feeling really envious of other guys w/ bigger dicks

Then his situation doesn't apply to me? :joy: If his dick is >8", then that's simply not the same. And I still do work out - again, not the same.

And I'll add, like I said under my reply to @MisterB - I would like to change my mindset, but it just feels futile to do so. I lack so much compared to other men, how could I possibly be okay with myself like that?
The point is that guy is "better than you" by your standard and still sees himself as nothing. It absolutely applies to you but you're too narrow minded to see it. The problem is the mindset and perspective. You need to want to change your perspective. If we continue to interact from here I will just repeat that as that is the solution. Until you want to change and show efforts, then I am a broken record. Just as you are.
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Believe me, I would like to not think this way about things, but I really don't know how to. Every time I try to be positive or discipline myself, any ounce of improvement I make feels meaningless compared to where other people already are and where they have been :(.
Prove it. You say you dont know how to, we have said tepeatedly a million times how but you. Just. Refuse. To. Stop.

Stop saying you are literally nothing. Stop saying you have no value. Stop saying that if someone else can bring the same things as you but look better you are valueluess. My god man stop it! Thats how you start! Its the smallest simplest step! Note I didn't say you can't think it. We all have thoughts of doubt and insecurity. But it cements it in our brains when we say it aloud or type it out!


PROVE YOU WANT TO CHANGE! Make a deal with @MisterB Since you two have been talking. Go through the end of the month without saying you are worthless, valueless or cant bring value to anyone else as you are. If you DO say it again, you get a 30day suspension. Up for the challenge? Can you prove you want to change but dont know how? Here's how, put your money where your mouth is.
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The point is that guy is "better than you" by your standard and still sees himself as nothing. It absolutely applies to you but you're too narrow minded to see it. The problem is the mindset and perspective. You need to want to change your perspective. If we continue to interact from here I will just repeat that as that is the solution. Until you want to change and show efforts, then I am a broken record. Just as you are.
That's the thing though - me and him aren't in the same situation. It's like I were to follow advice from fitness content creators about body dysmorphia and comparing myself to other people, but they're fit while I'm not. I feel like I'm not really as worthy of heeding their advice, since they're in a way better position than me. They actually have visible abs for one thing!
Prove it. You say you dont know how to, we have said tepeatedly a million times how but you. Just. Refuse. To. Stop.

Stop saying you are literally nothing. Stop saying you have no value. Stop saying that if someone else can bring the same things as you but look better you are valueluess. My god man stop it! Thats how you start! Its the smallest simplest step! Note I didn't say you can't think it. We all have thoughts of doubt and insecurity. But it cements it in our brains when we say it aloud or type it out!

Easier said than done... :confused: And to be fair, just because I don't say that doesn't mean I won't think it to some degree or another.

PROVE YOU WANT TO CHANGE! Make a deal with @MisterB Since you two have been talking. Go through the end of the month without saying you are worthless, valueless or cant bring value to anyone else as you are. If you DO say it again, you get a 30day suspension. Up for the challenge? Can you prove you want to change but dont know how? Here's how, put your money where your mouth is.
I do not accept the challenge - I know it's straightforward in concept, but I don't want to slip and get my account suspended :skull:
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That's the thing though - me and him aren't in the same situation. It's like I were to follow advice from fitness content creators about body dysmorphia and comparing myself to other people, but they're fit while I'm not. I feel like I'm not really as worthy of heeding their advice, since they're in a way better position than me. They actually have visible abs for one thing!
Imma be honest, this came across as nonsense... I don't understand what you are trying to say.

Either way, it was obviously just another thing to say to dismiss everything. SMH
Imma be honest, this came across as nonsense... I don't understand what you are trying to say.

Either way, it was obviously just another thing to say to dismiss everything. SMH
My point was that advice towards self-acceptance couldn't necessarily be applied to me if it's geared towards people that have gotten themselves in a better position. For example, if there's content about body dysmorphia and self-acceptance by fitness content creators saying to put things in perspective, see how far you've came etc., that wouldn't necessarily apply to me because in perspective, I lack compared to those guys, and I haven't made it as far as they did in their fitness journey.
And to be fair, just because I don't say that doesn't mean I won't think it to some degree or another.
It's like you didnt even read what I typed. You had to have not read it. So now I see you don't even retain anything I say, just waiting for a counter. Almost like a contrarian.
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My point was that advice towards self-acceptance couldn't necessarily be applied to me if it's geared towards people that have gotten themselves in a better position. For example, if there's content about body dysmorphia and self-acceptance by fitness content creators saying to put things in perspective, see how far you've came etc., that wouldn't necessarily apply to me because in perspective, I lack compared to those guys, and I haven't made it as far as they did in their fitness journey.
You still just typed nonsense. Like there's literally a bunch of words and nothing makes sense.
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It's like you didnt even read what I typed. You had to have not read it. So now I see you don't even retain anything I say, just waiting for a counter. Almost like a contrarian.
Also my apologies, I forgot what you said as I wrote that reply
Are you even trying to understand what I said?
What does anything you said there shows that you aren't in the exact same mindset as my friend who is "better than you" by your own standards yet categorizes and sees himself exactly the same as you despite having actually worked out for years, got fit and muscular, objectively was good looking but hated himself, thought he was worthless and spiralled into suicide attempts.
What does anything you said there shows that you aren't in the exact same mindset as my friend who is "better than you" by your own standards yet categorizes and sees himself exactly the same as you despite having actually worked out for years, got fit and muscular, objectively was good looking but hated himself, thought he was worthless and spiralled into suicide attempts.
He's more deserving of giving himself grace because he actually got somewhere, unlike me?
He's more deserving of giving himself grace because he actually got somewhere, unlike me?
And he doesnt give a shit about that because he thinks he never got anywhere, just like you feel you haven't? Can you REALLY not see the parallel?
And he doesnt give a shit about that because he thinks he never got anywhere, just like you feel you haven't? Can you REALLY not see the parallel?
Him thinking that he got nowhere while ACTUALLY getting somewhere =/= me thinking I got nowhere while ACTUALLY getting nowhere. To clarify, I'm still working on my appearance / accomplishments / size, I just need to get somewhere with them.
Him thinking that he got nowhere while ACTUALLY getting somewhere =/= me thinking I got nowhere while ACTUALLY getting nowhere
Where did he get somewhere? Is the judge of what somewhere is solely your opinion? Does his not count for himself? Yours counts for yourself right? You think you havent gotten anywhere. You judge yourself as that being true. He thinks he hasn't gotten anywhere. He judges himself as being truthful. You both are literally the same in thought pattern. Only difference is you think you can set what means getting somewhere for him.

