Jonah Falcon World's Largest Dick

Since he´s on this forum I don´t understand why he just doesn´t end this discussion by showing a pic of his hard dick with a ruler next to it. That would end all discussions ;)

But since he doesn´t do that (and of course he has the right not to do it), he must accept that not all of us believe that he really has the biggest cock in the World. I personally think I have seen a few ones that were bigger (maybe not personally, but in porn). But it´s hard to tell when I have never seen Jonah with a hardon :D
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please not again


There are many guys on here that far surpass Jonah's famed "large wiener".
Nothing against Jonah, but he's just one of many with a big dick.

And to my knowledge, there have been none of him erect other than here-say. So, he's got a whopper flaccid penis that's good for cocktail parties.
(If there are, feel free to post them...)
Really? You haven't seen the pics? He has been on an HBO video about penis' and has several pictures floating on the internet (Soft and Hard) Just google it.

Woaw - a member since 2007 and this is your first post... :rolleyes:

Guess "someone" is reviving this thread - wonder who :wink:
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Lol, I know, do you think he has multiple fake accounts and when he feels people aren't talking about him any more he uses one of them to resurrect some tired old thread about him?

LMAO - oh, why didn't that ever cross my mind... :rolleyes:
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A few years back i remember seeing jonah on cam on yahoo chat. He had put a paper towel beside his dick and still had inches to spare. Also did the baseball bat hand thing 3 hands and then some.

Doesn't mean anything. I've seen guys (Bignlong comes to mind) who can fit 4-5 "fists" on their penis. It's easy to do when your definition of a fist is four fingertips scrunched together in a fleshy bouquet. Even still, I've seen guys who can fit 3 plus TRUE fists on their penises, even 4. But they are not 10+ inches. It means zilch in terms of an accurate measurement.

As for the paper towel roll thing, it's very easy to put your dick up to a paper towel roll from the side pressing against the thigh or at a funny angle on a fuzzy cam feed and make it appear like it's longer. Not impressed.

That flaccid shot a few posts up looks even smaller than most of what I've seen of him.

Here's a measuring photo of his "flaccid" while he's sitting down and stretching it between his thighs, yet still can't muster anything over 6-7 inches "soft" without the tape measure 2 inches above his pubic bone. Far from his 8-9.5 inch flaccid claim.

What a clown. He really needs to disappear and stop getting his name mentioned.

Many people say he gets hated on because of jealousy. Nothing could be further from reality. I for one hate this guy because I feel like he arguably carries as much guilt as a single person can in terms of endorsing and adding to a culture of "fantasy inches".

As I do with all my Jonah Falcon posts, I strongly urge anyone who is curious about him or anyone who believes his claims to message "thirteenbyseven" on here (who's username is a knock on Jonah). He has all the details I am far too lazy to go into depth about right now.

Jonah Falcon Naked | Naked College Girls
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Breaking News: Jonah Falcon Inducted Into The Penis Hall Of Fame!

Jonah Falcon To Become Penis Museum's Most Outstanding Member (NSFW) Note: This includes a Meet The Press type interview with Jonah at the hallowed halls of the Huffington Post. Seated to Jonah's right is Huffington Post Weird News editor Buck Wolf.

For a MLB baseball player to be voted into Cooperstown is one thing or an NFL star to find his way into the NFL Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio is another, but for a phallic celebrity to be accepted into the Phallological Museum in Reykjavik, Iceland is quantum leap to a higher level of enshrinement altogether. People have been covertly attempting to ferret the secrets of John Dillinger's penis for decades from the bowels of the Smithsonian to no avail. But sometime in future- hopefully after circa 2070 or thereabouts- tourists can flock to Iceland and view for themselves the mighty organ of Jonah Falcon.

Lets hope the display is better than the Rasputin-Penis-In-A-Pickle-Jar exhibit in some remote corner of the museum.
Jonah needs to put up, or shut up. Literally. He has created some sort of bizarre side show freak out of himself, by talking to the press. But he has never shown it, other than whipping it around, trying to 'helicopter' length out of it. I remember back on the Howard Stern show, years ago, he went on a 'whats my secret' type segment. . and Howard and the gang just laughed at him, because of his frantic pulling and tugging on his pumped up tube of soft flesh. They need to stop. Or measure on video. Otherwise, just stop.

Please don't resurrect dead threads on basically dead people.

The photo is an old photoshop floating around the web and not Jonah.

How do I know?

I've asked 2 men personally who have had sex with him, and both say it is not his penis, and just a photoshopped picture making its rounds across the internet that somehow got attached to Jonah Falcon.

The 2 men were "CardiffDillon" on this board, and the gay porn star Kieron Knight.

So, no. it is fake and not Jonah's penis.
I never comment like this but, does anyone really want that guy or his penis ?
I know I wouldn't touch that guy with a ten foot pole, he is a mess.