What do women want?

Yes, initial impressions can get an initial reaction. However, that is not the end of it. If she hasn't shown interest, you can still approach her and get a date or something more by getting her interest in other ways. Personality goes a long way for me. Your theory basically only applies to a guy that hasnt been approached. I am sure tons of women would tell you stories of guys that looked attractive, but when approached they were instantly turned off because of his personality.

Repeated asking seems off. And dumb from your wrestling coach. Sorry to say.

Yes well what I am saying is that the initial impression is what I think is important, I think they already have their mind made up of what they want in a guy.

Also yes she could like your looks then be turned off for whatever reason later, this is just more proof that women have higher and tougher standards then men anyway.

Again, I'm not sure why your going against what I'm saying because your posts tend to agree with mine.

Women want looks, money and status, that is what impresses them, the main component to looks is your face, if you have the face they like they will rationalize your other flaws but because they have high standards you still need to have a normal personality and behavior to not scare them off, or to not make them not like you anyway.

I can't think of a girl being with a guy she's not sexually attracted to, who doesn't have any money or any status, and being happy being with him and not being forced to be with him.
He must be a 300 LBS pussy slayer... :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:

or just another guy trying to talk **** over the internet.

Maybe you just can't READ, either.
I don't NEED to talk **** like you do.
Never had a need to in my life.
Yes well what I am saying is that the initial impression is what I think is important, I think they already have their mind made up of what they want in a guy.
What you think and what they think is often not the same thing.

Also yes she could like your looks then be turned off for whatever reason later, this is just more proof that women have higher and tougher standards then men anyway.
No, this is proof that women are human beings that want another human being.

Women want looks, money and status, that is what impresses them, the main component to looks is your face, if you have the face they like they will rationalize your other flaws but because they have high standards you still need to have a normal personality and behavior to not scare them off, or to not make them not like you anyway.
Women want more than this.

I can't think of a girl being with a guy she's not sexually attracted to, who doesn't have any money or any status, and being happy being with him and not being forced to be with him.
That is because you are thinking about it from your perspective, not theirs. What you call "rationalizing other flaws" is simply other things that they like. Nobody is perfect.

I am done arguing with you though, you are.... strange. You have your opinions which I clearly disagree with. I am trying to show you logical reasons and truths, but you seem to mostly ignore them for your own theory.
... being married tends to get you a lot of pussy with your wife.
That is tell she no longer finds you attractive any more, that is when it drops off a cliff.
i.e gain weight

You go from 2 times a day to once a month or year.
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That is tell she no longer finds you attractive any more, that is when it drops off a cliff.
i.e gain weight

You go from 2 times a day to once a month or year.

I remember reading a statistic that says that a lot of marriages end up sexless at a certain point anyway.

Usually the women stops wanting to put out as she gets older, so the guy starts to see escorts, or the women goes for other guys when the husband is not around anyway.

You seem to agree with a lot of my points, and seem to have good knowledge on this sort of stuff.
That is tell she no longer finds you attractive any more, that is when it drops off a cliff.
i.e gain weight

You go from 2 times a day to once a month or year.
Are you his wife? Are you a woman? Have you experienced this? While I don't intend to speak for women, I am sure many wives would disagree with you.
I remember reading a statistic that says that a lot of marriages end up sexless at a certain point anyway.

Usually the women stops wanting to put out as she gets older, so the guy starts to see escorts, or the women goes for other guys when the husband is not around anyway.

You seem to agree with a lot of my points, and seem to have good knowledge on this sort of stuff.
yeah I am guessing none of the other guys here have ever been asked out by a female before
Yeah you are well experienced your self.
Was wondering if you would dig that up. On a personal relationship level, I have experience. On a sexual level, not so much. I can freely admit that (and it is because of my own issues that it is true). However, because I am on a friendly level with so many women I like to think that I am at least more educated.

I will let the women verify if they want to though. They are, after all, what the thread is about.
Was wondering if you would dig that up. On a personal relationship level, I have experience. On a sexual level, not so much. I can freely admit that (and it is because of my own issues that it is true). However, because I am on a friendly level with so many women I like to think that I am at least more educated.

