Still doesn't make it true, no matter how much you try and "rephrase" or whatever it is you are doing now. I know that most aren't. #factsmatter
This would really be funny if it weren't so sad; nice try at projection. All one needs to do is read your musings around the site. You seem to thrive on pulling stuff out of the air or elsewhere in your constant attempts to justify your unfounded comments.
You have beliefs, and when challenged, cannot provide any documentation to support said beliefs, other than what you think. That's a fail of logic my friend. Big fail.
And now you are resorting to making personal attacks. All that tells me and other readers is you have nothing of substance to share. Nothing. As you continue to be unable to support your feelings with documentation or facts. Unlike what I've done here. Repeatedly... #factsmatter
Again with your projection; defensiveness is your crutch when challenged. One of my favorite sayings is "Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one". You've repeatedly stated your "opinions" here and I've repeatedly refuted such with facts. And will continue to do so. #factsmatter
More unfounded nonsense which again tells me you have nothing of substance to provide now so you are resorting to a personal attack. Another fail.
What I am is an ally for the truth. Facts. Honesty. And when anyone tries to post a bunch of opinions and nonsense not supported by facts or truth, I will speak out. Especially about a subject or topic of which I have first-hand knowledge and experience. Like bodybuilding.
And continue to do so as I don't deal in conspiracy theories. Or with people who post "stuff" that has no basis in truth. Like has happened in this thread... #factsmatter
Full grown men don't play games with truth. They don't make stuff up and attempt to present it as facts when they know it's not. Push their opinions on others they are unable to support when challenged. Double down with personal attacks when challenged. As has been going on in this thread.
Debate? That's funny. You aren't debating. You are posting your thoughts based on nothing other than your opinion. Which, when challenged, you've been unable to support. Not how debate works. #factsmatter
And a huge thank you for once again admitting you don't know anything about that which you've claimed to have known throughout this thread.
I do know. I've shared with you and other thread readers my personal experience of being involved in the bodybuilding community for almost 30 years now.
And now that you've admitted again you don't know, do all of us a favor and please don't continue to post about that which you've admitted you don't know. It's just not a good look!