Advice on getting ENORMOUS

[quote author=iwasjustaboy link=board=pe;num=1071257142;start=0#19 date=12/24/03 at 21:09:39]

"...i would like to point out to benderten that "these africans" don't do any penis modification for tourists. every african man you see from a "remote tribe" doesn't elongate his penis for some sort of fame and glory, a select few to it for religious/ceremonial reasons...

... you're making it seem like it's a publicity stunt, when it really isn't."


Good point. And, thanks. ;)

(Didn't mean to imply the "publicity stunt" slant on all this.)

But, it's often tourists who will come back; "report" and even write upon what they notice, see, or hear about..(whether they really understand "why" or not.) And, it's from those kinds of comments and "hype" that then escalates into all the (undue) notoriety which seems to only perputuate further (crazy!) notions about being "super big".

In all due respect to whomever reads this, I don't have to know whether there are religious reasons and motives behind African tribesmen attaining their distorted conditions or not. For ANY man (otherwise healthy in all regards) to foolishly set out to disfigure and debiliate himself in his genitalia is NOT showing good judgment....period. I don't think I'm wrong in this.

REASONABLE self-improvement is one thing; aiming for the ridiculous...... is quite another.
If you're dead serious about it, more power to you, but try to bear in mind, you shouldn't go beyond what your body can provide without causing major damage.

Also, remember that the penis is an organ, not a muscle, though the particular muscles involved are the corpus cavernosa.

I think a goal to go beyond the norm is noteworthy there cuz, but don't forget that this is something you'll have forever. Also, take a moment to pause about how much feasibility it'll have with respects to relationships.

I've only been here a short while on the board, but I've read, many, many, many,MANY posts about people experiencing the trials and tribulations of having big dicks ranging from a foot to a foot and a half in length. I can only guess what kind of posts a 24 inch dick will get, if that's even possible to get.
robertxxx: NO! NO! NO! NO!...

WHY dous GOD punish smaller cocks (even when they are 8 inch) if they want to find a bigger cock... GOD made bigger cocks more rare for us to make it more difficult to obtain....
Is this the reason why many people think that horsemen are arrogant people....

What do you think of that?
Sweet Jesus, Robert, don't you ever quit?

It is very PLAIN, if not OBVIOUS that if you continue to berate us with your posts that no one will ever take you seriously. :mad: :p

Now either take the post topic seriously, or get the hell off and out of here, 'KAY?? :mad:
[quote author=josh link=board=pe;num=1071257142;start=0#13 date=12/18/03 at 13:50:08]no, i havent seen any, And i neva new that either, have you got any pics? or has anyone got any? coz i would like to see.[/quote]

I think this is the picture you're thinking of ...

-- Erik
robertxxx: there exist many more pictures like this on the web, and in reality there must be more people endowned like this because the really hung-types are very camera-shy..

Once I saw a guy like him in reality, very early in the mornig, he was walking to the train station, he looked at me if I would look at his knee (I guess).... there it was dangling.. It was real, no doubt about that.

it made me feel funny the rest of the week. that's the reason why they are very carefull in hiding their cocks I guess.
[quote author=Zot57 link=board=pe;num=1071257142;start=20#24 date=01/01/04 at 13:22:57]

 I think this is the picture you're thinking of ...

  -- Erik[/quote]
I think I've read about that society where the men tie their penises in a knot somewhere. It isn't the Maasai, though, so the filename's misleading. It is in Africa, but that's about all they got right. That isn't 'natural', though; they attach weights to get it that long.