and that’s fine, if they want to argue that she’s not black, that is their prerogative.
What I find very interesting is that there are more people of ALL races who would be OK with the notion of her being black, but they wouldn’t be as complicit with the notion of her being white.
as far as the one drop rule, I know most of my ancestry, but not all of it. If I were to find out tomorrow that there was a black person somewhere deep in my ancestry, then I too would fit the one drop rule. But I still would not consider myself black, and I don’t think many people in the world would except the notion that I am black, even if they were privy to the fact that there was a black person in my ancestry.
there is no denying that me and Amandla look very different, and that she fits the physical profile for A black person more closely than I do.
so even the one drop rule isn’t so black and white ( come on, give me credit, this is a great pun). There are definitely grey areas.
take this guy for example: he is a white supremacist who was outed on national television for having black ancestry. He fits the one drop rule, but he is not black. He is white.
Still a pretty funny clip, LOL