What do women want?

Go ahead and keep believing what you want to believe. But I think a study on 5000 people and their personalities disprove anything related to personality. There are differences on how we perceive these people, but how these people are is not related to their face.

PS: I was curious on what my fwhr or whatever is, looks like I am between 1.81 and 1.88.

Also, just look at any sport...

the majority of pro athletes faces in strength sports, are compact and broad.

You even said it yourself, I look like a football player, you only saw a picture of my face, yet you can tell from face width, neck width, skin coloring, masculine features, that I look athletic.

Where as you can tell that Mark Zuckerberg does not look athletic just by looking at his face.


Where as you can tell by looking at Albert Pujols face that he is strong and athletic. You do not need to see his body.


Do you see it now?
You look like a football player because you have a simple look about your face, broad looking sloped shoulders and various other things that make you look like a football player. Not just your face.

Also, Pujols does not look strong and athletic.

Anyway, I gotta stop getting sucked into this stupid debate. I am going to sleep, hopefully tomorrow I wont be so bored as to bother again.
I used this methodology to measure (from your own article):
FWH is measured as the maximum horizontal distance from the left facial boundary to the right facial boundary (width) divided by the distance from the top of the lip to the highest point of the eyelids (height).

I am not going to PM you a picture of my face. The only person that is going to ever get a face picture from anything of mine that has nudes on it is somebody that I trust, and even then likely only a female.

BTW, a methodology that requires a certain fitness level is already a flawed methodology. Why? Because you are cherry picking your sampling rather than it being random.

EDIT: Also, if fWHR were accurate I think I am disproving it. You called me feminine, but I have a good fWHR. I am not aggressive, I am not masculine, I am nothing of what you claim results from fWHR.

I measured mid brow or top of the brow, because I saw other studies use that methodology.

I feel that's the best way to do it because the eyelid just measures your midface but it doesn't measure how far up your brows are, and brows that are low are always going to be more masculine or dominant or aggressive looking then eyebrows that are high up.

Think of low eyebrows on top of the eyes, as making a frowny or masculine starring mean mug face.

Think of raised eyebrows as making a relaxed or sedated expression.

If I measure top of the eyelid compared to top or mid brow, it makes a difference of 0.3 in the ratio which is huge.

If you measure top of the brow or middle of the brow your ratio might go from 1.8 to 1.5 which is very feminine and Mark Zuckerberg level.

Also the reason why the fitness level is not a good excuse is that we are using 2d photos, in 3d we can tell a person is fat and they're head doesn't look as wide, but in a flat 2d picture it's harder to tell, and a person who is fat just looks broad or wide.
You look like a football player because you have a simple look about your face, broad looking sloped shoulders and various other things that make you look like a football player. Not just your face.

Also, Pujols does not look strong and athletic.

Anyway, I gotta stop getting sucked into this stupid debate. I am going to sleep, hopefully tomorrow I wont be so bored as to bother again.

He looks very strong.



Also this guy is an example of a guy who looks highly masculine and dominant despite only having about an average fWHR, because he has masculine tan coloring, dark features, a dark beard, a lean face, good chin size, and defined projecting jaw and good brows.




Look at the time line of this thread. Post #74 to post #169.
The past 12 hours at a keyboard.
Obsess much?
Look at the time line of this thread. Post #74 to post #169.
The past 12 hours at a keyboard.
Obsess much?
Looks ARE important
always will be

for me it's

can't be fat as it does not fill certain physiological needs.
boobs (no bigger then a 34c to 36D anything bigger is a turn off.) (equally important with personality :tongue: )

Sexual attraction reels you in, personality keeps you there.


Is she still attractive?

before or after :rolleyes:
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I have found that when you send a women in multiple orgasm mode, by the 3rd cum, they do not even remember what you look like. By the fifth, they barely remember their name.

He fucks like every other pornstar. This again goes back to what I said before, if a women likes your face she will rationalize everything else about you.

If a women likes your face, she will say your funny and laugh at your not funny jokes and giggle around you.

If a women likes your face, she won't care when an uglier guy with a better physique stands next to you.

If a women likes your face, she will be submissive to you and have more respect for you.

If a women likes your face, she will put up with other flaws.

Just admit it, you like Manual's face and you think he is handsome, it's not shallow or bad to admit, I can admit when I like a women. It's not because of Manual's fuck game, but his face game.

