believe men with over 13 inch!!!


Sexy Member
Jan 29, 2004
most of the people on this site don't believe guys which say that they are , let's say over 13 or 14 inch , my question is WHY DON'T BELIEVE THEM?
I agree, there are not a lot of guys with big ones like that, but they do excist. It's to easy and cheap to say i don't believe you, why it's so difficult for some guys that there are men who are much bigger then you?
When a guy said to me ; my cock is about 15 or 16 inch ,then i believe him!! Most of the guys on lpsg won't believe it!! WHY ???????
leoboy63: Probably because the sheer mathmatics of having so many that claim to be that big on one site are astronomical. Penises over 8-9 inches occur is such a very, very small part of the population that the odds just don't match up for so many in one place.
I believe that there are mainly because there are two guys at my gym who truly are 12" +.

I have seen them, both soft and hard (my gym is very cruisy).

BUT I will say this, I also think that most of the people on this board who claim to have 12" + DON'T

Funny how they're all under 21 too...
john_jones9: Funny how none of those big guys have anything that resembles evidence to back up their claims.
Duo187: We don't?? I beg to differ, while I am selective, some have seen my pics, and if I am not mistaking two have seen my cam. Believe me or not, I won't just go on cam to prove it, I just don't like the idea of a bunch of guys staring at my crotch.
HORSEHUNGshowoff: What I believe is you are a daydreaming underendowed punk kid who can only Dream of being Hung while several others of us LIVE it . You and your kind are the very reason this site is a mockery to us Doube Digit Big Dick guys.....................If the moderators were more concerned with the integrity of this site they would require guys that make such ridiculous fukin size claims to provide proof or delete their moronic posts which dont accomplish a damn thing but feed their cock hungry egos. if you have a cock 12" or more you SHOULD be reqiured to prove it 9.10.11" though Very hung are in abundance but cocks measuring 12" and up are like 1/100th of 1 percent , now YOU do the math.

Either show it or Shut the fuck up.
I am 11" and that size is found only in 1 in 300 guys and I am quite proud of my HUGE cock so if you are 9" or 10" be happy in the fact that you are Bigger than 90% of all men around you and btw you really sound like a fukin moron when you make such claims of size wo being able to prove it.

Food for thought


:D ;) :unsure: :D ;) :unsure: :D :unsure:
HORSEHUNGshowoff: error I cant DELETE this , I find I no longer have a preview option , when I clicked on preview it posetd the message :-(
john_jones9: [quote author=Duo187 link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#4 date=04/22/04 at 18:18:26]We don't?? I beg to differ, while I am selective, some have seen my pics, and if I am not mistaking two have seen my cam. Believe me or not, I won't just go on cam to prove it, I just don't like the idea of a bunch of guys staring at my crotch.[/quote]

No you don't. If you do, post a pic of your cock on Ratemyrod or some place like that with your cock next to a ruler, showing the entire ruler and your cock, and a scape of paper with your name and the current date.

You've been e-mailed and requested for proof and didn't provide any. Hard to believe a guy your size wouldn't be happy to show off his endowment. Especially when it's caused so much pain in other situations, as you've written about elsewhere.

The analogy would be how guys who are really tall and feel like freaks in the everyday world feel good playing basketball where their height is an advantage. If you're ultra-hung and it's a problem elsewhere, here's a place where it's celebrated, so show off what you've got.

Put up or shut up.
[quote author=nicky link=board=meetgreet;num=1079591233;start=40#48 date=04/23/04 at 17:25:14]HorseHung - Not such a show-off now, then! :-X

11? Surely you meant centimetres, cos they sure ain't inches!!! ;D

Let's keep shaming the hyperbole merchants bringing this site into disrepute... :mad:[/quote]
Duo187: [quote author=john_jones9 link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#8 date=04/23/04 at 16:03:06]
Put up or shut up.[/quote]

As I have said I have put up, and so I guess I will not have to shut up, personally I do not take a liken to being called a liar, or placed into a generalization of such.
Don't like my selective ways the shut up. That is how I am, can't change me.
[quote author=DoubleMeatWhopper link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#12 date=04/24/04 at 23:44:05]I believe in men over 13" ... I have seen a couple, so I know they exist. I don't, however, believe for a minute that extremely-huge is one of them.[/quote]
What DMW said!!
john_jones9: [quote author=Gubernogin link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#11 date=04/24/04 at 12:20:51]I notice that we havent been graced with a shot of nicky or JJ's cocks..................hmmmmmmmm Sort of makes you wonder don't it.[/quote]

It might make you wonder if I told you I had a 17 inch cock, but I didn't. I have a 7" cock, nothing spectacular and very much in the normal range. So what does it make you wonder?
john_jones9: [quote author=Duo187 link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#10 date=04/23/04 at 20:00:14]

As I have said I have put up, and so I guess I will not have to shut up, personally I do not take a liken to being called a liar, or placed into a generalization of such.
Don't like my selective ways the shut up. That is how I am, can't change me. [/quote]

Sorry, I much have missed it, just where and when did you put up?
justaboy: Personally I think you all need to get out more,get a life and stop fucking about the sizes of your dicks.
[quote author=Gubernogin link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#11 date=04/24/04 at 12:20:51]I notice that we havent been graced with a shot of nicky or JJ's cocks..................hmmmmmmmm Sort of makes you wonder don't it.[/quote]

Well, no, it doesn't make you wonder at all, and this is the reason why:
Because my size and JJ's is not so unusual, that's why.
If I say I have a pet hamster, you say, hey, good for you buddy! And I think I'd be put out if you didn't believe me without photographic proof.
However, if I said I had a pet hamster with six legs, that runs around my floor quite happily, I think you would be more than a little suspicious without some sort of photographic proof. And me, being a reasonable guy, would happily supply that proof.

Duo, I, like everyone else on this thread, missed the occasion when you 'put up'. You have been Royally Rumbled, dude, and now would be a good time to shut up :'(
Duo187: [quote author=nicky link=board=youth;num=1082643994;start=0#17 date=04/27/04 at 09:34:18]
Duo, I, like everyone else on this thread, missed the occasion when you 'put up'. You have been Royally Rumbled, dude, and now would be a good time to shut up :'([/quote]

Well, incase you cannot read I hadn't posted on this dumbass topic for 3 days.  I personally could care less about you or your little "royally rumbled" crap, is that new slang in the city?  Oh and one other thing, if you are going to try and insult or "attack" me on this forum in any form or fashion, i sincerely request you learn proper English.  
Oh and one other thing, as soon as I get the pictures back from the beach I will put up my "proof" for my ava, happy you ignorant bafoons?
alysen6: I'm not as good at name calling as you all are, but here are some thoughts:

1) First, I think you would get more proof of endowments if you were female. If you think about it, most of the posters complaining that no one has picture proof of their sizes are male, meaning that they have often asked for pictures and been refused. It could be that the guys they ask are bluffing, but equally likely, it could be that they just don't want to show other guys their dicks. I've gotten pictures from all but one double-digit guy I've talked to. And yes, I usually can tell if they are doctored or borrowed.

2) Second, I HAVE seen a picture of Duo's cock (shout out, man!). And yes, it appears to be as big as he claims.

3) Thirdly, yes, there are many guys who make bogus claims, since yes, most of them are around the age of 16. That's usually obvious to me when I see it. What I DON'T understand, though, is why there is so much negative emotion attached to it with you all. I really like big cocks, but I don't dig a guy saying, "Yes, I have a huge dick, dumb-asses, and you are just jealous that your pitiful mortal bodies cannot possess such grandeur..." It's a little weird.
