Do Bisexual men actually settle down with men?

Trust me, how your feeling is not unique. They specialise in killing your self-esteem. Most girls get fucked over by every bi, straight, ugly or stupid man, thats breathing, just as much as you guys do. There's more DL happening in hetro relationships than gay ones. So if you feel like these men are using you just for sex then there are women out there who feel this every day! You must feel like you dodged a bullet to know a man is just with a woman to provide him with a family. Hes selfish, and unlikely to be a good partner in this case. This is what we like to call, a convieneint cover story, that means the relationship is unlikely to last long term without some man-on-mano play along the way. It's not nice to be used as a woman for sex, for a cover story that suits society, his family, or his lifestyle. It's not nice to be used for his own ego boost, and it's certainly not nice to be used for our wombs. This is even more of a stinger when they take years off of their girls' lives, when all the time they could have had a happy, stable relationship. I don't know if it's any consolation, but just be grateful that you were in on the secret. I doubt that the girls he pesters know about his niche hobby.
I agree with you that most bi men are deceptive very selfish. The fact that most of them are closeted and identify as “straight” is the first deception. They only think about themselves and don’t care about the harm they’re causing others. Both gay men and straight women gets hurt by them. This is why they are frowned upon by both and they are so selfish to even see why. They take no accountability for their actions and want to be cuddled in their bad behaviors. The bisexual community doesn’t call out their bad apples so they’re all stereotyped to be the same shit.
I agree with you that most bi men are deceptive very selfish. The fact that most of them are closeted and identify as “straight” is the first deception. They only think about themselves and don’t care about the harm they’re causing others. Both gay men and straight women gets hurt by them.They take no accountability for their actions and want to be cuddled in their bad behaviors.
I can get behind this but will say it's not just bi men but many men in general. Too many men, straight, gay, or bi, think with their dick and only search for the immediate gratification and release that comes with the orgasm and give zero thoughts to possible ramifications. I like having sex too and despite being in a monagamous long term relationship don't get it as often as I'd like sometimes. However, we both agreed to not fool around with others and i've stood by that despite some temptations at times. I'm no saint or even prude and believe adults can sleep with who they want but too many men want to have their cake and eat it too.
I can get behind this but will say it's not just bi men but many men in general. Too many men, straight, gay, or bi, think with their dick and only search for the immediate gratification and release that comes with the orgasm and give zero thoughts to possible ramifications. I like having sex too and despite being in a monagamous long term relationship don't get it as often as I'd like sometimes. However, we both agreed to not fool around with others and i've stood by that despite some temptations at times. I'm no saint or even prude and believe adults can sleep with who they want but too many men want to have their cake and eat it too.
I agree with you. Too many men regardless of sexual orientation only think with their dicks. However, heterosexual and homosexual men gets called out by their communities for their irresponsible behaviours all the time. Heterosexual women have woken up and aren’t getting involved with problematic heterosexual men. That’s why there are so many incels. You don’t find this happening in the bisexual community. They don’t call out their bad apples, they cuddle them.
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In this thread we have biphobic close minded gay men who never got over their bisexual ex.

The false claim of "bi men use other men for sex" is laughable as everyone knows gay men do this to other gay men a lot.

I have two bisexual ex's neither left me for women and even if they had I would have been fine with it, the one married a man and the other just mainly dates and has partnerships with men. I am friends with a bi man who has been in a partnership with a man since 2007.
I agree with you. Too many men regardless of sexual orientation only think with their dicks. However, heterosexual and homosexual men gets called out by their communities for their irresponsible behaviours all the time. Heterosexual women have woken up and aren’t getting involved with problematic heterosexual men. That’s why there are so many incels. You don’t find this happening in the bisexual community. They don’t call out their bad apples, they cuddle them.
How would you know? Are you even involved in your local bisexual aka pan "community" going to bi discussion groups, pride events, etc.?

You seem to be going only by what you see or read or hear online, it is a lot different in reality. A lot of women and men bisexual, hetero, and even gay are in open relationships as both or more people have agreed to this and it has been super common for the past 30+ years.
As I'm reading this thread, I'm struck by a couple of on going things:

  1. First are the on-going attempts to characterize "most" bisexual men as "this, that or the other thing" (sometimes with substantiated claims of statistics)
  2. Then there is the on-going confusion surrounding the concepts of monogamy and sexuality.
As I think I'm stated before I've personally experienced the attempts of both the homosexual and heterosexual communities to pigeonhole those who have sexual attraction to both men and women.

