up and refasten my belt.

I go and wash my hands.


I can’t let that happen to Matt.

Regardless of what he’s been doing to me, I still like him. He grew up around me.

I need to protect him from this.

A vague outline of an idea is running through my mind.

I need Char’s help.
I need more...lol
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I go back to the office and throw myself into the report the Major wanted. Three weeks to come up with a preliminary plan for a small team to infiltrate Venezuela. But why from the Guyana side? I studied the topological maps and satellite imagery. I made a good start, but it’s still far from over.

A voice from the main office catches my ear.


“Excuse me, Sergeant,” I look out of my office window. I am looking at voice 2. Young kid. 17 or 18. He’s in front of Sgt Robbins desk. Again, the Intel officer in me sizes him up. Lanky. Six, maybe six, foot one. Dirty blonde hair. Clothes that don’t quite fit him but also is the latest style, too. “I’m looking for Lieutenant Meyers.”

Meyers? Meyers is an assistant coach for the baseball team. Baritone is on the baseball team. Along with Frances. Is he going to report him to Meyers? I doubt it. What would he report?

Baritone: ‘Gee, Coach Meyers. Frances is going to play a mean joke on Matt Braveman.’

Meyers: ‘Good job, Baritone. We need to make an example out of that Dip Shit!’

Yeah, that doesn’t feel right.

Sgt Robbins looks up at him. “The Lieutenant isn’t in right now, son. Can I take a message or can someone else help you?”

“He had agreed to do an interview for me,” Baritone says. “It was to help me with my college application.”

At that moment, the front door opens. In comes Meyers.

“Hey Royce,” Meyers says. Royce.

“Hey, Lieutenant Meyers,” Royce says, turning to him. “I’m here for the interview.”

“Yep,” Meyers says. “Follow me. It’s a nice day outside, let’s do it over at the park.”

“Sure,” says Royce as he follows Meyers out.

I go back to my research.

The next thing I know, it’s Seventeen hundred. I put my work away. Nothing is top secret at this point, but I still follow protocol and lock my work away in the safe and change my password on my computer. I head out to the car. As I leave, I see Meyers
heading to his car.

“Hey, Meyers,” I say to him. He stops and turns around. As I walk up to him, he salutes me. I return it.

“Sir?” he says.

“I was curious about what Royce wanted,” I say.

“Oh, that,” he says. “Royce wants to be a reporter and work for a network news organization. So, for his college application, they asked him to do an interview. I was the lucky guy he asked.”

“How did it go?” I ask. Meyers is a good, competent Lieutenant. Right now, he’s more admin than field work. But as he gets out into the field more, he will go from competent to excellent. He’s got the Major’s eye for his raw talent. It just needs to be honed.

“Fairly well,” he said. “He has some good instincts, but his questions weren’t as deep as they could be. I helped him with that and gave him some direction on how to follow up.”

“Is he on the team?” I ask. “He doesn’t look familiar.”

“He is,” Meyers said. “He hasn’t been able to play this last season. There were some abnormalities with his piss test for the team.”

“What kind of abnormalities?” I ask. He didn’t deny using drugs when Frances tried to intimidate him. Anyone who pops positive on a piss test is automatically thrown off the team.

“I’m not sure,” Meyers said. “All I know is that he didn’t pop positive, but it didn’t come back negative. So, the coach benched him for the last season.”

“Benched on his Senior year,” I say. “He must have taken that pretty hard.”

“Oddly, no,” Meyers says. “Well, maybe it’s not all that odd. Royce is an average player. He was never really focused enough to be anything more than average. He is on the team because a lot of his friends are. He wasn’t trying for a scholarship.”

“Thanks for answering my question,” I say. “It just caught my eye is all.”

“You’re welcome, Sir,” he says, saluting.

I salute back and then head over to my car. I get in, start the car and head for home.

Hrm. Does drugs. Doesn’t pop positive, but it wasn’t a clean negative either. Frances knows he does drugs. Does anyone else?

Well, that’s not my concern.

Frances is. And his plans for Matt.

His mother is the one in the Army. She is the Supply Officer for the battalion. His dad works construction. Frances has a bit of a reputation as a bully. He’s a talented right fielder, but talent can only take you so far.

