Do we need to look 10 years younger?

I guess I used the the term girls because these young ladies were in their 20s, and I'm a couple years shy of 50 myself, so all ladies in their 20s seem like it's ok to call them girls to me. If I could have been their mother had I chosen to procreate in my early 20s, they are girls. And I don't pile on the makeup either, never will. 95% days au naturel.
Ah. I call those "children."

And the piling on comment was sarcasm. I'm less than a month shy of 50.
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A few years ago a magazine did a spread on "new" home builders/designers in North Florida. I was lucky enough to be selected, but they wanted to do one of the shoots on a job site. It's not only extremely rare that I ever wear makeup on the site, I also never come in my office duds.

So, when I arrived in full makeup and business attire it literally made everything stop. Workers wanted to know who I was, and the subs had to ask the general contractor if it was me or a relative.

It was pretty quick that they found out it was me after I snapped at them to get back to work.

One of the masons who was teaching me bricklaying said "you don't look like you. You look better!" Oh, I had some fun at his expense. You mean I don't look good normally? I loved letting him twist in the wind.

Stories like this are why I call my make up "full battle."

It is glamoury for me, in the witchy sense of changing perception.
I’m not gonna to argue. I like looking like I’m still in my forties. I’m not sure what the fifties and sixties are supposed to look like anymore. I’m not caving in that’s for sure, but I sure the hell have better things to spend my money on than magic creams!

Someone on FetLife posted her picture and the cut line said: this is what 60 looks like... on me.

And honestly, if the cream does do magic, and that includes not breaking me out or breaking my bank, I'd consider it.
Someone on FetLife posted her picture and the cut line said: this is what 60 looks like... on me.

And honestly, if the cream does do magic, and that includes not breaking me out or breaking my bank, I'd consider it.
It worked - for a couple of hours at most. Preparation H is cheaper and a trick a lot of makeup artists use for under eye bags. Just mark your tubes so you don’t mix them up!
It worked - for a couple of hours at most. Preparation H is cheaper and a trick a lot of makeup artists use for under eye bags. Just mark your tubes so you don’t mix them up!
Mark tubes? Are you supposed to apply prepH to the starfish directly from the tube?

As for Magic cream, it would nourish the skin to make the collagen great again. Or something.

I need to wash Cheeto dust off my hands now.
Mark tubes? Are you supposed to apply prepH to the starfish directly from the tube?

As for Magic cream, it would nourish the skin to make the collagen great again. Or something.

I need to wash Cheeto dust off my hands now.
In reality, creams don’t penetrate your skin any more than the Cheeto dust does. Retinol is the only thing that really improves skin appearance and the kind you buy over the counter isn’t strong enough - you need the prescription type.

The best home treatment is staying hydrated, using a moisturizer you like and staying out of the sun. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Put it under your makeup, because even if your foundation says it has sunscreen says it has SFP, it may not protect against all different sun rays. It’s not actually regulated like ordinary sunscreens are. (Learned that from Dr. Pimple Popper!)

Good genetics help, too. When my dad was 75, he could have passed for 60. Since I take after him in so many ways, let’s hope I win that genetic lottery.
Well, you do you. No judgment here. Aging is hard. The choice you make, I wouldn’t make, but I wouldn’t choices for another woman.

I’m just saying that there’s nothing wrong with our actual ages. There’s nothing wrong with being 50, 60, or 70, etc. I won’t be manipulated by society into spending money into a fantasy when I really am good with who I am. I earned my face. But I still treat her well.

