Hi there.
I found this forum googling for advice on adult circumcision. Luckily I was drawn to a thread posted by
@calvinkleinguy that was incredibly useful...
My Adult Circumcision Journey
Thanks calvinkleinguy. It really helped.
Also since reading and posting on that thread I have been private messaging a couple of other guys who have also undergone circumcision as an adult.
I am in my late thirties and due to have a circumcision tomorrow morning. This will be with the NHS in England. Long story short it is as a result of ballanitis causing phimosis.
I'm fortunate enough never to have been in a hospital as a patient and I've never had any serious medical treatment so I am a bit nervous about tomorrow, mainly as I will be going under a general anaesthetic.
I do like the look of a circumcised penis and have to say
I am ever so slightly excited to see the result. Although I wouldn't have chosen circumcision for cosmetic reasons as I have grown quite attached to my foreskin in my time on earth.
Below are some before pictures and I hope to post some pictures alongside updates through the healing process as Calvinkleinguy did. I'm hoping this is helpful to someone - if anybody has any questions about my procedure feel free to ask.