Regardless of whether those attempts came from homosexuals or heterosexuals, they were just wrong, insensitive, offensive, bigoted, uneducated nonsense. None of them were any more valid than attempts to characterize or stereotype any other sexual identification. No person, or group of people has the right to define, or characterize someone else's sexuality for them.

By the same token, I cannot force anyone to believe the things that I do, or see the world through my eyes, but I cannot remain silent when I see behavior that wouldn't be tolerated by the person taking whatever action if the tables were turned.

How many gay men do you know who would be offended by a statement like, "gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry, they don't form long term relationships, it's all just a series of hookups and anonymous sex." I know that's wrong, I hope everyone reading this knows that it's wrong. But I've actually heard things like that said when the topic of same sex marriage was being discussed. Sometimes it was even said by people who identified as gay. The point is that no one has the right to project that onto others. NO ONE. It may be true for some, but certainly not all, or even most. The best anyone can do is speak for themselves.

Actually, I told a small white, there are actually two points in the analogy to same sex marriage. The second is that there is absolutely zero connection between sexuality and longevity of relationships. I know just as many fully heterosexual men who just cannot keep it in their pants as I do fully homosexual men who have the same issue. You can extend that into all the other shade of sexuality that you want to. The plane fact of the matter is that there are just some men who aren't good at monogamy. That's not linked to who they like to have sex with. It's just not part of their make-up to have a single sex partner.

Some of those men have solid, meaningful relationships with other people (both men and women), but all of those relationships are examples of places where the participants have separated sexuality, monogamy and the longevity of their relationship. The problems happen when people cannot make that separation, when those things collide with the ideals of one or both people, or when there is a lack of honesty about one or more the topics (this one often collides with the ideals one mentioned before.)

Again, there isn't an right answer, or a right way of being. There is just the way that we are. No one likes being hurt when a relationship ends. I've had my heart broken a couple of times (both of them by men who identified as gay.) But making up tabloid like stories about those situations doesn't really help anyone, until we all start to learn from our own conditions and our own situations.
Most bi men identify as “straight” and are closeted and predominantly prefers heterosexual relationships. Statistics already backed this up along with most gay men experiences with bisexual men.
This does seem to be true in most cases; and it may very well be so because bisexuality, unlike homosexuality, is probably psychological in nature.
In this thread we have biphobic close minded gay men who never got over their bisexual ex.

The false claim of "bi men use other men for sex" is laughable as everyone knows gay men do this to other gay men a lot.

I have two bisexual ex's neither left me for women and even if they had I would have been fine with it, the one married a man and the other just mainly dates and has partnerships with men. I am friends with a bi man who has been in a partnership with a man since 2007.
I see facts and reality ain’t your best friend. Bisexuals in long-term same-sex relationships are a rare minority. Most same-sex relationships involved two homosexuals. Many gay men aren’t going to take the risk of dating a bi man when 90% of the time he will get dumped for heteronormativity. This has been most gay men experiences with bi men. Let that reality sink in. I doubt it will though because you’re too selfish to comprehend it.
I see facts and reality ain’t your best friend. Bisexuals in long-term same-sex relationships are a rare minority. Most same-sex relationships involved two homosexuals. Many gay men aren’t going to take the risk of dating a bi man when 90% of the time he will get dumped for i. This has been most gay men experiences with bi men. Let that reality sink in. I doubt it will though because you’re too selfish to comprehend it.
Your view is closer to expressing the reality of the matter.
This does seem to be true in most cases; and it may very well be so because bisexuality, unlike homosexuality, is probably psychological in nature.
You might have a point here about bisexuality being psychological. Homosexuality and heterosexuality is a fixed sexual orientation, while bisexuality is a fluid sexual orientation. I have also observed that many bisexuals have multiple personalities.
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You might have a point here about bisexuality being psychological. Homosexuality and heterosexuality is a fixed sexual orientation, while bisexuality is a fluid sexual orientation. I have also observed that many bisexuals have multiple personalities.