I will let the women verify if they want to though. They are, after all, what the thread is about.
Exactly how many females have asked you out?
I remember reading a statistic that says that a lot of marriages end up sexless at a certain point anyway.

"To look at the statistics about marriage and sex, you wouldn’t even know that there was an issue to begin with. “Studies have found that married people have more sex than single people, and they also have more varied sex,” says sexual health expert and best-selling author Dr. Laura Berman, who hosts “In The Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman” on OWN. ”Oral sex is also more common among married people.”
Was wondering if you would dig that up. On a personal relationship level, I have experience. On a sexual level, not so much. I can freely admit that (and it is because of my own issues that it is true). However, because I am on a friendly level with so many women I like to think that I am at least more educated.

I will let the women verify if they want to though. They are, after all, what the thread is about.

This proves my point, your skinny and twinky and don't have a masculine face.

Women want to be your friend, but do not want to have sex with you, because you are friendly and not masculine.

Where as on the other side... guys who are masculine, if a women does not like them they just completely ignore them, or are scared of them, and are not friendly with them.

Where as when they come across the girl who does like them, the girl usually tends to be submissive and sexual.

Get more muscle, grow some stubble, and get a tan, and see if women find you as friendly or nice, or if they treat you more like a sexual or scary masculine male.
While I don't see the relevance, more than I have asked out.

Your taking the blue pill man, you know the truth deep down inside yet you are still on the blue pill.

Take the red pill and see women for what they are, then stop listening to what women say online. Remember women say they want a guy who treats them nice and with respect online, yet in real life these same women go around complaining that they're boyfriend treats them badly, yet they still stay. While they have nice guys approach them and are 100% respectful to them, and they still reject them. Why is that?
You didn't read my post did ya.

Ripped Staten there are other methods to get your point across. Consistantly belittling the members is not the way to go, now your just trolling. Having two sanctions already on your belt, and you still haven't gotten the hang of this. This isn't even your thread; and you have hijacked and made it personal. What do women want? How could you possibly know if your not a female. C'mon dude grow up....

Further note to other members: Don't feed the troll, or post content regarding minors..

THIS ^^^
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This proves my point, your skinny and twinky and don't have a masculine face.
I dont wear clothes that show my body. The people online that have seen my body (the only people that have) tend to like it.

Women want to be your friend, but do not want to have sex with you, because you are friendly and not masculine.
I have no doubt that if I wanted sex, I could get it.

Where as on the other side... guys who are masculine, if a women does not like them they just completely ignore them, or are scared of them, and are not friendly with them.
Nope, if youre a masculine man all you gotta do is look like youre a friendly person.

Where as when they come across the girl who does like them, the girl usually tends to be submissive and sexual.
I think a lot of women are like this because this is what they think guys want.

Get more muscle, grow some stubble, and get a tan, and see if women find you as friendly or nice, or if they treat you more like a sexual or scary masculine male.
Considering I smile and laugh all the damn time, women will still find me friendly and nice. They may want to have sex with me even more.

Your taking the blue pill man, you know the truth deep down inside yet you are still on the blue pill.
You need to get off the pills altogether.

Take the red pill and see women for what they are, then stop listening to what women say online. Remember women say they want a guy who treats them nice and with respect online, yet in real life these same women go around complaining that they're boyfriend treats them badly, yet they still stay. While they have nice guys approach them and are 100% respectful to them, and they still reject them. Why is that?
I listen to what female friends tell me in real life. I know what you say is wrong. Why? Because I am that nice guy and I haven't been rejected yet. Every girl that I have asked out has said yes.

Your perception is messed up. Women want what women want. Different women will want different things. Women are people, like men are. We look for different things, no?
I dont wear clothes that show my body. The people online that have seen my body (the only people that have) tend to like it.

I have no doubt that if I wanted sex, I could get it.

Nope, if youre a masculine man all you gotta do is look like youre a friendly person.

I think a lot of women are like this because this is what they think guys want.

Considering I smile and laugh all the damn time, women will still find me friendly and nice. They may want to have sex with me even more.

You need to get off the pills altogether.

