I don't even view it as gay friends and straight friends, their just friends for me. I will say, I had connection with a guy that was gay, it was like a brotherhood. I never thought that would happen, but it did. It very much opened my mind. Not only do I welcome friendships with gay guys, I see myself having more guy friends that are gay than guys that are straight. Gay guys are open, free, and they actually wear their heart. I'm not this overtly masculine guy, I'm not an overtly feminine guy, I'm a mix of both and I lean on one more than the other depending on the situation. Just not the average straight guy, I'm the new masculinity straight guy, lol. I'm very much into fashion, I can't talk about fashion with straight guys. As you guys know, I wear crop tops, I wear pink, I'm very expressive with my fashion. I dress for me, and I always have to do this extra thinking when I know I'm going to be around straight guys. Outside of sports, woman (we don't talk about women the same), Anime, ect, I don't have anything in common with straight guys.
But amongst gay guys, I feel I can be all of myself. I don't have to compromise anything, I don't have to hide the fact that my favorite artist is Beyonce say and I hold her to the same importance in my life as I do Kobe Bryant and Bruce Lee. Gay guys have helped me feel comfortable in my own skin when I didn't feel attractive. They made sure I realized I was very attractive, whether friends or not, lol. So yeah, I definitely welcome gay friends.