
  1. P

    Gay Relationship advice - what should be done here?

    Hello everyone, I am usually quite self sufficient and don’t need to ask for advice. I have been seeing a therapist for many years and I deal quite well with my feelings and situations. Background: I’ve been with my partner for 6+ years together in a closed relationship. I know since years...
  2. T

    How do you guys balance bisexuality in a relationship?

    I'll try to make a long story short but I'm bisexual. No one knows except me and I've never done anything with another guy before, I've never even talked to one as more than a friend. Of course, I've had crushes over the years but I've never acted on my feelings for obvious reasons. I've been...
  3. A

    BEST PRACTICAL tips and advice for the PERFECT dating pics and profile on apps like Hinge, Tinder, OkCupid, etc?

    Hi! I don't find myself attractive. I'm not saying this for sympathy. If you're like me, the dating world is scary and frustrating at times especially with dating apps asking for pics (I'm not anything close to a photographer) and summaries (definitely not a writer). I understand it's natural to...
  4. asianduck8

    SEA guy never have relationship

    Hi, everyone I am 33 yo from SEA, 52kg 164cm I never have relationship in my live, because I found many gay here in my country have unhealthy relationship also it is ilegal here. I don't know if I am considered virgin or not, just got BJ couples of times but did not F**king so I don't know if I...
  5. miahgenesis

    im trans and im felling gonna be alone forever

    maybe because I'm transexual and this society is not ready for people like me but I feel I'm going to be alone forever even though I'm sexy and small I'm 4'5 I'm really petite but I never had a boyfriend or a serious relationship I'm really sexual and love sex, but I want to fall in love I...
  6. freefolkf

    Is he still my friend?

    One night just after my graduation from university, I was playing on chat roulette, when I met a very cute guy. We jerked off and that was it. In the few days that followed, we practically fell in love and we were constantly in contact, talking and getting to know each other. He wanted to start...
  7. C

    Is there a difference in dating a man vs a woman?

    So I identify as a bi, cisgender man and have had relationships with women and am currently in my first one with a man. I can’t help but to think that some things are the same (need for clear communication, trust, and respect, etc.) but in other ways, I struggle to reconcile the differences (or...
  8. DK-Curious

    My GF doesn't have any sexsual fantasies or "kinks", but i have plenty...

    If this is a topic, that have been enlightened before, please refer to topic in comments :) Couldn't find any topic while i did the search (new to the site...) Little about us. So.. I’ve been with my gf for 3 years now, and we have a great time together and love each other more than words can...
  9. S

    Am I being unfaithful or unsatisfied?

    LONG POST Hi, I am a 22 year old closeted bi who's been in a relationship with a close friend for almost 3 months. To start it off, I have always been interested in dudes especially the male chest (weird, I know) as long as I can remember. Had some interest in women as well but for the past few...
  10. Tight_N_Juicy

    " Make-up Sex "

    If you're in a long term relationship you probably are familiar with the concept of "make-up sex". After a fight, the sex seems to be more intense. I don't want to say "better" because that's not the right word.. It's just noticably different. It's like reaffirming the bond. Mending the wound...
  11. Marlon Forsgren

    What Is The Steps To Have Sex With A Man With Large Penis?

    Hello everyone! I need advices and tips about sex, someone can help me? What is the steps to have sex with a man with large penis? All help is highly appreciated, I thank you all in beforehand.
  12. bigboaster

    If You Are Sexually Attracted To Men, But Only Have Romantic Relationships With Women. Why?

    Pretty straight forward. If you are the type that has girlfriends/wives but you are not interested in having a boyfriend. Just one night stands and hookups. Is there is any special reasoning for this? I'm a very gay leaning bi myself but I am interested in both genders sexually and...
  13. william hagans

    Bringing Up That You Want To Be Fucked By Other People

    Okay so I am a very open person. Though I love my boyfriend he is a very non sexual person. He would rather jerk off then have sex. While I am a very sexual person who loves having a dick in me. Now I know he is a little open cause we have come to discuss it is okay for him to have Grindr cause...
  14. L


    So I've been with my bf 8 years he's 41 I'm 29... Well over a year now since we have any intercourse we just kiss he has very mild depression but blames that on not having any type of sex oral etc but I'm finding it really hard to not go out nd cheat I haven't I miss affection and sex I've spoke...
  15. A

    Dealing With First Love Advice

    Super new to the site, but thought it wouldn't hurt to give this a try.. As a little backstory, I am 22 years old and have never fallen in love until this past summer. My teenage years were spent heavily in the closet and my college years were spent trying to navigate my new life as an out gay...
  16. A

    Is Sending Nudes To Guys Cheating In A Relationship?

