It is a tangent. You have been going around in circles about this.

Here is the Google definition of racism:

Note the clause "typically ... minority.."

Here is what systemic or structural racism. This is what that video is talking about:

My question still stands unanswered. If dating requires one to discriminate and if that discrimination is based on race, how is this not racist? All the elements are there.

If you dont discriminate based on race, why do you feel the need to defend those who do?

racism presupposes a violation of that which all people should be entitled to. All people are NOT entitled to join you in bed.

All people ARE entitled to things such as equal opportunity employment, housing, treatment in the legal system, etc.

that’s why I say who you choose to be intimate with is a very loose definition of “discrimination.” I mean, surely you agree that is a much different type of discrimination than not allowing someone a job or housing because of their race?

as far as defending them... I defend their freedoms—specifically their freedoms to choose who they wish to be intimate with—one of the most personal and sacred freedoms we have.

Because once you infringe upon that, you basically open the doors to saying “if you don’t sleep with me, you are committing a hate crime.” Sounds far fetched, I’m sure, but some places have already made it a legal offense just to call person by the wrong gender—and that’s a travesty itself.
Third, you should be more worried and feel sorry for those who have been hurt by these racist attitudes. I dont give a rat's ass anymore but I do remember how it felt when someone clearly and openly discriminated against me because I was not White and how I felt reading those MySpace profiles with guys saying they were White interested in Whites... just disgusting. Why did they even had the option of specifying racial preference?

this right here all boils down to rejection, and how well you handle it.

we’ve all been rejected before. I’ve been rejected more than my share of times in the past—even for being a white guy when the person wasn’t looking for white guys. Sure it stings. But you get over it and move on.

Just because your skin color is different than mine doesn’t mean your rejections are any worse or more tragic, and therefore deserve special attention.
Only people with lack of common sense will say that only white ppl can be racist. IMO this is part of the whole White fragility complex. Anyway, this post was in fact started by a latino so yes blacks, latinos, martians and vulcans can be racist.

My definition of discrimination is not loose. It is the dictionary definition:

  1. recognize a distinction; differentiate.
    "babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion"
  2. make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, sex, age, or disability."
(Source: Google).

Again, when you discriminate based on race, it is racism. As I said, you can try your best, but there is no way around it.

To be clear, I am not calling you racist. But I do think you are trying too hard to defend a point that you deep down may not even share and clearly dont fully understand and a point which is, frankly, indefensible.

Also, I meant to point this one out earlier... you say that it’s not a loose definition of the word “discriminate.” Looks at the very first definition you posted... you even highlighted the words in it... DIFFERENTIATE, specifically.

I acknowledge there are different races because I can differentiate the different races. According to your definition, anyone who acknowledges that there are blacks, whites, Asians, etc. Is racist, since they are able to differentiate the races. If you’re going to agree with that statement, then you have water down the word “racist” beyond any use for meeting.
I acknowledge there are different races because I can differentiate the different races. According to your definition, anyone who acknowledges that there are blacks, whites, Asians, etc. Is racist, since they are able to differentiate the races. If you’re going to agree with that statement, then you have water down the word “racist” beyond any use for meeting.
Define "blacks"
Define "blacks"

Black people.

Really, get over the semantics.

What do you think I mean in the context when I say "You have blacks, whites, Asians, etc.?"

You sound like youre just LOOKING for a reason to be offended now.
Black people.

Really, get over the semantics.

What do you think I mean in the context when I say "You have blacks, whites, Asians, etc.?"

You sound like youre just LOOKING for a reason to be offended now.
I really dont know what you mean because visually you're looking at a wide i ask you to define
I really dont know what you mean because visually you're looking at a wide i ask you to define

what kind of spectrum? A spectrum of skin color?

I’m genuinely not sure what you’re asking for.
Also, I meant to point this one out earlier... you say that it’s not a loose definition of the word “discriminate.” Looks at the very first definition you posted... you even highlighted the words in it... DIFFERENTIATE, specifically.

I acknowledge there are different races because I can differentiate the different races. According to your definition, anyone who acknowledges that there are blacks, whites, Asians, etc. Is racist, since they are able to differentiate the races. If you’re going to agree with that statement, then you have water down the word “racist” beyond any use for meeting.

