Do Bisexual men actually settle down with men?

Or maybe bi guys ruin gay men when they string gay men along
Do you think gay men are that weak and vulnerable? That has not been my experience with gay men.

I have said it before, I am really sorry you had any negative experiences with bisexual men, but those experiences don't represent all bisexual men. I hope you find the man you are looking for.
Do you think gay men are that weak and vulnerable? That has not been my experience with gay men.

I have said it before, I am really sorry you had any negative experiences with bisexual men, but those experiences don't represent all bisexual men. I hope you find the man you are looking for.
I have found a guy he a good man. Don't be sorry bro it's just not mine but many gay men.
Or maybe bi guys ruin gay men when they string gay men along

You need to develop a better screening process if you are looking for something more than sex. A refined and advanced bullshit detector is one of the 3 rules of life according to Laurie Anderson.

Feels a little unfair to try to pin this bisexuals. They are just men, and men can ruin gay men. It has nothing to do with their sexual proclivities. Men can also love gay men.

My own LTR with a bisexual man ended miserably, but I would not take back those years together for anything. It was real love. For a while.
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And again, if bi men are upfront about being in it only for the sex, you catching felings sounds like a you problem
That right there is the problem, they never do. Some bi men keep gay as a "placeholder" in a relationship till they are financially stable to have that heteronormative picket fence life. Thankfully, gay men are waking up from their slumber and realizing we are only a booty call for most of them
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Do you think gay men are that weak and vulnerable? That has not been my experience with gay men.

I have said it before, I am really sorry you had any negative experiences with bisexual men, but those experiences don't represent all bisexual men. I hope you find the man you are looking for.
I have a question for you. If you happen to fall in love with a man in future which is rare (don't know if you are married currently), will you tell him you are more attracted to women especially looking at your attraction metric so that he knows if he wants to take the plunge? Remember, disclosing you are bisexual is different from telling him the gender you are more attracted to

As for the bolded, we keep hearing the same thing from bisexuals "we aren't all like that", why don't you guys ever call your fellow bi men out giving y'all a bad name? I call out gay men who are attracted to straight men all the time because they arm homophobes with the narrative that gay men wants to "convert" straight men but I've never seen a bisexual person call out their fellow bi person rather it's always the monosexual's fault for being biphobic making it seem like bi people have no fault
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My husband is bisexual. We’ve been married for 11 years, have kids, the whole heteronormative life I suppose. I guess I was able to provide that kinda life despite being gay myself. My husband had girlfriends & boyfriends before me & does say he assumed he’d settle down with a woman as he really wanted a family. But we fell in madly in love, had the exact same vision for our future & that was that. I do ask him if he ever feels he misses that side of himself but he says no. He still finds women attractive in the same way I can appreciate another man but that I was always it for him. We are disgustingly happy TBF. 😂 We consider ourselves to be in a gay relationship, despite him not being..

We have a few bisexual friends between us, bit of mix in terms of who they settled with. A couple are in MM long term relationships. And another couple are in a MF relationship. I can’t say I’ve ever much thought about bisexual people settling one way far more, I’ve got a range of experience both ways!
Happy for you, wish this was our experience but for most of us, it's the opposite
I have a question for you. If you happen to fall in love with a man in future which is rare (don't know if you are married currently), will you tell him you are more attracted to women especially looking at your attraction metric so that he knows if he wants to take the plunge? Remember, disclosing you are bisexual is different from telling him the gender you are more attracted to

As for the bolded, we keep hearing the same thing from bisexuals "we aren't all like that", why don't you guys ever call your fellow bi men out giving y'all a bad name? I call out gay men who are attracted to straight men all the time because they arm homophobes with the narrative that gay men wants to "convert" straight men but I've never seen a bisexual person call out their fellow bi person rather it's always the monosexual's fault for being biphobic making it seem like bi people have no fault
Exactly they don't call out and keep allowing this to happen.tgey don't care as long they got their wife and side dick
they arm homophobes with the narrative that gay men wants to "convert" straight men but I've never seen a bisexual person call out their fellow bi person

I don't think anyone should be calling out anything. "Bisexuals" are not a monolithic group and community, the word covers a large swathe of the population who are very different in everything including their activities as bisexuals. The same is true for gay people, the marketing says we are a "community" but we are not really.

