If You Post Photos But Aren't Verified Why Not?

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Perhaps also make a slight adjustment to the guidelines. Requiring men to show "full frontal nudity" compared to women being required to "show only enough that you are female" seems a little unbalanced. As much as this is a penis site, perhaps allow the men to show just the required level of nudity to prove that he is a man, similar to the women's requirements. I've never understood why there's a difference in the level of verification. Just a suggestion.

Right but I understand it seeing how many guys here are dickfishing. Full frontal nudity shouldn't be obligatory tho...

I've been a member over 10 years and I'm still not sure how to get verified and I had NO CLUE it came with a hold membership lol...
Process was obscure and not obvious. And in the verification thread, for a while seemed overly picky, with perfectly good verification shots with “LPSG” being rejected and requests for re-do’s with “LPSG.org”. At that point I lost interest.
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Didn’t know it came with a gold membership. Thanks for sharing. I’ll get it taken care of ASAP!
I've been coming across a lot of great photos and albums posted by users that aren't verified. So I wanted to ask for those of you that aren't verified why not?

Also, did you know getting verified comes with a Gold Membership?

How do you get verified?
I don’t understand it either. If you post pics anyway. Holding up a sign and showing your dick (not your face) gets you gold membership and access to all media.... why you wouldn’t verify seems dumb but that’s just me. Lol
I don't want to attract creepy attention. I only have public photos because I got an obnoxious message from a moderator. I use a feminine avatar, and my writing (I believe) is very obviously authored by a woman, I really only want to interact with people here who are active participants on the forum. Choosing not to list my gender nor to verify my account attracts fewer men just looking for any random female to use as a masturbatory aid.

It is ok to be selective with your own Process. Your avatar cracks me up
I looked at it after reading your writing first because I find interesting people interesting. That's just me tho I know we are all very different :)
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Everybody on here is looking for attention, an ego stroke, or a masturbatory aid. . . .

There's no problem in that. That's why we are here!
False. I can speak for myself; I don't need some man I never even heard if to speak for me. I recommend you learn to speak for yourself only.
I've been coming across a lot of great photos and albums posted by users that aren't verified. So I wanted to ask for those of you that aren't verified why not?

Also, did you know getting verified comes with a Gold Membership?

I was verified but had my verification taken away by the previous owner. Can we get that rectified?
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False. I can speak for myself; I don't need some man I never even heard if to speak for me. I recommend you learn to speak for yourself only.

That's fine, go seek attention on your own terms.

No problem with that.

Posting, in its pure form, is seeking attention and to be seen/heard. If you cannot agree with that, then we disagree.
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