Froy (teen wolf)

God I hate people sometimes.. imagine having this amount of time.. he posted tons of comments like this. And people still ask themselves why gays stay in the closet. I feel bad for Froy because he is a genuinely nice guy.
well, maybe, you don't understand the rules of the old studio days, the moguls shaped and promoted the actors/ 'contract players' into stars.........this was often set in motion by the publicity department...and it worked very well, because, the ticket buying public ate it all up.

things are different long contracts/ maybe ryan murphy, could be described as a 'star maker', but these kids have nothing on the stars of old./, each actor and his/her manager has to scrounge up publicity............and it really has to be some good stuff, to make the over saturated public interested..........example ,the rise of the kardashians was based on kim's sex tape/ i think, yuck/ but it worked and momma created a whole brand out of 'scandal and rumors'.

so, froy is benifiting from this richard madden publicity...he's getting dicked by a doll......and when it is allover, he can deny the whole thing...........and maybe, have moved a couple of steps up the ladder to real fame. as for me, i hope he plays this well, he seems like a beauty...a starlet of the future.
well, maybe, you don't understand the rules of the old studio days, the moguls shaped and promoted the actors/ 'contract players' into stars.........this was often set in motion by the publicity department...and it worked very well, because, the ticket buying public ate it all up.

things are different long contracts/ maybe ryan murphy, could be described as a 'star maker', but these kids have nothing on the stars of old./, each actor and his/her manager has to scrounge up publicity............and it really has to be some good stuff, to make the over saturated public interested..........example ,the rise of the kardashians was based on kim's sex tape/ i think, yuck/ but it worked and momma created a whole brand out of 'scandal and rumors'.

so, froy is benifiting from this richard madden publicity...he's getting dicked by a doll......and when it is allover, he can deny the whole thing...........and maybe, have moved a couple of steps up the ladder to real fame. as for me, i hope he plays this well, he seems like a beauty...a starlet of the future.
i really think froy is more talented than everyone thinks i have faith he will be bigger in a couple of years
well, maybe, you don't understand the rules of the old studio days, the moguls shaped and promoted the actors/ 'contract players' into stars.........this was often set in motion by the publicity department...and it worked very well, because, the ticket buying public ate it all up.

things are different long contracts/ maybe ryan murphy, could be described as a 'star maker', but these kids have nothing on the stars of old./, each actor and his/her manager has to scrounge up publicity............and it really has to be some good stuff, to make the over saturated public interested..........example ,the rise of the kardashians was based on kim's sex tape/ i think, yuck/ but it worked and momma created a whole brand out of 'scandal and rumors'.

so, froy is benifiting from this richard madden publicity...he's getting dicked by a doll......and when it is allover, he can deny the whole thing...........and maybe, have moved a couple of steps up the ladder to real fame. as for me, i hope he plays this well, he seems like a beauty...a starlet of the future.

Well, one thing's for sure. Madden already had a similar experience with the press. So he knew how they'd cover it. He asked Froy to move in with him. They both basically knew what would happen. So it's not up to me to decide motives. But it looks like either they were too hot to wait until after quarantine to date more quietly, or they wanted to be semi-outed, or one or both wanted some press attention.

Don't worry, I'm not criticizing you, it's just Perez is so annoying, I'm fine with you

That's ok, I didn't think you were criticizing me. I just didn't want you to think I was posting it because I approve of Perez. :)

So Froy's teeth - has he just had them whitened, or are they veneers? (His teeth did used to be less bright white, it's not just the quality of the top picture.) By the way this is a really good screen shot considering it was a zoom meeting. I thought Froy's camera was better than most of the rest. It's pretty high def.

So Froy's teeth - has he just had them whitened, or are they veneers? (His teeth did used to be less bright white, it's not just the quality of the top picture.) By the way this is a really good screen shot considering it was a zoom meeting. I thought Froy's camera was better than most of the rest. It's pretty high def.

I mean... He is living in a 4 million house with daddy Richard, I think he can afford a high definition camera haha
are those nude pics real? who leaked them?
The same conversation again? The photos are real but of very poor quality that some seem to think may be hesitant. They also talk about Froy's body and his face. In an amateur and poor quality photo, people look many times very different compared to good photos well done for an actor.
Here is Froy clapping back at that weathered troll Perez. Sweet & Spicy. View attachment 17053571

Do you think it means he watched Perez and say the comments? I never watch or read Perez, literally only when he features a singer I like or something and this time because someone linked to it. He didn't say anything negative about Froy or Madden though.

I watched the entire reading event live. Froy's translucent blue eyes were the reason i became mesmerized with this kid. Pics from zoom don't bring that out.
I know. They're pretty when you can get a look at them. The eye rolls got me.





Tho he said nothing negative, I guess it could be the fact of HIM talking about it. Perez has outted several closeted public figures on his website back when it was relevant. Dude has mile long rap sheet of being utterly problematic. He also touched on JoJo Siwa (underage) and the rumors of her sexuality in that same video above.

Either way it’s good to know the sweetheart can defend himself against the worst of Hollywood.

Do you think it means he watched Perez and say the comments? I never watch or read Perez, literally only when he features a singer I like or something and this time because someone linked to it. He didn't say anything negative about Froy or Madden though.

I know. They're pretty when you can get a look at them. The eye rolls got me.





Tho he said nothing negative, I guess it could be the fact of HIM talking about it. Perez has outted several closeted public figures on his website back when it was relevant. Dude has mile long rap sheet of being utterly problematic. He also touched on JoJo Siwa (underage) and the rumors of her sexuality in that same video above.
Either way it’s good to know the sweetheart can defend himself against the worst of Hollywood.

I get it, Perez is trash. But for the record he was hesitant (pretend-hesitant, anyhow) and said I guess it's okay, other sites have reported it. He didn't play it up. Also raved about Madden's looks, not Froy's. So I question his taste.

All Froy did was like a tweet dissing Perez. I wouldn't call that defending himself.
Froy has always been aware of social issues and been a real lil sjw as one should be, it's not surprising he'd be fully aware of PissHilton being a fucking creep. Whether he liked that bc he talked about him and Madden or bc of the other various shit Hilton did, we'll never know
Froy has always been aware of social issues and been a real lil sjw as one should be, it's not surprising he'd be fully aware of PissHilton being a fucking creep. Whether he liked that bc he talked about him and Madden or bc of the other various shit Hilton did, we'll never know
Can't tell me Froy didn't know when he moved in with Madden he wouldn't be the subject of gossip bloggers. If you want to be famous it comes with a price tag. And anyhow I don't picture him being miserable about getting some fame.

Maybe liking that tweet is more about just not liking Perez in general.
liking someone else's tweets is as much clapping back as flipping through the pages of a book is reading.
clapping back would mean he actually tweeted something out. this is just the typical "celeb doesn't want to tweet something about it either because they don't want to get pulled into the drama or because they don't want possible negative attention from what they said so they're just gonna like things their fans tweeted out". if you don't check his likes you'd never know his sentiment on the matter