This is nonsense. Either sexuality is fluid or it is not. You can't pick and choose who is "born this way" and who isn't.
This is nonsense. Either sexuality is fluid or it is not. You can't pick and choose who is "born this way" and who isn't.
My advice is to go and do your research on bisexuality and stop embarrassing yourself. Bisexuals have a fluid sexuality. Homosexuals have an exclusively fixed sexual orientation.
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I advise you to go and do your research on bisexuality and stop embarrassing yourself. Bisexuals have a fluid sexual orientation. Homosexuals have an exclusively fixed orientation.
Would you care to provide a few citations? Actually I'd be good with one, if it is peer reviewed and published somewhere that is internationally recognized as being authoritative.

As someone who has used "bisexual" to describe himself, I find the notion that the of human sexuality as a fluid spectrum has been discarded in favor of binary camps with nothing in between. In fact I stopped using the label "bisexual" because of the phobia that is inherent in that kind of restrictive thinking.

However, I don't claim to be any great expert. I'm just one person who can speak to his own experiences. And I have an open mind, so if there are scholarly works that can support that I'd be happy to know about them, as I'm pretty sure I know where I can lay my hands on a pile of them that support the idea of a fluid spectrum. Those with start with works of Alfred Kinsey.
This does seem to be true in most cases; and it may very well be so because bisexuality, unlike homosexuality, is probably psychological in nature.
Thanks Dr Freud. For sharing your expertise on sexuality for us mere plebs. Jesus fucking christ.
Trust me, how your feeling is not unique. They specialise in killing your self-esteem. Most girls get fucked over by every bi, straight, ugly or stupid man, thats breathing, just as much as you guys do. There's more DL happening in hetro relationships than gay ones. So if you feel like these men are using you just for sex then there are women out there who feel this every day! You must feel like you dodged a bullet to know a man is just with a woman to provide him with a family. Hes selfish, and unlikely to be a good partner in this case. This is what we like to call, a convieneint cover story, that means the relationship is unlikely to last long term without some man-on-mano play along the way. It's not nice to be used as a woman for sex, for a cover story that suits society, his family, or his lifestyle. It's not nice to be used for his own ego boost, and it's certainly not nice to be used for our wombs. This is even more of a stinger when they take years off of their girls' lives, when all the time they could have had a happy, stable relationship. I don't know if it's any consolation, but just be grateful that you were in on the secret. I doubt that the girls he pesters know about his niche hobby.
I would encourage women to join all the gay hookup apps and create an anonymous account to catch these deceptive bi men. Do your background checks before getting involved with these men. Maybe that will be a wake-up call for many of them. Grindr is a famous app that these DL men infest looking to cheat on their wives/girlfriends.
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I would encourage women to join all the gay hookup apps and create an anonymous account to catch these deceptive bi men. Do your background checks before getting involved with these men. Maybe that will be a wake-up call for many of them. Grindr is a famous app that these DL men infest looking to cheat on their wives/girlfriends.

Warn these poor women about the messages...

I did this as an experiment a while back to do a side-by-side comparison of the amount of opposite sex profiles between our (lesbian) dating apps and apps for gay men (I was trying to see if it was as bad over there as it is on ours). I was NOT ready for that inbox onslaught. Threw me completely off.

Pro-tip to any ladies reading and considering it: Don't put this :eyes: emoji as your username on Grindr. That actually means something very specific.
I would encourage women to join all the gay hookup apps and create an anonymous account to catch these deceptive bi men. Do your background checks before getting involved with these men. Maybe that will be a wake-up call for many of them. Grindr is a famous app that these DL men infest looking to cheat on their wives/girlfriends.
First... Most of us closeted bi guys use Sniffies. Second... Many of us started out as completely straight guys. Not a thought about sex with another guy. But later in life (you can come up with any reason you like) they started having thoughts of sex with other men. The internet opened up the opportunity to most of us. Maybe it's because I live in a large suburb... But that's they way it looks to me in the "Older Bi Man" community.
First... Most of us closeted bi guys use Sniffies. Second... Many of us started out as completely straight guys. Not a thought about sex with another guy. But later in life (you can come up with any reason you like) they started having thoughts of sex with other men. The internet opened up the opportunity to most of us. Maybe it's because I live in a large suburb... But that's they way it looks to me in the "Older Bi Man" community.
I don't believe most bisexuals woke up one day and had a bisexual awakening. You were always bisexual. You just repressed those same-sex urges to live a heterosexual lifestyle.

Also, thanks for telling an yourself about the hookup app you use to cheat. I hope the women are taking notes.