You see, he also started out like you. Amd no matter how much he "accomplished" in his eyes it was nothing. Just as you WILL feel about youself as you do now because thats what that mindset does. You need to change your perspective. That is your solution. But you have to want to change and stop looking for excuses to nit do it.
Where did he get somewhere? Is the judge of what somewhere is solely your opinion? Does his not count for himself? Yours counts for yourself right? You think you havent gotten anywhere. You judge yourself as that being true. He thinks he hasn't gotten anywhere. He judges himself as being truthful. You both are literally the same in thought pattern. Only difference is you think you can set what means getting somewhere for him.

You see, he also started out like you. Amd no matter how much he "accomplished" in his eyes it was nothing. Just as you WILL feel about youself as you do now because thats what that mindset does. You need to change your perspective. That is your solution. But you have to want to change and stop looking for excuses to nit do it.
If he got fit and muscular, and I have yet to do that (as per my verification photo), then...yeah. I haven't gotten anywhere while he has. And again, changing perspective is really, really hard. I'm not looking for excuses to do it - a lot of people consider being in shape to be the bare minimum or something that people are supposed to do, and I'm failing to meet that. How could I change my perspective when that is the case of how other people think?
If he got fit and muscular, and I have yet to do that (as per my verification photo), then...yeah. I haven't gotten anywhere while he has. And again, changing perspective is really, really hard. I'm not looking for excuses to do it - a lot of people consider being in shape to be the bare minimum or something that people are supposed to do, and I'm failing to meet that. How could I change my perspective when that is the case of how other people think?
What other people? Why can't you change your perspective. Dude im fucking 400lbs and have literal breasts from hormone problems. I was a virgin until 30. If I can change my perspective from being so fucking far behind you, then you can too! But you have to want to. You keep saying it is very difficult. But if you do the smallest steps like I said, it slowly gets easier over time!

Your literal last sentence/question is an EXCUSE!!

You can change it by trying! So far you keep saying you are trying to change your perspective by... doing the exact same thing that is causing the problems! You are resistant and refuse to even try!!
and I have yet to do that (as per my verification photo
Holy shit, do you know how much i fucking WISH i looked like that?! This is literally like you keep saying about all those guys who are better than you trying to give you advice but it doesnt apply because you are worse than them. I'm literally with no exaggerating a quarter as good looking as you by my weight alone and I can still take the advice and it applies to me.

Like seriously, anyone better looking than you cant get it bexause they got somewhere. What now? Anyone worse than you doesn't get it because... reasons?

I've also yo-yo'd weight and have my own problems to deal with. I'm objectively worse than you in just about almost every way and I still know I am not worthless or valueless. If you are valueluess and I am worth a quarter you are by physical attraction, then what the fuck am I? You keep saying you don't think that way about others. Give me advice! Tell me why I shouldn't feel worthless. You seem to always be in the right and have all the answers!
What other people? Why can't you change your perspective. Dude im fucking 400lbs and have literal breasts from hormone problems. I was a virgin until 30. If I can change my perspective from being so fucking far behind you, then you can too! But you have to want to. You keep saying it is very difficult. But if you do the smallest steps like I said, it slowly gets easier over time!

Your literal last sentence/question is an EXCUSE!!

You can change it by trying! So far you keep saying you are trying to change your perspective by... doing the exact same thing that is causing the problems! You are resistant and refuse to even try!!
It might be an excuse, but I'd argue it's a valid excuse. People make fun of people that aren't lean and muscular A LOT online. Changing my perspective would mean going against what I had always known, and I just feel like unlearning a mindset that I developed over 20 years is going to be pretty daunting (if even possible). And I already have tried, and it hasn't worked.
It might be an excuse, but I'd argue it's a valid excuse. People make fun of people that aren't lean and muscular A LOT online. Changing my perspective would mean going against what I had always known, and I just feel like unlearning a mindset that I developed over 20 years is going to be pretty daunting (if even possible). And I already have tried, and it hasn't worked.
You speak to me as if I haven't lived longer than you, and been in the same mindset as you for even longer. As if I didnt just reveal to you about how I look and have been this way for longer than you have been alive. As if I haven't met others who overcame this as well. And have seen why the few who don't, do not. I'm telling you how to overcome this and you just refuse to. This was the last straw that proved you are just looking for excuses.

Well, I'm done. I tried to empathize, reason and work with you but I got a brick wall. I'm done. Ignoring you so I can't get the temptation to help or respond. I refuse to keep trying to help someone who refuses to try. Of all the people I spoke to on these boards about this stuff, you have been the one of the most stubborn. Its willful by now. I gave the benefit of the doubt all this time but even you can't see its willful. I pity you because that means its a neurological disorder but you also won't figure that out unless your parents do something or until a traumatic experience happens.
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