Feel guilty about getting with married men?

Yes, other animals are actually capable of feeling guilt. Look it up on YouTube, there are videos of dogs clearly displaying guilt when they have don't something that is against their owners rules.

But that doesn't matter, every evolves in a different way, and even if it human evolution has been unique in that it includes the ability to feel guilt, it still includes the ability to feel guilt. And even if the ability to feel guilt only comes from religion, well religion only comes from humans evolution which originated the ability to create religion.

Even if it is a social construct as you say, society is an effect of human evolution. If humans did not evolve as we did then we would not have society as we have it.

Nothing that I have said values one course of evolution over another, I don't know where you got that but it wasn't from me. The only point I argued was that the origin of guilt comes from our course through evolution and the origin is not in any way in religion. If anything, guilt is the origin of religion.

My argument made plenty of sense. I'm not sure you even make an argument.
DOGS? Dogs don't show real guilt you idiot. It's a form of obedience and fear. They role on their back and show their stomachs in an act of submission. Dogs are also very different from their 'wild' ancestors. Whatever signs of obedience they show is a result from being raised within a civilized household of humans. Honestly, do you think wild dogs in Africa are just the same as some fucking pug??
All evolution is about is getting enough food, avoiding predators, and procreating...there's nothing in any of that that would lead to guilt.
Also, guilt changes with society all the time. Did people feel guilty watching a man being burned to death several hundred years ago? Did they feel guilty brutally beating their wife and children? Those ideas of morality were developed very recently...nothing at all to do with evolution.

Finally, you're very wrong about religion. Every religion was created to explain this in nature that people themselves could not understand. For example, the ancient Egyptians thought the Sun was a living god.
No dude, I studied this stuff in college. "Just as evolved" means we humans are NOT any more evolved than say lions. We just evolved differently. So if all other animals (in the wild) don't show any signs of guilt, ours is therefore not from evolution, but from society's idea of morality.

That doesn't make any sense. How can you acknowledge that evolution has different effects among different species but not acknowledge that it resulted in an ability to sense guilt in one and not the other.

I would argue that other species do feel guilt, but that contentious. Koko the gorilla was taught sign language and had an impressive vocabulary. She once tore a sink off the wall of her enclosure and when asked about what happened blamed her kitten. She lied using sign language, how and why would she lie if she didn't feel guilt?

Koko the Gorilla’s Most Iconic Moments

Aside from that, it doesn't make any sense that you differentiate the effects of evolution on humanity versus other species only when it benefits your argument. Other species that evolved characteristics that are humans have not. Alligators have amazing bite strength, humans don't, it doesn't mean that the trait wasn't gained through evolution. And despite the bite strength alligators gained through evolution, a lot of people would argue that evolution served people better. We have opposable thumbs and brains that are capable of complex thought.

We got these things through the process of evolution, while other species got other traits. This is really the most simple aspect of evolution and you should understand thing before talking to people about evolution on a forum. This really is the kind of thinking you should develop in grade school.

I don't think you studied this "stuff" in college. I did, though, and you don't seem to have the most basic grasp on it.

You say it is from "societies idea of morality." Where did societies idea of morality come from if not evolution? It was just kind of there, waiting for humanity to discover it?
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DOGS? Dogs don't show real guilt you idiot. It's a form of obedience and fear. They role on their back and show their stomachs in an act of submission. Dogs are also very different from their 'wild' ancestors. Whatever signs of obedience they show is a result from being raised within a civilized household of humans. Honestly, do you think wild dogs in Africa are just the same as some fucking pug??
All evolution is about is getting enough food, avoiding predators, and procreating...there's nothing in any of that that would lead to guilt.
Also, guilt changes with society all the time. Did people feel guilty watching a man being burned to death several hundred years ago? Did they feel guilty brutally beating their wife and children? Those ideas of morality were developed very recently...nothing at all to do with evolution.

Finally, you're very wrong about religion. Every religion was created to explain this in nature that people themselves could not understand. For example, the ancient Egyptians thought the Sun was a living god.

