Have it your way we could continue to discuss on this topic for thousand pages without reaching a conclusion and honestly Man I've neither the time nor the inclination to do it cause neither of us will convince the other otherwise. I can only conclude that you think there are no people who don't want to declare their sexuality or if they exist do you think they are an irrelevant number? well good for you everyone has the right to have their opinion by how unreasonable it is . The fact that you wrote me the survey data doesn't answer the question ("How do you explain the fact that over the years the percentage of people who identify as bi/gay increases?"). However, for the sake of argument let's say that 100% of those questioned answer honestly, what about all LGBT people who don't participate in the survey because they don't want or simply because they're not selected. You have to consider that much depends on the number of people involved. Anyway, since you think that logic of arguing that there could be a higher percentage of gay/bi people is, as you say "a tired and desperate narrative", be aware that it was found that in surveys carried out online in anonymity, these numbers increase considerably (you can believe it or not). Again I'm not denying that the percentage of heterosexual people is in the majority. Just read on the internet (even Wikipedia) to understand that when it comes to sexual orientation, taking a survey becomes complicated for various reasons in addition to the discretion factor.
For example, there's a difference between sexual and romantic attraction or sexual attraction and sexual behavior. Finally there's not much sense, you saying "no proof exists that it is unreliable" vice versa i can tell you the same thing "no proof exists that it is reliable", the circle keeps turning .
That tells me that your answers aren't objective.
I also noticed that I'm not the only one who's debating this topic with you and who thinks differently. Reading your replies in this thread and others I have the impression that you're more obsessed with the idea that everyone desperately wants to discredit or even erase the image of the straight man.
Having said that, as far as I'm concerned we should end this conversation right now because I don't feel like to continuing arguing unless someone else wants to do it instead of me.
By the way, I didn't using large letters to make my point more valid. When I published the reply it came out this way, i don't know why.