I'm that stoner that totally gets it.. some people just don't like weed. Some people don't get different effects from different strains. It's just *not* everyone's DOC.
I can't deny that I wish it was, because I wish everyone felt the way I feel when I consume it. Smoking, eating it, however I can get it in or on my body, it makes me feel like my best self. But.... I understand how is just not everyone's cuppa.
I fully acknowledge how obnoxious that kind of stoner is. When I meet 'em and have the opportunity to tell them I just put it like this: "you know how you don't like it when people tell you to *not* smoke because they think it's wrong or whatever? You don't like it when people try to force their lifestyle on you, right? Ok then, don't do it to other people".
It's one thing to offer, it's another to hound someone to the point of borderline harassment.
That one struck a nerve, can you tell? Lol