Dogs do show guilt. Your understanding of it is basic. It is easy to argue that the behavior humans display when feeling guilt is as basic as a dogs display, we just see it differently because we display it the same way.

Dogs being different from their ancestors is exactly the point. They display different traits because of, stick with me, evolution. Dogs have been domesticated and adapted traits that benefit their relationship with humans. It's technically adaptation, but that is obviously tied to evolution.

Evolution is not all about getting food, avoid predators, and procreating. It is about acquiring and honing traits that are beneficial to survival. If you don't think guilt is acquired through evolution, then you must not think speech is acquired through evolution, anger, compassion, or any other emotion. Stupidity is a lack of evolution in the way that humanity has experienced it, and you can see that based on that you have been left behind.

You are a fool, and you need to stop derailing this thread. If you want to get beaten down about elementary understanding of evolution then start a new thread in the et cetera section.
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If you respect someone you've never met and know nothing about....then your respect is worthless. Respect is earned first.

You do know about the wives of the men you cheat with. You only haven't met them. Why not? I've suggested this already, and will repeat because it bears repeating. If you have no guilt and have nothing to fear, then meet the spouse. Stop over and introduce yourself, and explain what you do with her husband. Should be no problem: *you* haven't done anything wrong...isn't that what you've insisted all along (except your OP, of course)? You have a personal relationship with her husband, so meeting her is only natural.

But you won't do this. Explain why.
You do know about the wives of the men you cheat with. You only haven't met them. Why not? I've suggested this already, and will repeat because it bears repeating. If you have no guilt and have nothing to fear, then meet the spouse. Stop over and introduce yourself, and explain what you do with her husband. Should be no problem: *you* haven't done anything wrong...isn't that what you've insisted all along (except your OP, of course)? You have a personal relationship with her husband, so meeting her is only natural.

But you won't do this. Explain why.
Read again what I wrote at the beginning of this thread. I've never said I haven't done anything wrong. The issue that arose was whether or not I'm hurting his wife just as much as he is....which is fucking ridiculous. I never made any promise to her.
Dogs do show guilt. Your understanding of it is basic. It is easy to argue that the behavior humans display when feeling guilt is as basic as a dogs display, we just see it differently because we display it the same way.

Dogs being different from their ancestors is exactly the point. They display different traits because of, stick with me, evolution. Dogs have been domesticated and adapted traits that benefit their relationship with humans. It's technically adaptation, but that is obviously tied to evolution.

Evolution is not all about getting food, avoid predators, and procreating. It is about acquiring and honing traits that are beneficial to survival. If you don't think guilt is acquired through evolution, then you must not think speech is acquired through evolution, anger, compassion, or any other emotion. Stupidity is a lack of evolution in the way that humanity has experienced it, and you can see that based on that you have been left behind.

You are a fool, and you need to stop derailing this thread. If you want to get beaten down about elementary understanding of evolution then start a new thread in the et cetera section.
"Evolution is not all about getting food, avoid predators, and procreating. It is about acquiring and honing traits that are beneficial to survival"...what you wrote clearly shows that you have no real understanding of evolution. Animals do not 'hone traits'. They have absolutely no idea why they survive. Offspring may be born faster or slower than their parents. If being faster allows them to survive and reproduce, they will likely pass those traits on to their offspring. The slower ones will die out. That's why it's good for a lion to kill the cubs of a pride he just took over. If he is bigger and stronger than the father of those cubs, they will likely have his weaker traits....killing them and producing his own means future generations will likely be stronger.

Here's the one main FACT about evolution that you are completely missing:
Evolution is 100% accidental. It's never planned. Animals don't 'acquire and hone traits'. They don't have the intelligence to understand that they need to be fast/strong in order to survive. Gazelles don't practice sprinting while thinking "I need to improve my speed or the lions will eat me". Jesus....stop pretending as though you know anything substantial about this topic.
Finally, I never derailed this thread about evolution...you did. I'm just trying to get you to be less ignorant.
Read again what I wrote at the beginning of this thread. I've never said I haven't done anything wrong. The issue that arose was whether or not I'm hurting his wife just as much as he is....which is fucking ridiculous. I never made any promise to her.
If that's the only issue, then why are you engaged in all this talk of respect?

