Feel guilty about getting with married men?

It's hilarious how this fuckstick talks about "respect is earned" when he clearly doesn't respect HIMSELF enough to not fuck married people.

I'll take his lack of response to my posts as an admission that he's just a punk-ass cheating piece of shit.
Highly unlikely outcome....."pure you will get whats coming to you " fantasy

I hope he gets caught.

I fucking hope so.

A lot of cheaters do. I've caught a few myself.
Wow....very impressive

Usually takes a trained psychiatrist multiple interviews.....a mmpi 2 test (about a .Hour and a half of questions).....ruling out diagnoses of schizophrenia. Bipolar and substance abuse.....often nueropsychological testing......

But you got the diagnoses in a few pages on posts on a dick forum!!!!

Oh, I'm sorry. Were you under the impression that use of a word equates to a medical diagnosis? Words like idiot, moron, and imbecile were once medical conditions but are used every day without being questioned for legitimacy. And "genius" also takes a lot of testing to confirm, but that doesn't stop lay people from using it.

So if you feel discomfort when jargon is bandied about by mere humans, I promise not to use it in this thread. Besides, @Tight_N_Juicy better summed this winner: he's a shit.
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Highly unlikely outcome....."pure you will get whats coming to you " fantasy

Of course it's unlikely....gun violence is exceedingly rare. You either missed the actual point I was making or are ignoring it because you feel some kinship with the shit and need to throw shade on me.

But regardless, his chances of meeting violence are far higher if he continues to engage in his behavior than if he were to, say, no longer be a shit eating bottom-dweller. [hopefully those terms aren't under ownership of the medical community....if so, then a thousand apologies].

And yes, I'm being a total douche to you for all that. Hopefully you'd still share a beer or a scotch with me if we ever met in person....
Hahaha....I think everyone is on to me....my troll game is weak....

On a side note...why all the hate for thick cock......instead of all the other posters....who..want sex with married straight guy...or married guys who use a cocksucker....or what ever jargon is being tossed around

Shit even in this thread...yet not a peep

I never feel guilty about hooking up. I did blow up a marriage once and that was totally UN-COOL. Had to balance some MAJOR Karma after that shit show.
Sex with Married men is awesome. They can throat fuck you and powerfuck a deep ass. Get all the frustrations of married life out them. At the same time as the receiver, you get steady no strings dick.
On a side note...why all the hate for thick cock......instead of all the other posters....who..want sex with married straight guy...or married guys who use a cocksucker....or what ever jargon is being tossed around

Shit even in this thread...yet not a peep

Because he appears disingenuous? His overall manner and tone? If I had to guess, I'd say *that's* why...
Hahaha....I think everyone is on to me....my troll game is weak....

On a side note...why all the hate for thick cock......instead of all the other posters....who..want sex with married straight guy...or married guys who use a cocksucker....or what ever jargon is being tossed around

Shit even in this thread...yet not a peep

Maybe because thick cock was the OP? Who said he came here for some feedback and then when he got it his own thread kinda went off the rails?

But to address your underlying point of your post, those two people you quoted are, IMO, shitty people too! ;)
Hahaha....I think everyone is on to me....my troll game is weak....

On a side note...why all the hate for thick cock......instead of all the other posters....who..want sex with married straight guy...or married guys who use a cocksucker....or what ever jargon is being tossed around

Shit even in this thread...yet not a peep

Because he wrote this:

"Lately I've feeling more and more guilty about the married guys in my life. I hate the idea of causing a family to break up."

And then spent the remainder of the thread basically saying he doesn't actually give a shit about someone else's family. He made no commitment to them, he isn't AS guilty, they didn't earn his respect, yadda yadda yadda.....
Because he appears disingenuous? His overall manner and tone? If I had to guess, I'd say *that's* why...

Also, it would just be falling on deaf ears, as it were. I've already stated in this thread and many others on here that I think people who cheat are scum. Whatever the genders of the people involved, whether married or just agreeing to be monogamous and then cheating, whatever. People who cheat, I hope every single one of you gets caught and karma slaps you. Hard.