I listen to what female friends tell me in real life. I know what you say is wrong. Why? Because I am that nice guy and I haven't been rejected yet. Every girl that I have asked out has said yes.

Your perception is messed up. Women want what women want. Different women will want different things. Women are people, like men are. We look for different things, no?

If you have never been rejected, then why are you a virgin?

Being a virgin means that you have been rejected every time, as a women has not allowed you to put your penis into her vagina yet, and penis in the vagina contact is all that matters.

Smiling often is a natural submissive facial expression, masculine men do not smile often or for no reason naturally, they'res science on this that suggests that feminine men and women use more facial muscles to make more facial expressions, and masculine men tend to not make varied facial expressions that often.

Telling a masculine guy to just smile more, is telling him to do something he isn't naturally programmed to do.

In the same way that telling a feminine guy to talk with a deeper voice, or to stand with better posture, or to walk around starring people down, is telling him to do something he isn't naturally programmed to do.

Your physique is good enough for young girls, it's not good enough to get anyone's attention but it's not disgusting or repulsive or going to turn girls off unless they have a muscle fetish ( which if they did they wouldn't be around you anyway, because they can see in a shirt that your skinny ) you still look like a feminine twink though.

Which is part of why you get asexual female relationships and are friends with girls, where as masculine muscular handsome athletic jocks with status are acquaintances with girls, then meet the girls when they're drunk at a party and fuck them, then the girl calls you up and tells you that the guy is such a jerk, because he only pumped and dumped her.

If you can get sex if you want it... why are you a virgin?

Why can't most men, just admit that they are incel's, 90% of men are incel if you strip them of money and status, it's not a big deal.
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If you have never been rejected, then why are you a virgin?
Because I havent asked to have sex? Man, this thought must be blowing your mind right now.
Being a virgin means that you have been rejected every time, as a women has not allowed you to put your penis into her vagina yet, and penis in the vagina contact is all that matters.
No, being a virgin means I havent had sex. Not that I have been rejected. I am not going through life looking for sex, I am going through life and hoping to pick up a partner to spend my life with somewhere along the way. Once I move to a more permanent location I will pursue this more actively.
Smiling often is a natural submissive facial expression, masculine men do not smile often or for no reason naturally, they'res science on this that suggests that feminine men and women use more facial muscles to make more facial expressions, and masculine men tend to not make varied facial expressions that often.
ok? Enjoy having no personality and looking unfriendly by not smiling then. I dont really care. Some of the most masculine men on this earth smile a lot (MMA fighters, boxers, football players). I doubt your science.
Telling a masculine guy to just smile more, is telling him to do something he isn't naturally programmed to do.
No, telling a guy that has no emotion or personality to smile more is telling him to do something he isnt good at.
In the same way that telling a feminine guy to talk with a deeper voice, or to stand with better posture, or to walk around starring people down, is telling him to do something he isn't naturally programmed to do.
Deepness of voice is based on vocal cords. Standing with a better posture is better for everybody. Staring people down has to do with personality. You can change personality to stare people down.
Your physique is good enough for young girls, it's not good enough to get anyone's attention but it's not disgusting or repulsive or going to turn girls off unless they have a muscle fetish ( which if they did they wouldn't be around you anyway, because they can see in a shirt that your skinny ) you still look like a feminine twink though.
You... don't know what I look like entirely. I have never before been called a feminine twink before. I actually am getting a bit irritated that you keep saying that.
Which is part of why you get asexual female relationships and are friends with girls, where as masculine muscular handsome athletic jocks with status are acquaintances with girls, then meet the girls when they're drunk at a party and fuck them, then the girl calls you up and tells you that the guy is such a jerk, because he only pumped and dumped her.
Mother of god you are dumb. I am friends with them because a guy can be friends with a girl. Most of them are coworkers and you should know you dont mess around with coworkers.
If you can get sex if you want it... why are you a virgin?
For one, I have had a history of self confidence issues (that are completely unrelated to how I look). Second, sex isnt my main motivation when I pursue a woman.
Why can't most men, just admit that they are incel's, 90% of men are incel if you strip them of money and status, it's not a big deal.
What in the hell is incel?