What do women want?

This proves my point, chances are you are not an 8/10 as most people tend to overrate themselves, I thought I was an 8/10 to, but then I had my face analyzed and rated by people who know better and I'm a 6/10 or 7/10 if my skin was clear, my acne is holding me back.

But the fact that you say that you get hit on by average women, is further proof of hypergamy. You see, if your a 7/10 or 8/10 without money or status, your going to have to date down usually and go for 5/10 or 6/10 women who are a 2 points below you because of hypergamy.

The average 5/10 guy is not getting hit on by women at all, maybe by the occasional obese women.

A 6/10 guy might get hit on by below average women every now and then.

A 7/10 gets hit on every now and then, by average and maybe an above average women.

An 8/10 gets hit on by average and above average women.

An 8/10 with good status gets hit on by hot women.

A 9/10 gets hit on almost all the time by the hottest women.

It's not just looks, it's looks money and status as well.
Didn t know that there is a rating standard for faces. It is just ridiculous.
Face isn't more important than height or behaviour, etc.. It's the total package... and everyone likes something else.

Childish if you are dividing people based on an absurd rating system.

In Dutch they say :
"Wie de vrouw trouwt voor het lijf, verliest het lijf en blijft zitten met het wijf"
Free translation
( If you marry the women for her body, looses the body and is stucked with the wife )
Because it's mostly men who are obsessed with other men's penis size, and physique as it's a competition thing, where as women typically care about a man's face mostly, and everything else is a bonus to them.

Attractiveness is important... but for you to imagine that women's sense of desire is driven by a guys face is ludicrous.

And if this is the consensus on some forum that "studies" attractiveness, then it must be a forum full of idiots who are full of themselves.

What women find attractive HAS been studied... and physical appearance of most kinds rate very low on the list of things they seek. ( they may be less attracted to the obese, and the radically ugly or disheveled, but what they consider acceptably good looking is a far wider range than what most men consider handsome )

They are, for example, more affected by how you dress than your face. Because how you dress is an indicator of your social status and women tend to be attracted to higher status males. ( even an mediocre looking man in a tux gets a lot of approval from women... whereas a hunk who dresses like a color blind doofus might just bee seen as pitiable )

But beyond that, how you carry yourself matters most of all. That is not a trait that can easily be quantified.

How good you look on camera affects ONLY those people who only see you in pictures. Camming is not the real world.
Neither is modeling.

Women may like to SEE a beautiful man, but only a minority of women actually base their mating choices on appearance... and even then, mostly only those who are not actually seriously considering a man as a long term mate ( i.e. one night standers have a better chance if their pretty... but if she's looking for Mr. Right... she will be far less swayed by a pretty face )

What it comes down to is this... Guys thinking women are going to spread for a big dick are just as pitifully wrong as those who think they are going to spread for a pretty face.

You want to be loved?

There better be something about YOU, as a person, that is inherently lovable.
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Phil A

Agree: Words of Wisdom.

But then I keep wondering if there really is a world where this guy comes from and if there really are people who believe in this superficial trophy talk.

It’s Scary!

PS-- Now that obesity is being officially called a disease, I wonder how that will impact RippedStaten’s scorecard? Either a fat women will get extra (sympathy) points. Or they could loose points, since they are now labeled as some new form of “typhoid Annie”.
Didn t know that there is a rating standard for faces. It is just ridiculous.
The whole idea is, and I hope the people that think like that end up with each other as punishment. I've always hated it when someone you're with makes a comment about some couple like "he/she can do much better than that". Some people will say crap like that about a couple that walks past, without knowing anything at all about either of the individuals. For all they know, the "pretty" one is a total idiot and miserable to be around.
This proves my point, chances are you are not an 8/10 as most people tend to overrate themselves, I thought I was an 8/10 to, but then I had my face analyzed and rated by people who know better and I'm a 6/10 or 7/10 if my skin was clear, my acne is holding me back.

But the fact that you say that you get hit on by average women, is further proof of hypergamy. You see, if your a 7/10 or 8/10 without money or status, your going to have to date down usually and go for 5/10 or 6/10 women who are a 2 points below you because of hypergamy.

I get hit on often by both men and women and before "hot or not" changed the system they used to use I had a rating of 9.6/10 1,200 votes

The sites old system seemed fairly accurate as well.

One time 3 at the same time by her, her twin sister & their female friend.
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Attractiveness is important... but for you to imagine that women's sense of desire is driven by a guys face is ludicrous.