Matt has been on the track and field team ever since his family moved here five years ago. He hasn’t set any state records, but he has always been a good, solid runner. Even back when they moved here. He never seems to run out of stamina. I remember watching him at a ten mile track event. The last third of the final lap, he just picked up and hauled! They were all grouped together in a pack, keeping pace with each other. Then, Matt just shifted into overdrive and pulled away from the pack like they were standing still.

Some of the sports overlap each other. That’s probably how Frances and Royce know Matt.

Okay, now, I have to figure out what to do.

I have a couple ideas but I want to run them by Char.

Obviously, I’m going to tell Matt.

Crap, if he was that pissed off from this morning when I didn’t tell him the three way was on, I really DON’T want to know how he will react if I hold this back and he finds out. And if he puts me in the shower, again, and starts to piss on me…

No, I think to myself, shuddering. I won’t lie to him ever again!

He really did a number on me! Everything from humiliation to piss drinking!


What else can he do to me?

Shit, why do I even ask myself that?

Every time I do, he finds new ways to humiliate me. Not only humiliate, he scares me.

He’s gotten into my head so much I might as well charge him fucking rent.

But, that’s not quite true, either.

I didn’t think about him at all while I was at work. It was when I went to the head, that’s where it began. When I lost my focus. When I wasn’t concentrating on work. When I started to relive this morning. I can’t believe I was going to taste my own piss to see if it tasted like his!

But that thought is there. Am I going to get piss on my fingers and “accidentally” put them in my mouth like I did my own cum from the head, yesterday?


It’s going to happen.

I just know it.

Might as well just aim my cock at my mouth and open wide!


How can I be so focused on work, at work, or with Char, that he doesn’t even enter my mind. But the moment I don’t think about either of those, I’m kneeling in front of him, naked, submissive to him.

I am NOT submissive to him!

Then why am I doing all of this?

Because he’s blackmailing me.

No, that’s not true, either.

I’m doing this because I love Char.

I’m doing this because I love my career.

I’m damn good at it!

How many times, in my 17 years in Psy Ops, have I helped to protect this country?

Other countries?

I know this is where I belong and meant to be!

Helping to protect Char, my family, my friends.

My country.

I could have called his bluff and been free of all this.

But the consequences would have been worse.



The Uniform Code of Military Justice is harsh on adulterers.

No private company would hire me with a Dishonorable Discharge.

He’s not blackmailing me.

He set the terms and conditions and I accepted them.


Can’t rape the willing.

At least I’m not hard in his presence.



I know it’s a yet.

It’s going to happen.

Fuck, it will have to happen tomorrow during the three way.

One thing at a time.

I will talk with Char when I get home, about my plans to protect Matt.

She will definitely want to help. She’s like me. She’s always been protective to the people she likes.

And she has always like Paul, Lisa and Matt.

I see Matt’s home coming up.

I feel a knot of emotion in my chest.

I start to slow down.

I look around for him.

Where is he? Do I sound Plaintive?

I don’t see him. Do I sound disappointed?

I slow down a little more and am even with his house.

I still don’t see him.

Well, I will see him tomorrow morning, right after Char leaves.

The knot of emotion goes away as I drive by his house.

I speed up a little and come to my home.

I take a left and pull into the driveway.

Char’s car is already there.

I get out of my car and head inside.

Time to brainstorm.
“You can relax your hands, Jim,” he says. As if they have a mind of their own, they reach up and lower down his, FUCK, MY, underwear. He’s cock starts to grow and get hard. I hear him clacking on the keyboard as I lick the head of his cock until it’s fully erect and I’d have to lean up to get it. Fuck, he said it’s 8 x 8 and I believe it! That thickness….I thought mine was good at 5 inches thick.

“Suck on my nuts, Jim,” he says, his eyes never looking down. Just expecting me to obey.

Because I will.

Because I have no choice.

I get a little closer. He spreads his legs. Still not looking down. I have to look up at him, while I suck and lick his balls.



Not caring at all that I’m here. Just expecting me to obey.

And I am.


“Make sure you are always looking up at me,” He says.

“Yes, Sir,” I say as I tongue his balls with the flat of my tongue. He reached down and gives me a rub on the head. Crap, that was for me calling him Sir. I didn’t even have to! And he rewarded me. I feel the hair on his balls. I take his closet ball and try to get it into my mouth. Fuck, even his balls are large. I then suck on it and gently pull away feeling the ball pull away and his hair in-between my lips and then they fall free.