    Wondering if there are any guys on here who are in a relationship and still send nudes to guys either on Snapchat or wherever and whether they consider that cheating? I’m in love with my partner and happy in our relationship but I just get such a thrill from showing off my hard dick and ripped...
  17. RG97

    Wanting To Top When You’re The Bottom

    I was wondering if anyone had experienced this or had any advice. I am “the bottom” in my relationship and don’t get me wrong, the sex is great and I love it. That said, I do have the urge to top from time to time. I did bring it up to my partner and although he was ok with idea in concept, he...
  18. E

    Broken Up With For Being A Total Bottom, Chastity, Kink

    I've been seeing a Man for 5 months. He is Dom and the dynamic is laced with quite a bit of kink. Chastity was one of His requirements. At first it was very very sexual and we never really left the apartment together because these are COVID times and it's NYC, but recently I've begun to meet...
  19. B

    Saw My Bf Nude Pics And Don't Know What To Do Now

    Hey guys! Something really weird happened and it kinda has shaken my friendship. I really would appreciate your opinion on the topic. It's going to be a big text, because I want to give some context. I have a really good friend, who I really trust and is almost like a brother to me. We are...
  20. C

    What Does It Mean If Your Partner Says “thank You” After Intercourse...?

    I have had this happen twice, both times it confused me. I didn't know if they were pleased or their way of saying " I wanted a penis in me, and you provided that."
  21. C

    What Does It Mean When A Woman Says Thank You After Sex..?

    I have had this happen twice, both times it confused me. I didn't know if they were pleased or their way of saying "I wanted a penis in me, and you provided that."
  22. C

    What Does It Mean When A Woman Says Thank You After Sex...?

    I have had this happen twice, both times it confused me. I didn't know if they were pleased or their way of saying "I wanted a penis in me, and you provided that."
  23. M

    Looking For A Man Of More Than 30 Years Old

    I'm single horny and romantic latin guy of 25 years old, looking for a partner write me to my email
  24. M

    Would You Date A Person That You Don't Find Physically Attractive?

    Imagine. You are dating a guy, he is a really great person, he treats you well, he has a great job, interesting hobbies... he is an interesting person. But physically they are ugly (simply ugly), fat, they don't take care of their physique, their hair, the clothes they use... basically they...
  25. O

    Gay Guys In The Bay Area Looking To Date

    SF here 27 years old 5’11 Techie black bottom Looking to see what’s out there I encourage everyone to post here if they are looking for someone special during this pandemic.
  26. 3

    Is It Weird?

    Is it weird that i just want a big cocked friend? Yeah a good friend thay could turn into a lifetime friend but also I've never been arpund actually big cock or men like that. To have a bro. Not a "Broooo" but a good friend. Or maybe im just a horny fuck that wants to play or see big cock...
  27. S

    I'm In Love With My Straight Best Friend.

    I have a friend who I'm so close with, we practically tell each other everything. He's straight and he knows I'm gay. We've been hanging out so much new feelings have popped up. I dont know what to do, should I be honest with him? Or keep it a secret in order to protect my friendship?
  28. TrueB2

    Does Sex Make A Relationship (for You)?

    I suppose I could've asked this anywhere, but ehh. To the point, is sex something you require to be in a long term relationship? As a person that does not have much interest in sex (I consider myself on the Asexual spectrum), I'm curious as to how important sex is to others
  29. BecauseImHorny

    Looking For A Boyfriend

    I'm looking for a boyfriend. Until I find him I'll enjoy looking at the pictures and videos. Let's get this out of the way right now: I'm poz & undetectable since 2003. Undetectable = untransmittable. Know your status. Let's get this out of the way too: Anally, I'm a versatile bottom. I...
  30. 1

    Gay Dad’s For Sons Anyone Else In A Similar Situation?

    So my boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years (LDR and not an open relationship) we have talked about being “gay dad’s” he is 30 I’m 25. Gay dad’s in the sense that we want to help care and help youth 25 and under. When we eventually live together be able to offer our house as a home...