And if this is the consensus on some forum that "studies" attractiveness, then it must be a forum full of idiots who are full of themselves.

What women find attractive HAS been studied... and physical appearance of most kinds rate very low on the list of things they seek. ( they may be less attracted to the obese, and the radically ugly or disheveled, but what they consider acceptably good looking is a far wider range than what most men consider handsome )

They are, for example, more affected by how you dress than your face. Because how you dress is an indicator of your social status and women tend to be attracted to higher status males. ( even an mediocre looking man in a tux gets a lot of approval from women... whereas a hunk who dresses like a color blind doofus might just bee seen as pitiable )

But beyond that, how you carry yourself matters most of all. That is not a trait that can easily be quantified.

How good you look on camera affects ONLY those people who only see you in pictures. Camming is not the real world.
Neither is modeling.

Women may like to SEE a beautiful man, but only a minority of women actually base their mating choices on appearance... and even then, mostly only those who are not actually seriously considering a man as a long term mate ( i.e. one night standers have a better chance if their pretty... but if she's looking for Mr. Right... she will be far less swayed by a pretty face )

What it comes down to is this... Guys thinking women are going to spread for a big dick are just as pitifully wrong as those who think they are going to spread for a pretty face.

You want to be loved?

There better be something about YOU, as a person, that is inherently lovable.

I get more attention from girls and people in general when I wear a white tank top and basketball shorts then when I wear a nice fitted polo shirt and good fitting jeans.

A fat ugly guy in a suit won't get the attention a handsome athletic guy would get in a ripped up greasy tank top and torn shorts.

The fashion industry is built on the halo effect, do you think because you buy expensive $300 jeans that girls will want you, if they don't like your face?

Also dick size and face are both important and matter, the only difference is that unless your dick is 7 inches when soft, chances are she's not going to know the size of your dick anyway ( unless someone else tells her which would imply that your already getting laid, or unless you tell her and she probably will not believe you and think your weird for telling her anyway ) so face matters the most, unless your going to a sex party wearing a ski mask or something.
I'm finding that these sorts of threads don't usually have many women actually posting in them or at least not posting their desires. And i suspect i may know why. These threads and others like them usually turn into WHAT WOMEN WANT instead of WHAT SOME WOMEN WANT or What MOST WOMEN WANT BASED ON STATISTICS THAT IF APPLIED TO WOMEN AS A WHOLE WILL BE WRONG FROM THE GATE BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY WOMEN IN THIS WORLD THAT...WHY IS THIS STILL IN CAPS.

Women want the same things men want. Also, women don't want the same things as men. Confusing? Thats because life is confusing. Sure, scientific information can help bring people together but science has yet to be able to pin point what every last woman and man on this planet wants. Until it does, we'll never know what women want as in what all women want.

I will say this though, i personally know what the women of this thread want. And that is for most of the guys in this thread to shut the fuck up.
its by no means only face. you can be bellow her in face department and she will still fuck/date you. you can compensate it with for example height, manliness, charm, humor. the most powerful is status, by all means...

and that is not you on that picture ffs, u fucking liar. :D you just found most manly picture you could find. :D and its not good looking, its idiot/caveman looking.

if u want to see me to tell me if i think like this because i lack of good looks, i can show u myself on a cam. ill not post anything public here.
No! If a woman feel respect from your side, you have big chances to fuck her pussy.

bullshit. that can be applied only to some women, and only if other conditions are met.
you can fuck half of a women even more easily if you dont respect them...
its by no means only face. you can be bellow her in face department and she will still fuck/date you. you can compensate it with for example height, manliness, charm, humor. the most powerful is status, by all means...

and that is not you on that picture ffs, u fucking liar. :D you just found most manly picture you could find. :D and its not good looking, its idiot/caveman looking.

if u want to see me to tell me if i think like this because i lack of good looks, i can show u myself on a cam. ill not post anything public here.

No that is a picture of me you idiot, I'm also only 20 years old and my cock is way bigger then yours, and my body is more muscular and ripped. Are you mad man?

Keep living in delusion that you can compensate for having a face that she doesn't like.

It's not about if your face is better then hers ( although usually it will need to be ) it's about whether she likes your face enough to fuck you, before the other bonuses can even count.

Also it's looks, money, status, I agree that status is huge.

If you don't know a girl at all and your a stranger to her, it is very hard to fuck her.

If your a star athlete in highschool and very popular and liked by everyone it becomes a lot easier to fuck girls then.