Kit Connor

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Maybe because people still get abused and even killed because of their sexualities? Maybe because several societies still actively discriminate against LGBTQ people? Any actor prepares for their roles in order to make it as realistic as possible. Kit, also has to talk about the queer community, representation, coming out etc in talk shows. It is not an unreasonable demand that actors playing certain roles should also be aware of the background of their characters and their place in the world.
You're taking sexuality way too seriously. Unfortunetaly, people get abused and even killed for different reasons; but if someone is interested in equality they are gonna support and respect others simply because we are all equally worthy of dignity and respect... not because they've been oppressed, attacked, judged or whatever. I do think I understand the emotional side of it, and you may not know this, but in the real world a lot of non-heterosexual people couldn't care less about "communities", "representation", "coming out" or any of those things, that's not the case of every single person out there but it's still something a lot of people can relate to, so saying an actor does have to learn or talk about all of that stuff simply because they're gonna play a non-heterosexual character is as unrealistic and impractical as saying an actor has to learn a lot about racial segregation simply because they're gonna play a black characters. Taking sexuality so seriously is divisive and... weird.
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