I am going to skip over the semantics because it is rather silly. Lets get to the point.
Dating is by itself a process of discrimination. You have to discriminate in order to decide/whateveryoucallwhatmakesyiurpantsonfire who you go to bed with. Discrimination means the ability to tell things apart. In this case who tickles the head you dont use to think and who doesnt.
So if you dont like fat women or tall guys, you are discriminating against them.
If you discriminate based on race, it has a name. Its called racism. Despite the fact that this term conjures images in your head of lynching and burning crosses, it is also a word with a pretty simple definition.
If that word is too stinging then try this: once you decide (eg in your case your penis decides) not to approach someone based on external characteristics such as race, you are prejudging them. This is prejudice. If you dont ever talk to fat ppl then you are prejudiced against them. If you apply this to race and you just would never approach or talk to a black man, then you are prejudiced against blacks. Thats it. As they say in my country, esto no pare mas. This cant give anymore. There is no way around it.
Thats the whole point of this thread and your argument. Is it racist to have a racial preference? Yes, by definition it is.
also, not having sex with someone is very different from “not approaching” someone, or not giving them a job, or housing. If you’re going to equate the two, then you are conflating rights and liberties.