And why are you calling us out from that soapbox of yours?

It's not conversion, it's seduction, it's consensual, it's legal, and we wouldn't be doing it if we did not have a high success rate. If you want to concern yourself with what homophobes are thinking, you're in for a surprise at the bottom of that rabbit hole.
If all bi men are manipulative conmen and liars just because of your own individual experiences, what does that make all gay men after one tried so hard to get me drunk and kept attempting to make out with me and touch me at a party despite my telling him in no uncertain terms I wasn't interested?

That's the thing about broad brushes, they can paint both ways.
what does that make all gay men after one tried so hard to get me drunk and kept attempting to make out with me and touch me at a party despite my telling him in no uncertain terms I wasn't interested?

You leave Kevin Spacey out of this now. He is one of the greatest actors of his generation!
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Is it hypocrisy asking for a masc bi/masc gay guys for a relationship being a fem Bi ? However when i ask this question like do i give fem vibes to my friends , my frnds said nope and they kinda never suspected the gay/bi vibes from me, but however i feel i am kinda fem , i donno
I don't think anyone should be calling out anything. "Bisexuals" are not a monolithic group and community, the word covers a large swathe of the population who are very different in everything including their activities as bisexuals. The same is true for gay people, the marketing says we are a "community" but we are not really.

And why are you calling us out from that soapbox of yours?

It's not conversion, it's seduction, it's consensual, it's legal, and we wouldn't be doing it if we did not have a high success rate. If you want to concern yourself with what homophobes are thinking, you're in for a surprise at the bottom of that rabbit hole.
Then continue to spin the wheel of prejudice because that's just human behavior, our experiences shapes the way we look at a collective, it happens with how bi men look at gay men and vice versa but this thread is aimed at the former and one of the ways of subverting such is by calling out members of such collective and it's much more effective when that collective is called out by their own member

As for the bolded, I was gonna ask if you live in a bubble but you live in London so I'm not surprised. I'm currently working here in Uganda and Incase you don't know, it's one of the most homophobic countries in the world with homophobes and their ignorant view of gay people, the narrative of "gay people converting straight people" is one of them and you expect the gays who have the opportunity to change such narrative to just fold their arms and sing kumbayaa because " if we concern ourselves with what homophobes are thinking, we are in for a surprise at the bottom of that rabbit hole?" What sort of excuse is this? are you for real right now? Anyway, I honestly don't blame you, you are free so why would you care to check your privilege? This right here is the clash of experiences between a gay man and a bi man, it's one of the reasons why y'all can never understand our struggles. In homophobic countries, you can run to a woman and still use us as your sidepiece, we can't do that because we are not attracted to women so we constantly fight to change such ignorant laws (that y'all finally benefit from when you come out as bi openly but that's another topic for another day) and one of the ways we can do that is getting into convos with the homophobes that signed those laws most of which have been swayed by western and middle eastern religions and some do realize their homophobic stance was monstrous so buddy, it's not all useless like you think and also calling out the gays that give us a bad look, something you clearly know nothing about but "if we concern ourselves with what homophobes are thinking, we are in for a surprise at the bottom of that rabbit hole?" I said before, go check your privilege because what you spewed was completely tone deaf
Is it hypocrisy asking for a masc bi/masc gay guys for a relationship being a fem Bi ? However when i ask this question like do i give fem vibes to my friends , my frnds said nope and they kinda never suspected the gay/bi vibes from me, but however i feel i am kinda fem , i donno
No it's not hypocrisy of femmephobic, you are attracted to what you are attracted to. Hypocrisy and femmephobia would be you hating your fellow femmes and treating less than because they are feminine