Something hits me on the nose.

He’s leaking again. I start to lick up the shaft to catch it as it comes down.

“Stay on my balls,” he orders. I quickly go back to them. I hear him do a few more clicks on the keyboard. “Hey, I need your credit card to place this order.”

“What?” I say. “I’m not buying you underwear. You can do that on your own.”

“You’re going to buy me this order, Jim. Otherwise, my dad and your commanding officer will get those texts,” he said looking down at me with that stare. This time, it doesn’t work.

“You won’t do that,” I said standing up and looking down at him. This reminds me that I am taller, barely, than he is.

“The Hell I won’t, Jim.”

“No, you won’t,” I said forcefully. “And here’s the reasons why. One, if you do that, you lose your only opportunity to live out all of your sexual fantasies. Two, if you do that, you lose out on learning how to use that fucking monster cock of yours. Three, if you do that, you lose your cocksucker. Are you really willing to lose all of that simply because you’re too cheap to buy your own God damned underwear?”

Again, that real, genuine, smile, erupted across his face. That’s twice now and it throwing me for a loop.

“What?” I say angrily. “What are you smiling about?”

Still keeping that smile, he reaches up and sets his hand against my face.

“Thank you,” he says, still smiling. I’m still angry but I’m cooling down. “You’re a smart man, Jim. You’ll figure it out, eventually. Now, follow me to the bathroom,” he says as he reaches down and grabs his, MY, underwear. “I’m going to keep these, too, if you don’t mind,” he says, not even bothering to look back at me.

We get to the master bathroom.

“Get in the shower,” he says. I get in the shower. Get on my knees with my hands behind my back. He moves to the door, grabs his cock at the base and spreads his legs a little.


He leans forward a little and I watch, as if in slow motion, his piss blasts out. He pisses on my cock. And I hear it splatter off my body and onto the shower floor. The smell is strong! I hold my breath. The pissing stops. “Keep breathing, boy. This is one of my fantasies.” I nod my head, hold it down and start to breath again.

A few seconds goes by.

Then a few more.

I look up at him and he unloads a stream right onto my face.

I feel hit my forehead and start down my cheeks.

I smell it even stronger now.

He moves the stream onto my head.

Into my hair.

Across my lips.

I feel it running down my chest, through my abs.

Back down, over my cock.

Suddenly, the stream stops.

“Look at me, boy,” he orders. All this time, my arms never left parade rest. Fuck. Army obedience.

I look up at him.

“I’m going to give you a choice. I can finish up pissing either in your mouth or somewhere else on your body.”

“Somewhere else,” I reply automatically. I can taste some piss that did get in my mouth. I don’t want any more of that!

“Put your face down, in the drain, then use your hands to pull apart your ass cheeks,” he commands. Crap, I’m now face first in his piss as it’s draining past me. And then it hits me. My ass is exposed! I’ve never liked my ass touched or rimmed. And now, this 18 year old is going to try and fuck me! This past day, all he’s been concentrating on is a blowjob. Even though he said I was going to be his sex toy, I thought it was just oral. I’ll never take that thing in my ass!

This position reminds me of my waterboard training. I was so scared that day. I’m that scared again!

Roughly, I feel him run his hand up and down my ass.

I take a deep breath, instinctively, and breathe in the scent of his piss.

He slaps my ass with his cock. It’s floppy. Thank God. It’s not that hard monster!

I feel him, while his piss is now floating around my head trying to get to the drain. He places his head against my hole.

“Relax,” he says calmly.

Ican’tIcan’tIcan’tIcan’t, I tell myself in complete fear. He’s going to rip me open! I’m back in training!!

Then I feel him push against me. I catch my breath and close my eyes.

I feel something wet, and hard with force, hit my hole. I clench even harder!

I realize he’s trying to piss in my ass. When I realize that, I suddenly become calm and my hole relaxes.

And gives just a little.

Just enough to let some of the stream in. I don’t even know what to think. Just that I am happy he’s not fucking me!

A few more moments and then he stops pissing.

