Adult Circumcision Uk.

Was it a technique change as you couldn’t use your skin? How tight is the cut?
Yes a little. Barely touched the head initially but didn’t really need to. Was a full circumcision (I know some people have a partial removal) but didn’t feel tight at all really.
Hi @RonEffinSwanson
It's been about a week now since your circumcision.
Give us an update on the whole procedure. What all happened at the hospital on the day.
Let us know how it was after and how the healing process is going and how you managing with it and caring for it?
Hi @RonEffinSwanson
It's been about a week now since your circumcision.
Give us an update on the whole procedure. What all happened at the hospital on the day.
Let us know how it was after and how the healing process is going and how you managing with it and caring for it?


Yeah it's a week tomorrow. I was going to post something tomorrow but since you've asked.

The procedure and the stuff at the hospital was easy really. I turned up and they took me to a ward. Took my details and asked me a few questions for the general aneasthetic. Met the surgeon who examined me, told me what he'd be doing, explained what to expect. Then after about 20 mins they took me into theater and I got on the bed.

Hooked me up to all the machines etc and put me under. Next thing I knew they were waking me up to tell me it was all done.

I was out of the hospital headed home within about four hours of turning up.

There was quite a bit of bruising and swelling initially and my skin is still partially covering the glans. I am hoping that as the swelling goes down this will retract as I don't want to be partially cut.

During the week there has been a bit of bleeding. Not a lot, just oozing really. Not a lot of pain, just discomfort.

The worst thing is night time erections. I re-read your thread this morning and I think I am having the same thing as you where I wake up with an erection and it's difficult to get it to subside. It hurts but as soon as the erection goes away, so does the pain. Then I go back to sleep and it happens again.

swelling has definitely reduced since day one but it is still quite swollen. As I said, the swollen skin is still partially covering the glans and I can't see the stitches as they are folded under if that makes sense.

Is that similar to your progress after a week?
I was going to post something tomorrow but since you've asked.
Oops sorry lol
I wake up with an erection and it's difficult to get it to subside.
it will get harder (pun intended) to get the erection to subside. You're a week in and im sure your already feeling the need.........

swelling has definitely reduced since day one but it is still quite swollen. As I said, the swollen skin is still partially covering the glans and I can't see the stitches as they are folded under if that makes sense.
Although the penis doesn't look its best right now but doesn't the swelling look good. In a way you wish it would stay that swollen? Lol
You'll see changes all the time, nearly on a daily basis with the swelling going down but still really swollen at the same time.

Yeah i couldn't see my stitches either and the swelling over part of the glans was the same for me. But its fine now. I could only really see the stitches under my penis when I would twist the penis around.

So far, we seem to have the same experience. Which is why I'm interested in your story just to see if its normal for me. And also why I want to share my story for people like you to know what to expect and between both of our threads, I think we are helping guys. I really hope this pushes the guys to go and get it done if they need to.
Oops sorry lol
it will get harder (pun intended) to get the erection to subside. You're a week in and im sure your already feeling the need.........

Although the penis doesn't look its best right now but doesn't the swelling look good. In a way you wish it would stay that swollen? Lol
You'll see changes all the time, nearly on a daily basis with the swelling going down but still really swollen at the same time.

Yeah i couldn't see my stitches either and the swelling over part of the glans was the same for me. But its fine now. I could only really see the stitches under my penis when I would twist the penis around.

So far, we seem to have the same experience. Which is why I'm interested in your story just to see if its normal for me. And also why I want to share my story for people like you to know what to expect and between both of our threads, I think we are helping guys. I really hope this pushes the guys to go and get it done if they need to.


I am amazed how similar our experiences have been thus far.

Yes I do wish I could keep the swelling but make the pain go away!

That's a relief that yours was also partially covering the glans. I was worried that they maybe hadn't taken enough skin.
That's a relief that yours was also partially covering the glans. I was worried that they maybe hadn't taken enough skin.
Yeah I needed to pull it back when showering to make sure the water is getting in that area and it's getting washed.
I didn't pull it back alot. I didn't need to. Just a little and I pulled it from the skin near the base rather that near the scar area just in case it hurt or that was sensitive skin.
Now, when I'm cold, I notice it trying to go back in under the skin for warmth lol
Yeah I needed to pull it back when showering to make sure the water is getting in that area and it's getting washed.
I didn't pull it back alot. I didn't need to. Just a little and I pulled it from the skin near the base rather that near the scar area just in case it hurt or that was sensitive skin.
Now, when I'm cold, I notice it trying to go back in under the skin for warmth lol

Sounds very similar to how mine is then.