But like you said, we all have our priorities. If you put your money into appearance, who am I to judge? As long as you feel good and you’re doing it for yourself, you go girl! I’m sticking with drugstore products and putting my money into life experiences. That just happens to be my priority. :)
Before I begin I just want to tell you I have enjoyed all your posts!
I don’t wear a lot of make up I’m out in the elements a lot and Colorado is high altitude
I’m 55 a LT Firefighter Paramedic CC RN MSN. I do all aspects of emergency response. I take care of my skin buy serum to help w sun damage stuff like that. No one ever believes my age lol a example I had to get my yearly physical for work the dr office had these very handsome nurses I found my self being flirted w by one and I reciprocated lol he was easy on the eyes mmmmm. When I was at the front desk getting my paper work the other cutie asks me if there’s a mistake I asked ? He said your bday can’t be right. Mmmmm ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Never been w two men at once but I can honestly say I would have explored it right there. Lol
I’m the friend that when we all go on a trip together I keep you waiting the longest
When I come out of the bathroom there’s a fog of steam before you see me.

You all are beautiful and if anyone tells you different send them to Engine 8!!!
I use a couple of products specifically for acne/blemishes, a retinol cream for making my skin tone more even (I know it does other things too, but that's why I am using it), vitamin C serum, rose water/witch hazel toner, moisturizer, and broad spectrum SPF 50.

Having said all that, this is how my skin looks completely bare. Granted it's a little cranky right now with the humidity and heat compared to my norm. I didn't capture the glow as well as I would have liked but I also was trying to angle the picture so my face wouldn't be identifiable after cropping :p

View attachment 1225339
Your skin looks very smooth
You captured the glow !!!
Irk nothing about Identifiable after cropping I am just me. I admire beauty you got it!
I’ve noticed fantasy ppl here
I pay no mind what ever your doing keep doing it.
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I use a couple of products specifically for acne/blemishes, a retinol cream for making my skin tone more even (I know it does other things too, but that's why I am using it), vitamin C serum, rose water/witch hazel toner, moisturizer, and broad spectrum SPF 50.

Having said all that, this is how my skin looks completely bare. Granted it's a little cranky right now with the humidity and heat compared to my norm. I didn't capture the glow as well as I would have liked but I also was trying to angle the picture so my face wouldn't be identifiable after cropping :p

View attachment 1225339
Pretty nails to boot too!!!
Before I begin I just want to tell you I have enjoyed all your posts!
I don’t wear a lot of make up I’m out in the elements a lot and Colorado is high altitude
I’m 55 a LT Firefighter Paramedic CC RN MSN. I do all aspects of emergency response. I take care of my skin buy serum to help w sun damage stuff like that. No one ever believes my age lol a example I had to get my yearly physical for work the dr office had these very handsome nurses I found my self being flirted w by one and I reciprocated lol he was easy on the eyes mmmmm. When I was at the front desk getting my paper work the other cutie asks me if there’s a mistake I asked ? He said your bday can’t be right. Mmmmm ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Never been w two men at once but I can honestly say I would have explored it right there. Lol
I’m the friend that when we all go on a trip together I keep you waiting the longest
When I come out of the bathroom there’s a fog of steam before you see me.

You all are beautiful and if anyone tells you different send them to Engine 8!!!
Thanks so much! And welcome to the site!

Wow, you do a hard job. Sounds fulfilling, though. Personally, I think if you do something you love, that also shows in your face. Maybe that’s just me though. I love what I do. I find helping people, sharing my knowledge and skills really makes me feel good at the end of the day. Sure it can be frustrating, but ultimately I know I make a difference. Perhaps it’s the same for you.

And we’re the same age. Good year!
Greetings to you as well from Colo Springs!

Hi Sweetie! I was just in your neck of the woods a couple of years ago! Damn, I love your state! A bit too cold for me to move to though ;)