“Turn around,” he says. I quickly turn around. Hands at parade rest. “Good,” he says, patting my cheek. Then realizing his hand is coated in his piss, he reaches out and grabs a towel and wipes his hand on it. “Clean my cock, boy.”

I’m so numb with relief that he didn’t try to fuck me that I take his deflating cock in one hand and put it in my mouth. As much as I can. I don’t even know how much I get in there.

But I suck on it.

Tasting his piss

I lick it.

Tasting his sweat.

I pull it out and lick all inside his hood.

Smelling that musty, piss smell and tasting some of it that was trapped in his foreskin.

“That’s the type of enthusiasm I want to see from now on, is that understood?” He asks looking down at me.

“Yes, Sir,” I say looking up at him. I’m shaking. And I’m not sure if it’s with fear because I know, at some point he is going to fuck me. Or with relief, because he didn’t fuck me now.

“Good,” he says, rubbing my head. He then dries his hand again on the towel.

“Mother is going out of town this weekend, starting Friday, to go see dad,” he says, finishing drying his hand, then placing the towel over my head so I can’t see him, “I want to fuck your wife that night. I want you there, too.”

“Sir, I don’t know if I can make that happen,” I said. He wants to fuck Char! He wants to fuck her in front of me!

He reaches under the towel, under my chin, and tilts my head up.

I still can’t see him!

“I know you’re shaking because you thought I was going to fuck you, Jim.” He says. “And I plan on fucking you. Long. Hard. Without mercy. But only when the time is right. If I have to fuck you, before then, as a punishment, you will not like that, is that understood?”

“Sir, yes, Sir,” I said, forcefully. Suddenly, I’m back in my waterboard training.

“Thank you for the underwear and making me smile two times,” he said. “It’s quarter to nine, Jim. You need to get to base. Luckily, it’s not too far.”

I hear him walk out of the bathroom. A few minutes later, I hear the front door close.

I did something that made him smile.


I was face first in his piss.

I’m covered with his piss.

I’m now kneeling in his piss.

He wants to fuck me.

He wants to fuck Char.

He wants to fuck Char in front of me.


Not bad, but to much detail, even for vain matters, subtracts from it's interest, making the story boring at times.
Opening the front door, I hear the television on. “More fallout from the recall from the pharmaceutical company, Granger.”

“Jim? Is that you?” Char says from the living room.

“Yeah, hon, it’s me,” I say as I see her turn off the television and get up. She’s still in her work outfit. She must not have been home long. “How are you?” I ask, as I give her a hug, pulling her into me and lifting her off the floor.

She brings her face close to mine and we kiss. Damn, I love how she can kiss!

We break the kiss and just stare at each other.

I set her down and we both sit on the couch.

“Jim, I want to ask you something,” she says, slowly.

“Anything for you,” I say as I put my arm around her.

“You’ve always said no, in the past,” she begins. “But I really want you to fuck me in the ass tonight.”

I’m on the bed, looking up at him. His massive cock, hard and sticking straight up. Matt has that intense look in his eyes and I can’t break contact with him. “There’s a lot of things you didn’t use to do, Captain.” As he smacks me with his cock on my face, emphasizing each word.

“Okay,” I say.

“What?” Char says, questioningly.

Hell, I rimmed an 18 year old man. I got him off, too! Am I really taking pride in that? If I can do that involuntarily for Matt, why shouldn’t I do it voluntarily for my wife? “I said, Okay. I guess I’ve been selfish. If you really want this, I’ll do it for you.”

“I am so horny for you, right now,” she says getting up and leading me to the bedroom.

“Oh really?” I say, with a grin.

“Yes, really,” she says. As we are walking, we are both disrobing. Leaving a trail of clothes behind us as we walk to the bedroom.

Shit. She has such a beautiful ass. Each cheek the perfect size for my hands. How many times have I spread them, eating her out? Hundreds. Thousands. And I’ve never touched her ass except to finger it. What a fool I was.

By the time we reach the bed, she’s naked and I’ve still got my trousers and boots on. As she sits on the bed, she reaches up and starts to rub my thick cock through my trousers. She unbuckles my belt and opens my trousers and pulls them down to my ankles.

My cock is straining against my underwear. She mouths it. Up and down the shaft. I reach down and start to play with her nipples. I feel her start to nibble on my shaft and breath harder. I take her head in my hands and press her, hard, against my imprint.

