Brock and Boston mikesell

Maybe mom should go fluff her eyelashes more and come to her senses and tell her son to be charitable and donate his time to good causes without destroying his love he so clearly has for this young lady.

His Mom might not be an enormous fan of this mission either. When asked in a recent video by Boston how she felt about it, she paused and said "It is what it is" and seemed to perhaps be biting her tongue on saying anything stronger. Of course, what Mom wouldn't miss their offspring for two years?

I don't disagree with what you wrote, but it's important to recognize Brock is an adult and can make his own decisions about what he wants to do in his life. Granted, it's ingrained in Mormon culture that a mission is valued, a sign of status, expected, honorable, etc. Yet Boston is not doing one - and neither did their Father.

I don't get the sense Brock is the most introspective or laying-awake-at-night soul-searching person, just kind of "goes with the flow" in the moment (we'll leave all the worrying and nerves to Boston - he has enough for the both of them!). But even he may realize he needs some structure and meaning and purpose - beyond, of course, constant Swig drive-thru trips and collecting said Swig cups, having a modest sneaker collection and doing whatever in-the-moment antics for their channel. Given that he was raised in that religion, a logical search for structure/meaning/purpose in his mind might be a mission. Some people read a pile of self-help books, some people travel to Europe for a year between schools, some people date unpredictable artistic souls, and some people lean into their religion.

I sure wouldn't have fun in sparse accommodations walking around all day preaching religion and getting doors slammed in my face or someone patiently listening just to humor me, but maybe that will give him some structure/purpose and he'll see a larger world and population beyond his pretty small, upper-middle-class orbit?
Depends what kind of person he really is. Lotta upper class folks do a world of good without torturing oneself. He got this sense of requirement from somewhere. This will be two years of trauma because of who he left behind. No good comes of needless separation from a love partner or family. This just doesn't have to be.

He doesn't look like he wants to go. This Is a dead sad emotionless void.

What is he actually going to do on this mission? Is it like some charity work thing?
What is he actually going to do on this mission? Is it like some charity work thing?
"proselytizing, church service, humanitarian aid, and community service" (from Mormon missionary - Wikipedia ). To my understanding it's a lot of bible study and then walking around spreading that word throughout. You know, the door-to-door religion folks that people slam doors on or pretend they're not home. Although, Brock sweaty from the hot sun, in all his twink glory and looking like he just filmed a scene at would sure get me opening that door! :laughing:

I don't know that Brock said specifically anything about community service or volunteering (like helping put up a house or something, or where they need general labor) in connection with this one, but he did do a trip in the past that was a community-service type one in Fiji affiliated with his church building facilities with basic plumbing, etc.
Lotta upper class folks do a world of good without torturing oneself.

Oh for sure - I just meant in the context of opening his eyes to how some of other world lives in the sense of enriching himself, with his own eyes. He's known a comfortable life, arguably in a bit of a bubble, and lots of 19 year olds are trying to find themselves. Fortaleza (poking around it randomly with Google Street View, at least) is a far cry from what he knows. Might enrich him as a person.

He doesn't look like he wants to go. This Is a dead sad emotionless void.

I didn't see much difference, I think he always looks like that. That's just our lovable, adorable airhead twink Brock! :p
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What is he actually going to do on this mission? Is it like some charity work thing?

It is not charity work - it is indoctrination to mind control.

Their goal is to get as many people to buy into their religious bull as they can and get them to join the Mormon church and be "baptized".
^^ correct and It's freedom of choice to do this but the fact that the parents allowed it and know that no good comes of destroying a partnership is pretty sad (and sick). I think the parents are selfish by using the mission to be part of their storyline on social media (in between being glorified my pillow salesman of there super favorite this or that).

Just find it disgusting and disturbing that they knowingly will destroy their son's life here. That's what they're doing. Anyone here been in love? Legitimate love? Now imagine ditching that person for 2 years. It's unfair to ask the other to wait. The parents don't take this into consideration either it seems.

As I said can do so much for humanity without going adios for 2 years leaving a pool of anguish in their wake.
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I'm confused.

Hes allowed to post updates on Instagram during his "mission"?

Isn't that against the rules of no communication? How is this different from his normal life? Just location change.

If that's the case then he shouldn't have done this at all. Like fake fasting on Yom kippur. Sneak to another room for a drink but pretend the rest of the time.

Hes allowed to post updates on Instagram during his "mission"?

Isn't that against the rules of no communication? How is this different from his normal life? Just location change.

I too was never clear myself how "traditional" his church/branch is, or the specific arrangements in general of being a modern missionary. Or in his specific case of having some social media "influencer" celebrityhood/clout, which the church might think of benefit to spreading their message and allow social media in his case? Far from an expert on this religion or anything B&B have said about what's allowed for them. If someone reading this knows more, weigh in. :)

There are quite a few articles even going back 10 years about missionaries being allowed online, and of course accelerated since world events starting March 2020 (though I wondered, three years later, if that were now scaled back to more in-person stuff?). Such as:

TikTok or tracting? LDS missionaries are singing, dancing and preaching online, but do these videos work?
From knocking on doors to Facebook posts: Missionary work moves online
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So did he go? Or is this going to be drawn out and dragged out for social media? I thought those last goodbyes were the last goodbyes. Appears he's still home with mama eyelashes.
The goodbyes were at the airport in Utah, were they were departing his girlfriend and sister to fly back to Tennessee. He hasn't flown to Brazil yet (that's later in the month) - there's apparently a local "at home" trial run/prep thing first?

Like omg....their most favoritest bestest detergent.
Gotta keep the bucks from the one-time sponsorship mentions/deals flowing in!

Wish it'd be a little saucier. Something like:

"Hi, we're Brock and Boston! And you know, we can't really jerk off because our religion doesn't approve - but that's okay. 'Cause for all those wet dreams that inevitably happen, this detergent gets it ALL out and leaves everything like brand new!"

Oh, who am I kidding. That'd never happen. Brock doesn't know or can say the word "inevitably". :p