Edited to add: Apparently it's really hard to just, y'know, be single and/or choose to be with people who don't want a monogamous relationship. And to not fuck people who agreed to be monogamous. : unamused:: unamused:: unamused:
I too have been both sides. I got married because at that time being gay and in the military was just not done. Beforehand I played with lots of guys. Afterwards I pretended to be straight. I knew it was a lie but we were consenting adults and it was safer to be straight. It was our decision. So I was that lonely married guy who knew he was gay and could not deny or ignore the desire to be with guys. It was my choice to seek guys. It was my choice to go to to the gay side of the nude beaches. I chose to go back to playing with men. It was my choice to sleep with my boyfriend. I did not force him, nor he me. We were two men who found love, acceptance, and yes amazing sex together. My ex found a lover and moved in with her. great for her. If there's guilt, its living the lie and being with a woman. That's on me and I accept that.

I am also the guy who comes across a guy who is looking to play, to sleep together, or whatever. I do not question his motive. I do not judge when I find out he is married. That is his story. If he's a decent guy and I am attracted to him, then let's play. If it stays at the sex level, so be it. If it turns to a FWB, great. If it turns out to be more than that, awesome.

I'll get off my soapbox now.
what....that makes no sense. Both parties what they're doing...just like two grown men having sex.
Also, people are absolutely not smart.
The wife I’m sure did not agree to it and as much as you want to deny you are apart of the problem. It’s oe thing if you didn’t know it’s another to purposely do it because ur more concerned about getting a nut and the eroticism of feeling as though ur changing someone don’t worry tho like I said ur gonna fuck with the wrong one and end up in a body bag. I don’t fuck with peoples homes, and if you think gay people aren’t killed over this kind of shit you’ve just been lucky. You don’t gotta feel bad but people get what they give so don’t you worry
I had an interesting and unfortunate experience where I hooked up with a guy who told me he was single, only to find out after doing a reverse-search on the phone number he gave me and then finding his Facebook page that he was married to another guy and had a little girl. He had also lied to me about his name, what he did for work and whose house we were hooking up at (he said it was his parent’s, but I believe it was really his and his husband’s). I confronted him about it over text and he said he wasn’t getting any at home. I told him that was his problem and not mine. My friend said the guy would probably just find someone else to hook up with regularly, but it made me feel so bad, especially the fact that he had a family. Basically I was an unintentional home-wrecker. The weirdest part of the whole thing is that he is an acrobat, I think a trapeze artist. He told me he was a real estate agent. Maybe he does both for all I know.
I too have been both sides. I got married because at that time being gay and in the military was just not done. Beforehand I played with lots of guys. Afterwards I pretended to be straight. I knew it was a lie but we were consenting adults and it was safer to be straight. It was our decision. So I was that lonely married guy who knew he was gay and could not deny or ignore the desire to be with guys. It was my choice to seek guys. It was my choice to go to to the gay side of the nude beaches. I chose to go back to playing with men. It was my choice to sleep with my boyfriend. I did not force him, nor he me. We were two men who found love, acceptance, and yes amazing sex together. My ex found a lover and moved in with her. great for her. If there's guilt, its living the lie and being with a woman. That's on me and I accept that.

I am also the guy who comes across a guy who is looking to play, to sleep together, or whatever. I do not question his motive. I do not judge when I find out he is married. That is his story. If he's a decent guy and I am attracted to him, then let's play. If it stays at the sex level, so be it. If it turns to a FWB, great. If it turns out to be more than that, awesome.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

"Both sides" is not all three sides of a triangle.

Until you've been the spouse living in blissful ignorance then smashed in the face with a baseball bat by a confession or by discovering the infidelity, you have no concept of the hurt your actions cause. Even if the spouse never learns of the cheating, he or she are being made the fool.
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The wife I’m sure did not agree to it and as much as you want to deny you are apart of the problem. It’s oe thing if you didn’t know it’s another to purposely do it because ur more concerned about getting a nut and the eroticism of feeling as though ur changing someone don’t worry tho like I said ur gonna fuck with the wrong one and end up in a body bag. I don’t fuck with peoples homes, and if you think gay people aren’t killed over this kind of shit you’ve just been lucky. You don’t gotta feel bad but people get what they give so don’t you worry
How about this....he's a grown man and he can decide for himself whether or not to cheat on his wife. I'm not at all involved in his marriage so it doesn't concern me. I'm not here to make moral decisions for others.
How about this....he's a grown man and he can decide for himself whether or not to cheat on his wife. I'm not at all involved in his marriage so it doesn't concern me. I'm not here to make moral decisions for others.
Well you are involved because he’s cheating on his wife with you? How does it not concern you lol if she finds out are you not than involved?