If you truly believe you aren't hurting his wife as much as he has, then once again....meet her. Look into her eyes and tell her what you've been doing with her husband. If guilt is subject to gradation, as you assert, then what's the problem?
If that's the only issue, then why are you engaged in all this talk of respect?

If you truly believe you aren't hurting his wife as much as he has, then once again....meet her. Look into her eyes and tell her what you've been doing with her husband. If guilt is subject to gradation, as you assert, then what's the problem?
I never said I wasn't hurting his wife...seriously, can you fucking read?
The issue became am I hurting her as much as her husband....to which I say no.
I think there are several ways to look at this. It is not possible to know everything about someone elses reltionships or take responsibility for them if you are the third party.

In my youth I was very judgemental about bi guys. Since then I have met many guys who are basically happy with a straight identity most of the time, genuinely love their families, and also love being fucked by a bigger cock than they have.

My current feeling is that these guys will treat you according to their own standards.

If they are polite, clean, respectful, organised, and stick to comitments, and arrangements to meet, then these are standards they have in other parts of their lives.

One of my straight men has a wife who loves receiving anal attention but not giving it. She also likes getting fucked by a cock that is bigger than his.

They have a beautiful family to which they are both very committed.

A quote from the last time I turned him in to my bitch and pounded his ass for ages snd came twice in him:

My wife is going to love hearing about this, she's really going to get off on it.

I suggest people stop bringing stupid simplistic judgemental ideas where sex is involved.

If you feel what you are doing is wrong and causing harm then change your behaviour but dont judge other people, and their relationships or start getting all moralistic especially about how other people choose to live their lives.

You might actually be part of helping two peope enjoy life and stay together but that is between them and not up to you. In this case their relationship is not about you.
I never said I wasn't hurting his wife...seriously, can you fucking read?
The issue became am I hurting her as much as her husband....to which I say no.

You're still trying to validate shitty behavior because you can't just accept that you are a shitty person.

You clearly don't care, so why bother trying to validate yourself? Just accept that you're a bad person and get over it already.
No dude, I studied this stuff in college. "Just as evolved" means we humans are NOT any more evolved than say lions. We just evolved differently. So if all other animals (in the wild) don't show any signs of guilt, ours is therefore not from evolution, but from society's idea of morality.
Interesting topic. I am jumping in the middle here just to chime in with something I had heard someone say that actually does suggest morality or a sense of "fairness" being rooted in biology which I'll explain here briefly.

So animals play wrestle, right? We've seen it. In this study with rats, the first time two rats played, the bigger one would likely win Afterwards when the small rat wanted to play he would sort of have to "ask" the bigger one to play. Now once they begin playing... Basically what they found was that if the smaller rat didn't win at least 30% of the time... It would stop asking the larger rat to play.

This led some to believe that there are calculations of fairness being made that inform future actions.

I'm sure there are other examples out there. Oh how about that one chimp, I think? That went ham on this dude visiting a nursery of sorts. He was visiting his former pet and brought him a birthday cake. The other primates got no cake. One of them saw this, got loose and just totally maimed this guy.

Thats born of jealousy, sure. Not sure if you'd lump that into the discussion y'all are having here.

But these issues humanity suffer from are not inherently social and to pin it on a social construct or system... Is likely to miss the point of just how deep the problem is rooted.

Change one government system for another, for example, and watch injustice and inequality find a home there, too.
"Evolution is not all about getting food, avoid predators, and procreating. It is about acquiring and honing traits that are beneficial to survival"...what you wrote clearly shows that you have no real understanding of evolution. Animals do not 'hone traits'. They have absolutely no idea why they survive. Offspring may be born faster or slower than their parents. If being faster allows them to survive and reproduce, they will likely pass those traits on to their offspring. The slower ones will die out. That's why it's good for a lion to kill the cubs of a pride he just took over. If he is bigger and stronger than the father of those cubs, they will likely have his weaker traits....killing them and producing his own means future generations will likely be stronger.