I would imagine being out in the elements and what you're exposed to that you'd have to have some kind of rigid regimen.
Hello! I don’t know if I’d call it rigid or extreme. I’ve been blessed with even tone skin, tan easily as well.
The last thing I want to be concerned about when at work is make up or freshening up.
Trust and believe I’ve worked with females that have been putting mascara on when we we running hot (lights sirens) I’m the one driving. Thinking what in the world... they tell me you never know when you’re going to meet Mr-Right. The last place I’d ever look
Or think of a Mr Right is on a medical call.
I have always been active lots of energy
Healthy. Pretty sure I should drink more water.
I use Clinique smart serum eye serum
Neck serum, and also Estee Lauder advanced night repair this stuff is amazing
Burn centers actually use this.
My Dad lives is Arlington Texas when he was here visiting he was complaining about his skin being thin I told him to try this and gave him about 40 small samples. Well that evening you could already see the improvement. Estée Lauder purchased Aveda last year I’m a huge fan of Aveda
Aveda has a wedding eye cream I use a couple x a week.
Getting older being on the computer w the blue lights I’ve noticed changes under my eyes Estée Lauder hust came out with a advanced night repair eye super charge complex that I just started to use. Haven’t ev n used it a week yet and this stuff is amazing. I spend $ on my face yes I like to have soft skin I like to smell good always.
I’m picky. But health is no a commodity. There are days when patients expel on me part of defeating death... it’s nothing for me to shower 4-5 x a day. I use curel lotion I go through a lot of it.
I don’t eat red meat had digestive issues at 11 yrs old haven’t ate it since.

Having a career that I’m passionate about, one that I love to get up and go to every day.
Being a part of bringing a new life into
The world, holding a hand as someone takes their last breath - to being asked to tell a family member a patients last words is a privilege a honor I take very seriously I am
Blessed. You’re worst day is my everyday at work. I’ve seen a lot in my career and in the last 3 years it has become a lot more dangerous. You adapt and over come.
My mom was also a firefighter paramedic
a 9/11 responder. She got sick shortly after was diagnosed w stage 4 mesothelioma
It will be 10 years this New Year’s Eve since she passed. I guess you could say my street was embedded in me at a young age.
I love helping people especially in the time of need.
Sorry for ranting lol
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Hello! I don’t know if I’d call it rigid or extreme. I’ve been blessed with even tone skin, tan easily as well.
The last thing I want to be concerned about when at work is make up or freshening up.
Trust and believe I’ve worked with females that have been putting mascara on when we we running hot (lights sirens) I’m the one driving. Thinking what in the world... they tell me you never know when you’re going to meet Mr-Right. The last place I’d ever look
Or think of a Mr Right is on a medical call.
I have always been active lots of energy
Healthy. Pretty sure I should drink more water.
I use Clinique smart serum eye serum
Neck serum, and also Estee Lauder advanced night repair this stuff is amazing
Burn centers actually use this.
My Dad lives is Arlington Texas when he was here visiting he was complaining about his skin being thin I told him to try this and gave him about 40 small samples. Well that evening you could already see the improvement. Estée Lauder purchased Aveda last year I’m a huge fan of Aveda
Aveda has a wedding eye cream I use a couple x a week.
Getting older being on the computer w the blue lights I’ve noticed changes under my eyes Estée Lauder hust came out with a advanced night repair eye super charge complex that I just started to use. Haven’t ev n used it a week yet and this stuff is amazing. I spend $ on my face yes I like to have soft skin I like to smell good always.
I’m picky. But health is no a commodity. There are days when patients expel on me part of defeating death... it’s nothing for me to shower 4-5 x a day. I use curel lotion I go through a lot of it.
I don’t eat red meat had digestive issues at 11 yrs old haven’t ate it since.

Having a career that I’m passionate about, one that I love to get up and go to every day.
Being a part of bringing a new life into
The world, holding a hand as someone takes their last breath - to being asked to tell a family member a patients last words is a privilege a honor I take very seriously I am
Blessed. You’re worst day is my everyday at work. I’ve seen a lot in my career and in the last 3 years it has become a lot more dangerous. You adapt and over come.
My mom was also a firefighter paramedic
a 9/11 responder. She got sick shortly after was diagnosed w stage 4 mesothelioma
It will be 10 years this New Year’s Eve since she passed. I guess you could say my street was embedded in me at a young age.
I love helping people especially in the time of need.
Sorry for ranting lol
Excellent info! Think I’m going to check out these products. Couldn’t be a better endorsement!
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