Would you befriend a gay guy?

I would now.. At 21 I would have worried what my other friends would think. At 41 all my friends are boring shit heads.

One of my best friends is my also chiropractor. Dude is gay as fuck.

Him and his buddies always have the best parties, with good drugs and the hottest women you've ever met.
I've been lifelong friends with several. Sexual orientation has never been a deciding factor on whether another person is my friend or not. Qualities such as loyalty, trustworthiness, attitude and overall personality take a much higher ranking.
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If you were out one night and got talking to a guy that after a while you started to think may be gay would you continue to become friends with him or distance yourself?

I think this is a good question. I have two gay friends at work. one of my two best friends I've had since grade 7 came out in grade 12. still super close. And one more gay friend who I'm friends with who is at a different military base. They all had one thing in common. i didn't know they were gay right away front heir personality. if a guy is flamboyantly gay, i mean, sure he can be a good dude.. but its too much for me. All my friends are masculine and we do guy things together.

Basically this is the best way i can put it:

Have you ever met a straight guy that is all about his sexuality, acting overly macho and stupidly aggressive, taking bout fucking bitches.. like he's got something to prove. just kinda overdoing the manly thing. Im sure we can all agree that that is annoying and not the type of man you'd wanna chill with voluntarily.

The same goes for gay guys. if he is clearly using his sexuality to define who he is like the polar opposite of ol Butch i mentioned above. being super catty, overly flamboyant. The type of gay guy that another gay guy would look at and be like "he's a fag". Than no.

So in short. if your just a normal cool dude that just so happens to be gay, who cares. If your worried you might scare off a potential friend.. just after creating a friendship bond, let him know your gay.. like same day, your not into him, but you just want to make sure he's cool with that. honestly, i don't see that scaring off a true bro.
In my youth I was an actor , both at drama school and working in the theatre I had many gay friends who were very good company , well read and very witty . None of them ever came on to me , my sister loved them because they were such fun to be with , while making no sexual advances .
If you were out one night and got talking to a guy that after a while you started to think may be gay would you continue to become friends with him or distance yourself?
of course i would. I have loads of gay friends. I dont care about their sexuality
I was once taught a valuable lesson regarding this. I got a job at a pub when I was at college. I was somewhat naive.

Anyway, turned out the pub had gay nights. Well I definitely was not prejudiced, just ignorant. One evening early a guy walked in on a non-gay night. No one else in and we got chatting. He seemed a nice guy. After a while he asked why the pub was so quiet. I said that I thought possible that a lot of locals were put off by the reputation of the pub as a gay haunt (I did not say this in agreement with that view, just as a possible factor).

He said he had just moved nearby and produced a copy of I think a Gay Times listing that named the pub as gay friendly.

I apologised in case he thought I was being in any way rude by my comments about local anti-gay sentiment.

Anyway, we got chatting some more generally, and was fine. At one point he said to me that one thing he got a lot when men knew he was gay was them worrying he was going to try to bum them. As he so wisely said, of course. most of them need not have worried as he didn't fancy them anyway, and the others he did not tend to drug and rape against their will as a rule.

I did tell him at some point I was straight, but not in a defensive context. By this stage I think it was just a mention of my gf at the time, so not even direct.

Finally, can safely say that have had a fair number of gay friends and colleagues down the years. Even employed one to the slightly raised eyebrows of others in the company at the time, and no, I didn't do as rebellious act. Just cos the guy was good for the job. With some I have happily compared tales of sexual adventures, and with others that has never been a topic of conversation. Don't tell everyone, but it's a secret I have discovered. Not all gay guys are alike! Some are lovely and some are 'orrid, just like us straightie pies!
About half of my male friends are gay. And I have never had anything other than a cordial relationship with any of them. I don't fuck up my relationships by fucking them. Same with my women friends.

Also, I have four lesbians with whom I'm very close. They're two couples, and we have dinner and drinks every so often. Two of them live close to me and they make sure the "old man" is taken care of and keeping healthy. They're in their 30s and I'm in my 50s.