If all of that is true. Please explain all of the "ugly" guys out there that have you pissed off. Oh wait, thats right. All of those dudes are lying. Cause you are the one. The only one. The singular solitary dude on this whole entire planet. (In that movie announcer voice) One man to rule them all. One man to bone them all. The one man that has bang so many chicks he has had to resort to the internet to find more chicks ta bang. The man of the hour. The manly hour of power that all other men must point at and laugh at cause really dude. Do you really think you or people that look like you are the only ones to get laid?

So the only type of guy out there that ever gets laid is ones that look like you? The 80's called, they want their ideology back. I'm not even gonna put up any examples of guys that don't look like you who've gotten copious amounts of tail strictly because well...lesbians. They do not and will not ever like you. (Drops the keyboard) Shit now i gotta buy a new one.
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If all of that is true. Please explain all of the "ugly" guys out there that have you pissed off. Oh wait, thats right. All of those dudes are lying. Cause you are the one. The only one. The singular solitary dude on this whole entire planet. (In that movie announcer voice) One man to rule them all. One man to bone them all. The one man that has bang so many chicks he has had to resort to the internet to find more chicks ta bang. The man of the hour. The manly hour of power that all other men must point at and laugh at cause really dude. Do you really think you or people that look like you are the only ones to get laid?

So the only type of guy out there that ever gets laid is ones that look like you? The 80's called, they want their ideology back. I'm not even gonna put up any examples of guys that don't look like you who've gotten copious amounts of tail strictly because well...lesbians. They do not and will not ever like you. (Drops the keyboard) Shit now i gotta buy a new one.

You don't get my posts at all do you?

Also I never claimed to be a pussy slayer, I was just pointing out that I have similar features to Manual, and she is attracted to Manual because of his face, due to the fact that for porn his cock is not very big, nor is his physique very special, yet he is one of the most handsome men in the industry.

Also the ugly guys haven't shown proof of anything, most people in this thread are incels anyway, and you don't need to be ugly to be an incel, just be average and your an incel these days as women want better then average, or be above average but have mental issues, or no status, or not try, or be anti social and you will be incel as well.

The only way to not be an incel, and to have sex with women these days, is to have high money or status, or to have above average looks, low standards, and be very extroverted and leave the house and be social very often.

Edit: The average man is not going to sit on his ass doing nothing, then magically get laid with attractive women out of nowhere.
You don't get my posts at all do you?

Also I never claimed to be a pussy slayer, I was just pointing out that I have similar features to Manual, and she is attracted to Manual because of his face, due to the fact that for porn his cock is not very big, nor is his physique very special, yet he is one of the most handsome men in the industry.

Also the ugly guys haven't shown proof of anything, most people in this thread are incels anyway, and you don't need to be ugly to be an incel, just be average and your an incel these days as women want better then average, or be above average but have mental issues, or no status, or not try, or be anti social and you will be incel as well.

The only way to not be an incel, and to have sex with women these days, is to have high money or status, or to have above average looks, low standards, and be very extroverted and leave the house and be social very often.

Edit: The average man is not going to sit on his ass doing nothing, then magically get laid with attractive women out of nowhere.

And this is what i'm saying. Contrary to popular belief people do get laid. All shapes sizes creeds and what have you. There are men out there that have gotten laid just sitting at home doing nothing. I'm sure it happens because i know the law of people. And that law is that someone somewhere will like something that i do not.

Just because you don't think it happens doesn't mean it doesn't. Now that is a statement that is clearly a fact. Shit happens and no matter what statistical data or popular opinion says, shit will continue to happen that is beyond the realm of expectation.

Are there women that are attracted to a certain type of guy with a certain type of face...yup. Are there women that are not. Yup. But i'm not the one with the burden of proof. When you say women are attracted to a certain type of guy then you have to stand up for that way of thinking.

As in, if a woman says she isn't attracted to you then you have a few choices. Either A. admit that some women don't find you attractive or B. What you did, which is tantamount to "come on babycakes you know you want all this". It isn't that people don't understand you or that people are incels. You just made a general statement about women. Something that no matter how handsome you think you are, will make you look like a five year old in the eyes of mature people.

People get laid, lay and plan to lay with people for so so many different reasons. Not saying your reasons are invalid based on basic truth. I'm saying they're invalid because it isn't the whole truth.

And when i said lesbians i meant that as a question. If women want a guy that has this that and the other thing. How come it doesn't work on lesbians? Oh thats because for all the data statistics, personal opinion and media statements, lesbians like women and thats that. aka Some women don't find men attractive at all.
And why is it that a thread entitled, "What Do Women Want" has produced such a torrent of mindless posting -- basically people insulting one another?

Because people don't read OP's post thoroughly enough to understand that the subject line refers to a book title.

Maybe the only people who should post in this thread are those who have read the book.