Hopefully it will retract as the swelling subsides.
Hi everyone. This post has really calmed my nerves a little. I’m a 20 year old man with severe phimosis (since I can remember) and the skin barely moves at all -although it doesn’t cause any discomfort. I also have a relatively small penis/balls at around 5 inches.

I’m absolutely certain I’d need circumcising which doesn’t worry me too much, I’m just absolutely petrified to go to the GP. Not one person has ever seen my penis and with it being small too I’m just petrified. I know that this is their job but still I’m very scared. I know it needs to be done for cleanliness reasons as (gross I know) I’ve never cleaned under there. I’m also worried as masturbating will be much different after this, as I’ve spent the past 20 years doing it one way.

When soft, my penis sits at around 1 inch, and hard it is about 5. I’m just absolutely petrified of the doctor seeing it. Some support would be absolutely amazing guys ❤️

Please don't worry about the doctor - he will have seen all sorts and sizes and he is not going to tell anybody or gossip about you . you can say anything and it remains confidential (that was also true with army medics). He or she will just see you have a problem, not the size of the problem, and will want to advise you on how they can help you to sort it out. Five minutes of embarrassment is far better than a lifetime of not being able to explore your sexuality and find a partner(s). Some guys actually prefer smaller guys - and I am not the worlds biggest man. You are welcome to PM me if you think I can help
Yes I have some.

I haven't posted any as they look worse than they are if that makes sense.

I'm happy to send via DM if you like?

I know exactly what you mean - the first couple of weeks with the bruising and the swelling, though it isn't painful, it looks (well , in my case it did) , that something has gone wrong and that you will never get back to normal. Another reason a RIC would be better - you don't remember it yourself, and the worst effects are over within days. Best to think how good it will look just a few weeks later.
I know exactly what you mean - the first couple of weeks with the bruising and the swelling, though it isn't painful, it looks (well , in my case it did) , that something has gone wrong and that you will never get back to normal. Another reason a RIC would be better - you don't remember it yourself, and the worst effects are over within days. Best to think how good it will look just a few weeks later.

Sorry, what's an RIC?
Yes I have some.

I haven't posted any as they look worse than they are if that makes sense.

I'm happy to send via DM if you like?
Well I think posting them would benefit everyone... sure they are not "the prettiest picture of a dick" but it would help others prepare for the reality if they require circumcision as well.
I’ve just had circumcision at 38. Needed it all my life just too scared of the unknown. Now wish I’d had it 30 years ago. Hypersensitivity of the head was what scared me most but now after 4 days it’s already bearable to touch and wear no dressings. Although it’s still incredibly sore and delicate, I have no regrets. Any questions please feel free to ask. Any young guys in doubt at getting it.. don’t hesitate at all, you’ll only live to regret it years down the line.
Two weeks today since my op. Had a bit of a setback in that about a day After my last post my wound got infected. This ramped up the swelling and the pain factors mildly. Not unbearable at all but definitely noticeable.

I was given antibiotics and it's cleared up now but I feel like it has slowed my healing process. I still have quite a bit of swelling.

Because of the way the op was done the swelled skin on the shaft is folded over the scar at the top of my penis so I still haven't seen the stitches. I'm not bleeding as much and the pain is far less so I assume it's healing but I won't really know until.the swelling has reduced a bit more.

erections at night still giving me trouble but hopefully another couple of days and I'll be healed enough to ease the pressure.
I’ve just had circumcision at 38. Needed it all my life just too scared of the unknown. Now wish I’d had it 30 years ago. Hypersensitivity of the head was what scared me most but now after 4 days it’s already bearable to touch and wear no dressings. Although it’s still incredibly sore and delicate, I have no regrets. Any questions please feel free to ask. Any young guys in doubt at getting it.. don’t hesitate at all, you’ll only live to regret it years down the line.

Glad to hear you are healing up well.

My tip sensitivity was uncomfortable but to be honest it went within a few days.

I wouldn'd say, even with the infection that the process has been painful - I have had way more painful injuries that I didn't bother seeing a doctor about. It's more discomfort.

Not sure what "style" yours is but my scar/stitches aren't exposed so it's difficult to gauge how much of a wound there is as all you can see is external swelling.

You are definitely right. For anyone that needs to get it done for medical reasons. You have nothing to fear. I put up with over a year of constant discomfort, I can already see more of my glans than I could before so I know that the whole cleaning/drying/ballanitis problem that I had will be so much better.