“Fucking lick me.” I tell her as I pull her in tighter. “Take a deep breath,” I tell her. “Smell me.” I hear her breathing in deep. I feel the air move around my cock through my underwear

“Yesss…oh God, Yessss.” She says, over and over. I feel so powerful, right now.

I flex my cock.

Then relax.

Then flex.

She reaches up and pulls my underwear down. My cock flings free and smacks her on the left side of her face. Some leakage is dripping out.

Char opens her mouth and engulfs my cock. The head. The upper shaft. I flex it involuntarily! FUCK! That feels good. She is running her hands up and down my shaft. Getting it wet with her spit.

Her slurping fills the rooms. My toes curl as she sucks harder.

Then she stops and stands up.

Before I know what’s going on, she pushes me, face first, onto the bed.

Before I even finish the bounce, she is between my legs. I feel her hands prying my ass cheeks apart!

“Char, what are you HOLY SHIT!” I yell,l as I feel her tongue on my hole! It’s like a bolt of electricity was shot through my body!


She is licking my hole.


She is sucking on it!


I’m writhing on the bed. I can’t make my body move. It’s just thrashing about on its own!

I feel a finger press against it.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhh,” I moan as I feel her finger enter me. I feel my cock jump. She is still licking my ass as her finger goes in and out. She starts to lick her way over to my ball sack. As soon as she starts to lick my balls, she adds another finger into my hole.


I flex my cock and I get that churning sensation at the base of it. HOLY SHIT!

My breathing is labored.

My body is moving about on its own.

I’m surfing a wave of pleasure.

She pulls her fingers out of my hole. She starts to roll me over and I move my thrashing body with her.

“Grab your legs,” she says. “Pull them towards you face.”

I grab behind my knees and pull them as close as I can. My pants are blocking any view of what Char is doing. My hole is exposed. My hole is wet. It’s cold because she is now breathing on it.

It’s puckering as she does that.

She stops breathing.

It relaxes.

She breathes on it again.

It puckers.

She stops.

Then her tongue is all over it!

"JESUS!" I shout! " Holy shit. Keep going!"

He tongue rakes its way over my hole.

It’s being assaulted and all I am feeling is pleasure!

My cock is hard and dripping all over my stomach.

She’s still licking. Spitting on it. Then I feel her finger go in again.


My cock flexes on its own and I feel it leak more.

I feel a second one enter and that pleasure expands!

Then I feel her other hand, wrap itself around one of my balls.

I jump involuntarily!

She squeezes.

Slowly increasing the pressure all the while, moving her fingers around in my hole.

I feel them in me. I feel them stretching my hole.

She squeezes my ball more.

Then she hits something in my ass and that pleasure explodes!

She squeezes harder and my cock explodes.

“JESUSFUCKINGMARYFUCKINGJOSEPH,” I shout as I feel rope after rope after rope explode out of my ass.

Her squeezing my ball only increases the pleasure. My ass clenches down on her fingers.

All I hear is my ragged breathing.

My legs fall back down.

Char must have moved as they just land with a thud.

As I am trying to regain my bearings, Char starts to suck my cock head.

I jump as it’s so sensitive. I try to get her off of it, but she bats my hands away.

She sucks more and I jump more.

I feel that churning at the base of my cock.

“Oh, no. Please, no more,” I beg. But she keeps sucking. My cock is getting harder and harder.

And it never went soft.

Then as she puts more of my cock in her mouth, she drives her finger back in my hole.


Char gets into a 69 position on me.

My body thrashes.

It spams,

Char keeps my cock in her mouth and finger in my ass as I buck, as I thrash.

She’s is licking my head, as she overloads me with pleasure.

My ass is clenching down on her fingers.

My face is suddenly drenched as Char has her orgasm.

She takes more of me into her mouth.

I jump and force more into her throat.

I shoot again!

I’m feeling the throbbing of my ball from where she squeezed it.

It’s amplifying everything!

She braces her knees on each side of my head and orgasms again!

I’m breathing deeply. Quickly. I’ve swallowed her juices without even trying.

Holy shit

A few moments later, Chat gets off me. Licks my head one last time, making me jump and moan, and then helps me get onto the bed better.

She crawls next to me and we start to cuddle.

Holy Fucking Shit!