Brock and Boston mikesell

When I logged in this morning I noticed that the website "" is offering a discount to people on lpsg! So I guess Boston won't miss Brock that much once he is gone! :laughing:

In a slightly alternate universe (one I'd like to drop in and visit!), Brock isn't leaving for a mission at all but doing 2 years of rapid-fire content filming for that site (which was formerly mormonboyz).

So handsome in the mission outfit. I'd open my door to his knocking! :emoji_laughing:


In a slightly alternate universe (one I'd like to drop in and visit!), Brock isn't leaving for a mission at all but doing 2 years of rapid-fire content filming for that site (which was formerly mormonboyz).

So handsome in the mission outfit. I'd open my door to his knocking!

Your door is not the only thing you would open if he came knocking! :laughing:
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Your door is not the only thing you would open if he came knocking! :laughing:
That's right... :emoji_blush: ... my wallet.

Two burning questions for the LPSG hivemind:

1) Can one pay hot twink missionaries to stick around at their door-to-door calls for longer?

2) On the "life's cruel" front, how can it be that Brock will regularly wear tank tops in his outfit rotation yet still no good pit shots result?!

2) On the "life's cruel" front, how can it be that Brock will regularly wear tank tops in his outfit rotation yet still no good pit shots result?!

It is almost like he thinks there are gay men watching his blog just trying to see his pit hair!

How paranoid can he be!
I'm asking this question not to be a dick but per the post, he's with his girlfriend for 2 years. It's the inner beauty these two get off on? They don't so anything more than hold hands and kiss? For 2 years? I'm not putting down any religion but what torture that must be. Being this guys bf and not be able to enjoy every inch of him? Not even from a lust perspective but for them both to not have the pleasure of making eachother feel amazing. It seems like unnecessary torture. Hard to beleive God wouldn't want his creations who are already religious to miss out on the very magic he allegedly created them to have. I just have a hard time believing the girl can be that understanding. And now she's going to wait two years alone for him to return? After waiting 2 years with him without getting to enjoy him sexually? It's almost mind boggling just to type that out. Is she without desires herself? And he isn't allowed to masterbate? He really doesn't masterbate? And if he does, he's breaking the rules so why not enjoy her. And she enjoy him.

Someone should tell him it's super duper the most favorite thing in the whole wide world to do. (Even more fun the telling the world every single product he bought online like an infomercial)

I just have a hard time believing the girl can be that understanding. And now she's going to wait two years alone for him to return? After waiting 2 years with him without getting to enjoy him sexually? It's almost mind boggling just to type that out. Is she without desires herself?

Loved this post. One thing to keep in mind (not sure if you knew this or not!) is that she (of the "LeRoys" vlogging family) is Mormon too. So it's probably not only about her being understanding about his situation (the religious observance) as if someone was having to get used to the idea that he just met, but her having grown up in that religion and those teachings and customs too - abstinence, growing up knowing a "mission" possibility was there for any guy she'd meet at college age, etc.

And he isn't allowed to masterbate? He really doesn't masterbate? And if he does, he's breaking the rules so why not enjoy her. And she enjoy him.


Someone should tell him it's super duper the most favorite thing in the whole wide world to do. (Even more fun the telling the world every single product he bought online like an infomercial)

Yes, if he (and his twin) get that enthusiastic for things like travel cubes that fit in a suitcase, wrinkle-free shirts, air fryers, or whatever else off of Amazon or in-store at Target, imagine the unbridled excitement when he finally has sex with Kes. At least in his own mind, he'll be raving about it for not just weeks but months in interior monologue! :emoji_laughing:

My feeling: Guys should enjoy their dicks. To whatever full extent they can. I agree with you that it seems a bit sad and wasteful. Think of all that Brock cum that's stored up in his practically overflowing and full balls that I'm sure wet dreams are releasing but he could be enjoying it when actually fully awake!
It just feels cruel. It's not the same as l, for example, growing up in an orthodox Jewish or Muslim family. Not having pork or shellfish isn't cruel. Sure it tastes good but there are thousands of alternatives to eat and enjoy and are an absolute replacement for that non kosher edible.

But to be in love with your partner or soul mate and to force yourself not to enjoy the gifts of sex and making eachother feel great is cruel. I'm skirting my words because I don't want to mock the Mormon religion. It just feels really cruel. Probably does some serious psychological damage to teenagers. How could it not? Imagine a day out with someone you lust big time and you not only can't have sex with them but you can't rush home to relieve yourself in private because it's forbidden.

Awful. I actually feel bad for them both. They deserve as human teens to enjoy eachother.
First - GREAT PICTURE to include!

It seems hard to believe growing up being told you have to wait until you are married - but I guess if you have been told that from birth it is just a part of who you are.

These days I understand some take a slightly looser interpretation of the teachings. Apparently a lot of the churches do teach that masturbation is wrong - but not a "major" sin - and that as long as it is "kept under control" and you feel guilty that it is a "human weakness" that you need to conquer but not something that god will not forgive.

And many Mormons like Catholics take "chastity" to mean just intercourse and they will do pretty much anything to give them release up to insertion.

So perhaps Brock is getting some release - but still not enjoying the full pleasures of sex because even if they do get some release - I suspect their upbringing means they feel guilty.
Hard to say where they apply the leniency. Don't know what goes on behind closed doors. If However they're allowed to give eachother oral sex to orgasm, then the rules went out the window.

(And rightfully so for the sake of their mental health).

...and if oral sex to orgasm is allowed, there should be no ristriction to intercourse. It's the same thing. Even by the law.
Hard to say where they apply the leniency. Don't know what goes on behind closed doors. If However they're allowed to give eachother oral sex to orgasm, then the rules went out the window.

Not saying it is "allowed" - just that many chose to interpret chastity as penis / vagina only. I knew more than one Catholic girl growing up who was going to be virgin on her wedding night - but damn she sucked cock like a vacuum cleaner!
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Not saying it is "allowed" - just that many chose to interpret chastity as penis / vagina only. I knew more than one Catholic girl growing up who was going to be virgin on her wedding night - but damn she sucked cock like a vacuum cleaner!
I was brought up Roman Catholic, I’m Ireland no one really take’s religion that serious anymore but I can see why they would my grandparents generation was cruel when it came to religion even when I was young my grandfather wasn’t allowed to receive communion on the day of my baptism because his wife passed and he was with this woman but to make a long story short the priest said he couldn’t receive communion because he wasn’t married in the eyes of god, so I can Imagine how serious Mormons must be seeing as they are set back like 50 years
A photoshoot that Brock and Kes did. I find these pics pretty sweet and gorgeous. :heart_eyes:


It looks like she is proposing.

I am sure they went home and read the bible together but you have to wonder if at some point he wasn't tempted to say "Hey Kes since you are already down on your knees..."

Or maybe she thought "I bet Boston does it better"
Kind of starting to think this Mormon cult is cruel. Shouldn't have to suffer on behalf of a lord one chooses to believe in. Could do such good godly work for humanity without this torture and anguish.
Breaking two people up this way is cruel and completely unnecessary and splashing this anguish on social media with the mom commenting is such cheap tawdry exploitation. Maybe mom should go fluff her eyelashes more and come to her senses and tell her son to be charitable and donate his time to good causes without destroying his love he so clearly has for this young lady.

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