I only used the world technically because you are ignoring his genetic makeup to classify him as white. When he’s actually both. Yes, his phenotype is that of a white man. But I would and do argue that isn’t 100% accurate. The problem with the logic you’re using in your counter argument stands on the notion that everyone is treated fairly. Which they aren’t. Phenotype and genetics are correlated with race, but humans only use phenotype when categorizing us all. That isn’t accurate or true.
Ok, we have established that you believe the man is both white and black. Thats fine--lets run with this for now:
So since you agree that he is now a black man, does this mean he cant be racist, since black people cannot be racist?
Do you believe he should be eligible for affirmative action, since he is black?
If youre the type of person that believes black people should receive reparations, do you believe he is entitled to reparations, since he is black?
If you believe its only ok for black people to use the n-word, do you believe he should now be able to use it without any form of social repercussions?