Brock and Boston mikesell

I have been wondering - do you think Brock will make it for the full 2 years?

He is used to getting up - working out - having his all egg white breakfast and a smoothie and then heading to Swig for a soda. He is now heading into a very different world.

If he is in a major city he might do ok - but some of those missionaries are sent to smaller much more rural communities, and I am not sure he fully grasps what he may be in for.

Sure as a Mormon teen with no real idea what to do with his life I suspect becoming a missionary sounded like a good idea, but is he prepared and mature enough to not only venture out in the real world - but a world so far from home?
Brock's new chapter.

And on a superficial note, bicep looking amazing in the second pic with his Mom. :heart_eyes:

Boston: "Yesterday was tough! I said goodbye to my twin for two years! Keep in mind the longest we've been apart has been a week when Brock was gone at basketball camp. Haha, this is gonna be a big adjustment for sure! I’m seriously so excited for Brock and the people he’s going to meet! I'll be sure to keep you all updated on the things that he is doing."





It doesn't work like that. Testicles produce sperm. The prostate produces semen. This is mixed and stored in seminal vesicles.

Boston?! Is that you, with some newfound access to Encyclopedia Britannica online? I appreciate the medical/scientific perspective, though that may be the first for this thread! :p Next up: The intricacies of Boston's anus! (Boston, if it's you, sorry if the reference to, or discussion of, your brother's balls grosses you out!)

Your point is taken. Obv I wasn't going for any kind of technical accuracy. Referencing full balls in the sense of common vernacular or erotic stories or fanfic, i.e. "I gotta bust a nut", "Gotta unload these balls", etc. If I wrote it like your explanation it wouldn't be very sexy-sounding, though I suppose technically accurate. :emoji_shrug:

Brock in handsome Missionary mode:

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Brock looks so much more hot now with his short mission hair cut, shame hes gonna be gone for a long time now
Yeah, that haircut looks really neat and... "crisp"? Sexy Missionary! :p He'd be really doing the Lord's work by stopping at my place, that's for sure.

Although I think I've loved all his hair phases - with "mullet", without, etc. Even the "Mom's haircut the last time which was TOO short."
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Some caps of their yesterday's video. Brock's such a hottie. :heart_eyes:

I made a lot, but it might be Brock's last high-quality shot video other than still photo excerpts or any Facetime call capture moments (which Brock's allowed to use on their one weekly day off, and given an Android phone) that Boston and the family share. So why not?

Oh, Boston... you could show ass and crotch a lot more and we're totally here for it, but as it stands we get these awkward setup/"upskirt"-perv-angle shots with baggy pants and baggy shirt over it. Dude, really? :laughing:We'll still take it, though.



Okay, here we go for real...