Here's the one main FACT about evolution that you are completely missing:
Evolution is 100% accidental. It's never planned. Animals don't 'acquire and hone traits'. They don't have the intelligence to understand that they need to be fast/strong in order to survive. Gazelles don't practice sprinting while thinking "I need to improve my speed or the lions will eat me". Jesus....stop pretending as though you know anything substantial about this topic.
Finally, I never derailed this thread about evolution...you did. I'm just trying to get you to be less ignorant.

Try reading what other people write without applying whatever tone you feel can be argued with. I never said that evolution is something done with purpose and nothing I said even implied something like that. Traits are acquired and honed through evolution, that is a fact, it doesn't mean that an animal is actively trying to gain or hone a skill. I never said that there is a conscious effort involved in evolution, you are just making that up.

All I said was that humans are able to feel guilt because of traits gained through evolution, and that guilt isn't a result of religion.

Unfortunately, evolution seems to have short changed you in regards to reading comprehension.
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Try reading what other people write without applying whatever tone you feel can be argued with. I never said that evolution is something done with purpose and nothing I said even implied something like that. Traits are acquired and honed through evolution, that is a fact, it doesn't mean that an animal is actively trying to gain or hone a skill. I never said that there is a conscious effort involved in evolution, you are just making that up.

All I said was that humans are able to feel guilt because of traits gained through evolution, and that guilt isn't a result of religion.

Unfortunately, evolution seems to have short changed you in regards to reading comprehension.
OK...last time I'm going to try this. Explain how people (even just a few hundred years ago) didn't feel guilty about burning others alive or men beating women and children but now we do. Have our brains evolved so much over a couple of hundred years as to develop a new sense of guilt? What about European pagans prior to the spread of Christianity? Why was it they were perfectly fine with ritual human sacrifices but then were taught it was wrong...and out of that a feeling of guilt for hurting others? What about ancient Spartans, how they would throw babies away and leave them to die because they perceived the baby to have a flaw/weakness? Biologically we are essentially the same as those ancient people yet those same actions would be considered monstrous today.
How did evolution play into all that?
OK...last time I'm going to try this. Explain how people (even just a few hundred years ago) didn't feel guilty about burning others alive or men beating women and children but now we do. Have our brains evolved so much over a couple of hundred years as to develop a new sense of guilt? What about European pagans prior to the spread of Christianity? Why was it they were perfectly fine with ritual human sacrifices but then were taught it was wrong...and out of that a feeling of guilt for hurting others? What about ancient Spartans, how they would throw babies away and leave them to die because they perceived the baby to have a flaw/weakness? Biologically we are essentially the same as those ancient people yet those same actions would be considered monstrous today.
How did evolution play into all that?

You're being willfully ignorant.

I'm not remotely surprised.

That's something people do when they try to rationalize shitty behavior.
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I never said I wasn't hurting his wife...seriously, can you fucking read?
The issue became am I hurting her as much as her husband....to which I say no.
Can you "fucking read"? That's what I wrote, and addressed. Stop avoiding the issue. Go tell his wife. Should be fine, since you assume what your doing isn't as bad as what he is.
Can you "fucking read"? That's what I wrote, and addressed. Stop avoiding the issue. Go tell his wife. Should be fine, since you assume what your doing isn't as bad as what he is.

Right? She won't get mad at him, just at her husband!!

The fuck outta here...
Can you "fucking read"? That's what I wrote, and addressed. Stop avoiding the issue. Go tell his wife. Should be fine, since you assume what your doing isn't as bad as what he is.
I don't assume what I'm doing isn't as bad as he is....I know it isn't.
Great logic, since it's not as bad I should tell her about it and guarantee that I destroy that family.