If You Post Photos But Aren't Verified Why Not?

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That was not my intended meaning with my post. I suppose one could read vague symbols in such a way and it might be valid.
Which explains my illiteracy with emoticons. Too may possible meanings.
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I've been coming across a lot of great photos and albums posted by users that aren't verified. So I wanted to ask for those of you that aren't verified why not?

Also, did you know getting verified comes with a Gold Membership?

@Mr. LPSG this thread has been going for a bit I’m wondering what conclusions have you drawn from all the post here? Are you considering any changes to the process of getting verified? Based on what’s been posted are you satisfied with the current process?
I was verified but had my verification taken away by the previous owner. Can we get that rectified?
I would like to help support you through this lpsg
But I see my progressive quips are for naught in this pedantic group of antagonists.

Perhaps I should not have lunged into the den.

Carry on; Adieu.



AWE snap no you didn't really just hit them over their little heads with
pedantic.....did you?
If so, DAMN. Welcome and hello!
....runs and hides
That's not possible. They are diametrically opposed views, such that both cannot be simultaneously true. Seems like disingenuous ass kissing.

I like reading up on CBT. It teaches how to hold two diametrically opposing ideas together and admire them from afar....or up close

It's all in the eyes of the person who is doing the admiring anyways from my perspective at least.
I've been coming across a lot of great photos and albums posted by users that aren't verified. So I wanted to ask for those of you that aren't verified why not?

Also, did you know getting verified comes with a Gold Membership?

Yes....I encourage everybody to get verified. :no_mouth:
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