I am actually fine with that implication. In an ideal world, one would not discriminate at all even at the unconscious level. In fact, I think that is precisely the issue I have with the use of the word race. It totally grinds my gears.

As someone else said there is but one human race.
this right here all boils down to rejection, and how well you handle it.

we’ve all been rejected before. I’ve been rejected more than my share of times in the past—even for being a white guy when the person wasn’t looking for white guys. Sure it stings. But you get over it and move on.

Just because your skin color is different than mine doesn’t mean your rejections are any worse or more tragic, and therefore deserve special attention.

Thats not what I said.

Being rejected because of your ethnicity or race feels very different.

You clearly have 0 idea what I am talking about.
I am actually fine with that implication. In an ideal world, one would not discriminate at all even at the unconscious level. In fact, I think that is precisely the issue I have with the use of the word race. It totally grinds my gears.

As someone else said there is but one human race.
I agree... The problem, though, with the machinations of racism, is, that at least for the African Diaspora, Black stopped being simply a racist moniker and became a unifying beacon for peoples robbed of their culture, history, and their names. Whiteness is what it always was, a way for a status quo to place themselves in a spot of prominence, Blackness is what we had to collectively cling to from a foundation of deception, disenfranchisement, and displacement orchestrated by various Europeans that decided they were gang gang...
I agree... The problem, though, with the machinations of racism, is, that at least for the African Diaspora, Black stopped being simply a racist moniker and became a unifying beacon for peoples robbed of their culture, history, and their names. Whiteness is what it always was, a way for a status quo to place themselves in a spot of prominence, Blackness is what we had to collectively cling to from a foundation of deception, disenfranchisement, and displacement orchestrated by various Europeans that decided they were gang gang...


You know, I should have just replied to his post with "Bingo!" and left it at that.

I guess I should be proud of myself for having him reach this conclusion all on his own. I think they call that Socrates method.
Also, I meant to point this one out earlier... you say that it’s not a loose definition of the word “discriminate.” Looks at the very first definition you posted... you even highlighted the words in it... DIFFERENTIATE, specifically.

I acknowledge there are different races because I can differentiate the different races. According to your definition, anyone who acknowledges that there are blacks, whites, Asians, etc. Is racist, since they are able to differentiate the races. If you’re going to agree with that statement, then you have water down the word “racist” beyond any use for meeting.

weren’t you technically classifying yourself as black when you posted that photo of Amandla ?
Thats not what I said.

Being rejected because of your ethnicity or race feels very different.

You clearly have 0 idea what I am talking about.

I’ve been rejected for being white when the other person isn’t looking for someone white.

I know 100% what you’re talking about.

And I’m capable of saying “it’s ok, I’m not their type.”
QUOTE="Fishsqueezee69, post: 50943591, member: 4911161"]I am actually fine with that implication.[/QUOTE]

then you are racist, I am racist, everyone who agrees BLM is racist.... hell all of mankind is racist.

Congratulations, you just redefined the word “racist” to mean “human.” And yet, here we are with none of our problems solved.

As someone else said there is but one human race.

There is one human SPECIES, actually.

when someone says “we are all one human race,” it is a layman’s colloquialism as a way of saying we are all one kind, and United in some way because of it.

The sentiment is nice, but not sure it’s 100% accurate, at least scientifically.

race =\= species.
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classifying myself as black? Or her as black?

is that a typo?
I’m referring to this

hell, if you want to get technical, even I’m mixed. We all came from Africa, right?

nonetheless, I’m sure even your constituents who normally agree with you would disagree with your statement that skin color is so cut and dry. Skin tones definitely overlap between all races.
No, I meant classify yourself as
I’m referring to this

Oh ok. In that case, no I don’t classify myself as black. I still classify myself as white.

I just acknowledge that it is an undeniable fact that we’re are all of African descent.... as in, all of our ancestors came out of africa.

I also acknowledge that although I am white, and there are are black, brown, Asian, Etc as well, we are all still very closely related, as we are ALL descendants of the same people that came out of Africa.
This thread has gone LEFT! Lmao

Choosing not to have sex with and/or get into a relationship with someone because of their race and/or ethnicity is NOT forced oppression.

If I choose not to date a White man, I am neither oppressing him nor infringing on his human and civil rights.

This is all true regardless of someone’s prejudice or racism.