Worshipped Member
Evolution allowed us to feel guilt for a reason. If you are feeling guilt, then you are doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing. That will be a heavy weight to carry.
Even if you don't understand it, when your brain is telling you that its bad then its almost certainly bad.
Evolution isn't the source of guilt for cheating. Morality from religion is. In the western world it comes directly from the Bible.
Biology (ethology - the study of animal behavior) tells us that humans do not form perfect pair bonds. Neither are we a tournament species where males have harems of females. Our reproductive instinct is somewhere in between these two extremes. Human males and females both desire more than one partner.
Absent a natural instinct to form 100% perfect pair bonds powerful social taboos have to be established to enforce pair bonding. Nothing says a behavior is taboo like the death penalty. Adultery, homosexual acts, violating the sabbath, idolatry, blasphemy, taking the lord's name in vain or even saying the lord's name aloud all warrant the death penalty in the Old Testament--none of which we accept as reasons to kill people in the Judeo-Christian world today.
But the taboo remains. Religious indoctrination creates an enormous amount of shame, guilt and sexual repression. It is unnatural--a lie--and should be rejected.
The sooner people accept the truth that human pair bonds will never be perfect the happier they will be and the sooner the shame, guilt and repression of sexuality will become a thing of the past.
Daniel to Sam: "the general wisdom is there isn't just one person for each of us."